How long had he been wandering these halls? It seemed like it has been forever. All the while, it all seemed the same to him. This place was decrepit, falling apart. Shun couldn't find any real way out of this place, either. All the doors along this hall were broken. He couldn't open any of them.

What was possibly worse was that he knew he was dreaming. And yet, for some reason, he couldn't get himself to awaken. No matter what he tried, the dream stayed the same. And so he traversed down this broken and busted hall. He had no idea how much time has passed in reality. It was never really possible to tell that sort of thing.

At one random door, he grasped the handle and attempted to push it open. The knob merely broke off, and the door remained firmly shut. Locked, perhaps. The Reaper sighed, then attempted to kick it open. The effort came with no avail, unfortunately. He bounced back, stumbling into the door across the hall. A soft curse was uttered under his breath as he regained his balance. Once that had happened, he paused. Something about the corridor had shifted.

It took him only a moment to realize that he was now standing upside down. The moment this realization hit him, he crashed down to the 'ceiling' of the hall. Grunting lowly, he pushed himself back up and dusted himself off. With a huff, he went on along, now walking on the ceiling of this wretched place. The doors themselves, had not changed.

After a little while longer, he attempted to open another of the doors. The knob turned, but it seemed like the door was still stuck in place. He soon saw why. It lacked hinges.

This was beginning to get frustrating, and he was nowhere closer to finding a way out than he was earlier. With a low hiss, he looked around, trying to see if there was something he had missed during his time here. Unfortunately, the way he came looked just about the same as the direction he was headed. If it were not for the fact that he had been traveling in a straight line, he might have thought him to be going in loops.

Then again, it was a dream. He could very well still be doing that.

Crouching down, he took out a part of the light fixture in the ceiling, then hurled it down the path. Oddly enough, despite the way he had thrown it, the object just sort of drifted down in that direction. Gravity seemed to have no affect on it. Eventually, it continued on until he could no longer see it. Just as he was about to move on, something smacked him in the back of the head. This was followed by a crashing noise. Whirling around, he turned to see what it was, only to find the very same lightbulb he had thrown, now laying in pieces at his feet.

"Kuso..." he hissed.

He really was trapped.

Closing his good eye, he went on and attempted another door. Maybe. Just maybe.

To his surprise, this one actually opened up. He stood in the doorway, uncertain of what was to come next. He had been wandering for so long, that he wasn't sure what to make of this. Slowly, he entered the room, which was just as dilapidated as everything else in this dream. Something stood out to him, though. With a tilt of his head, he approached a small nightstand of sort. Something was resting on top of it. Unlike everything else thus far, he wasn't really able to make out what it was. Something about the dream was preventing it from taking shape. Or perhaps it was simply preventing him from being to see it for what it truly was.

With a hint of caution, he reached out to take it...

The Reaper's good eye snapped open, and he found himself back in his room. Mitsu was there besides him. Looking around, it seemed like the pumpkin sun hadn't quite risen just yet. With a low grunt, he shifted to go back to sleep, but he realized there was something in his hand. Lifting it up, he went to take a look, pausing as he now saw a handgun in his grasp.

"What the..."

There was something about it that told him that this was his. There was power in this thing as well. He just wasn't really sure what that meant yet. Setting it down onto his lap, he went on and called his daggers, just to be certain this wasn't... that. And sure enough, both of his normal blades came to him easily.

It just didn't really explain where this thing had come from in the first place...