User ImageNessiaing
Olentri was still fuming when she came back from her little mission out. It had been successful they had learned of some prides in the area and had gotten close enough to collect information. The red leopard who had gone out with her had even been pleasant enough to be around. But the fact still remained the same, Olentri DID NOT need an escort. She may be a petite female but she had been learning to fight as soon as she was weaned off her mother's teat.

She moved into the pride lands, walking as if she was on a mission. Though truth be told she had no mission she was just pissed off and stomping around made her feel better. She also was mildly concerned about going home there was a possibility that Gaige would have gone and told her father about their conversation and although Olentri had no qualms about telling her father the truth and standing up to him she kind of didn't want to deal with her dad if he was in a bad mood anyways, it would require too much energy and right now that energy was being used being mad.

Dwn'r often hid in the shadows, watching over the pride as it ran. It was running smoothly so far. It was relaxing, watching the milling about as they worked. It was part of her work to watch the others. It took her a bit by surprise when she heard a grumbling and stomping. Her ears flicked forward and she let herself watch the young lioness for a moment. The pride was small for the moment, and she prided herself on knowing everyone's names.

The Leopardess made her way down, giving a small hum to alert the younger female of her presence. "What angers you, young one?"

Oh Great Olentri stopped in her tracks. The last thing she needed right now was another conversation with the leadership of this pride. She turned and saw Dwn'r coming her way. Olentri pasted her lips with the smile that showed no emotions. Not only could Olentri fight but she also be stoned faced.... as long as she didn't get too mad.

"Hello Dwn'r I didn't mean to disturb you." she said sweetly. "I was simply going over the time I spent out in the rogue lands recently." she said in a calm and cool voice. She didn't know where Dwn'r would stand on the issue but she wasn't feeling like another argument.

User ImageSeaki
Dwn'r could almost laugh, but she settled for a smile. "Is that so?" She asked. "You looked pretty angry not too long ago." Dwn'r had a daughter - a very stubborn one that carved out her own path. She knew how it went. "Do you want to tell me what's bothering you?" She had heard, briefly, what Gaige had mentioned on the issue. Frankly, she thought it was a bit much, but she saw the merits of Gaige's argument, but she hadn't actually spoken to the young one about it.

It was Dwn'r job to solve problems. Unfortunately, Gaige seemed to cause about half of them.

Olentri watched Dwn'r closely contemplating what she might say or do. THe leopardess seemed like she genuinely wanted to know what happened. Olentri took a sight with a "hrmf". If Dwn'r wanted her opinion than Olentri would give it.

"I was on the my way out of the pride, nearly to the borders when Gaige came along. He asked me what I was doing so I told him that I was heading out into the rogue lands to do some reconosense on the other prides around us. He stopped me and demanded to know what I was doing." As Olentri talked her voice got louder and louder.

"I was honest and told him and he demanded that I have an escort which is complete bull. You know who my father is and I may just be a snoop but I am better trained fight than have the ventures in this pride. Plus a snoop can work better on her own, it's a lot easy to sneak around when not accompanied by a large bright red leopard." she stopped talking and looked directly into Dwn'r's eyes almost daring the older female to disagree with her.

Dwn'r glances around for a second to make sure the lioness's small rant did not attract any attention. "Gaige is special, and has his own ideas about certain things." Dwn'r started.

"He probably still sees you as a child, but you're far from it." Dwn'r kept her voice calm. "Come walk with me and we can talk."

Olentri let out a sigh of relief. It was nice that Dwn'r was willing to listen to her. If truth be told Olentri had learned a bit on the outing with Shaitani but Olentri knew that she would have been able to handle it all on her own. After all Shaitani hadn't actually participated at all not until they had made it till the leopard colony. It was a time save that he had been there so that she didn't have to go back to the pride to get a leopard to come back out but really it had all been good. "How do I prove myself if he won't give me the chance. I have trained harder than just about anyone in the pride since I was a newly weaned cub. I never had a childhood I was raised as a mercenary. Not many others in this pride can say that, other than my siblings."

"I won't lie, it'll take some time to prove yourself. He gets stuck, sometimes, seeing the young and children. It'll take something to realize you're an adult now," Dwn'r said as she walked with Olentri.

"If he won't let you leave the pride on your own, just come find me and I'll talk some sense into him, how's that sound?" Gaige would listen to her. She wasn't the second in command for no reason after all.

Olentri beamed she couldn't believe how well her talk with Dwn'r was going. She realized quite quickly that making friends with Dwn'r could mean a great future for her in this pride. It couldn't all be about brute force after all there had to be some political game as well. It was the political aspects that Olentri lacked and she had to stay making up ground now while she was still young, perhaps one day she could even lead this pride herself.

"Thank you Dwn'r you have been wonderful to me. I shall keep you offer in mind." she said. She paused her step turning to the older leopard. "I really should get going though I haven't seen my father since I have returned to the pride and I am sure Gaige has spoken to him, I best go do some damage control." she said with her coy little smile. Playing her father was something Olentri had learned from a young age, now she just had to figure out how to extend those skills out across the whole pride.

Dwn’r gave a small smile, nodding. She was glad to help the young one. She was young once too. She thought the lioness had the potential to rise up high in the pride given the chance. Olentri reminded Dwn’r of her own daughter, Atama.

“Good Luck,” Dwn’r chuckled. She turned and went along her own path, disappearing back into the shadows to observe the pride.