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Sabra Knight
Caradoc walked slowly through the jungle. Unlike some who may complain against the sticky heat the lion was mostly used to the feeling. In fact some days he actually enjoyed it considering the memories of colder climates that once had cut into his bones. As expressionless as always the lion found his solitude comforting as he made his way through the pride lands. Another challenging thing he enjoyed was the danger of sudden rains. Anytime it was heavily raining the lion secretly rejoiced.

He did enjoy some water here and there after all.

So when the sounds of the Kokari waterfall tickeled his ears the lion's maw flickered into a rare smile. Ah. Feeling the cooled air already he moved to get closer to the tumbling waters. This was a good break away from all of the sawbones with their million questions of which herbs were best and how to fix this and that broken bone. Even while being a teacher at heart the currently lone butcher did like to give his ringing ears a break. So many questions...too little time.

Painted Moose
Astvatsuhi had been with the mercs long enough to see the area for what it was; beautifully dangerous. Like much of their forces, there was a subtle enchantment about the vicious landscape. To the untrained eye a misstep on the slick paths crossing behind the Kokari could mean a long, drawn out death. As she passed from one landing to the next, the lithe cheetah reveled in the pressure of the water pulling the world down with it. Even from here she could feel it's intensity; who wouldn't get chills thinking about it?

She was just close enough to the side of the waterfall to make out a moving shape, and when she pulled herself out into the open she recognized the shape to be Caradoc. From her cliff side perch, ever so close to the water, Astvatsuhi watched him. My oh my, what a sight~

Sabra Knight
There were some really good herbs here. A bit of this one would do wonders for numbing a wound...Caradoc cursed silently under his breath as he pulled back. This was not why he was here! I'm going to enjoy this waterfall, dammit. He needed a break from all of the healing. Constantly mercs were coming in for their wounds...always training and brawling.

He had known when he signed up for the role that it would be big, but was it such a hassle to ask for a break? Just an afternoon free. His paw scattered a few loose rocks as he moved closer to the falls. Could he just disappear inside of here? Caradoc's gaze gleamed as he looked towards the waters.

Even despite being a healer more so than a fighter the once rogue had to take a moment. What was this feeling of being watched? Surely ....well yet he was in the pride. No reason to be paranoid if someone else is here. IT would be their loss to want to fight him after all. Who would bandage the wounds then?

Painted Moose
Suhi's brows rose while she watched the lion. He seemed offended by something near the water. Perhaps his own reflection? Pity, it wasn't that terrible. What are you up to, my furry friend? Since she blended in so well with the water, the limber cheetah knew he wouldn't see her easily, which added a depth to her spying.

If she stayed there much longer he would become overly suspicious or worse, see her. Then she would have to make up some work related excuse blah blah blah. Boring. Or she could do something fun... Rising up, she back to her original hiding spot behind the falls. Wiggling her rump, Suhi stepped forward and leapt through the water straight at him.

Sabra Knight
Something really was sending shivers down his spine. Who would be around here? Maybe someone had followed him for more questions? Sighing Caradoc barely had enough time to look around before the cheetah flew right at him. Gaze widening the lion found himself slipping backwards on the moist ground with his new cheetah attachment.

"Are you crazy?" Rolling over he nearly veered on the edge before gripping his claws back into the ground. One, two, three....heart rate is more shaking... Catching his breath he looked over at the cheetah with a huff, "You uh decide to train by flying now?" He questioned slowly recognizing one of the chiefs of the pride.

Painted Moose
"You can't prove that I am." Suhi grinned. The cheetah leaned back, casually laying against him as if it were the most normal thing in the world. "Big guy like you could have survived the fall. Just a bit of water and rocks; no worries." Shrugging, Suhi decided to get up, and when she did she didn't go far.

She obviously knew her stuff on the battlefield, but few knew her personally. Probably for the best, considering how odd she was. Not that Suhi was going to admit that, oh no. "How come you aren't working? You usually are. I didn't know you knew how to take a break."

Sabra Knight
Caradoc frowned. From one troublesome situation to the next. He didn't move as she laid against him and only chose to close his eyes instead. Her comment, however, rose a chuckle out of him, "I'm sure I could have survived...just with a few more bruises and scrapes than I care for."

As she moved the lion stretched out and looked up towards her, "Personally I chose to heal for a reason. You all can keep that bloody fun to yourselves." Caradoc's tail swished behind him as he actually took the time to find the damp ground comfortable. he truly had been standing on his paws all day.

Blinking he glanced back towards her, "I didn't think I knew how to either. Obviously I had to try somehow." Another rare smile flickered across his features, "Else I might have gone crazy today. Bad enough I already dream of taking care of you crazy rogues, I figured a break was needed for my own health." But dammit it really was hard. Everytime he saw something...was healing really all that was on his mind?

Painted Moose
Suhi shrugged her slender shoulders, and looked at him with bright eyes. "Suit yourself. It's alot more fun when you can get rough, but only when things aren't too rough. I'm not into that kinky s**t." Some of her brethren were, and considering their occupation, that was more than a little appropriate. She guessed, anyway.

She smiled back to him and flicked her tail so that it slid between her forepaws. "It was a valiant effort, and I'll commend you for that. I have a better idea though. What are you doing this evening? If you're free you should meet me top side, above the falls, just before the sun goes down." She flicked her ears, listening for a sound that wasn't really there. Perhaps that was a partial side effect of fighting one too many battles, but Suhi was constantly on alert. Every little sound, every little noise...she might have chosen to smile through it instead of growling, but she was prepared.

Although, now she was prepared to relax. "What do you say?"

Sabra Knight
Caradoc raised an eyebrow, "Oh is it? When you tend to have to patch up after all the 'rough' moments, you lose interest. Unless you count holding down another to bandage some oozing wound as rough." He had plenty of experience doing that. One thing was certain Caradoc was no gentle healer. After all if he was too gentle half of the pride owuld try to limp on their way! Talk about all of the gimps he would have to deal with then...

Frowning the lion looked over at the cheetah, "You know most of those offers end up in fighting." He replied before finally standing with a yawn, "But you have my interest. If I'm still alive by tonight, we'll see." Caradoc nodded towards her, "Just don't be too rough, someone has to stay functional to bandage up you guys after all." A slight teasing glance was in his gaze before he turned to look down towards the ground, "I'm afraid to ask what it is you have in mind shall I leave it to surprise?"

Even as work oriented as he was the lion was surprisingly more social than expected. A bit gruff on the outside, but not impossible.

Painted Moose
"Oh come on, Mr. Grumpy Fur." Reaching over, she playfully punched him on the shoulder, giving into one of those cheesy smiles that was meant to brighten faces out of sheer stupidity. It may have worked, had she not used such a patronizing tone of voice. It was almost as if she were talking to a cub.

"No fighting. Cross my heart and hope to die." She went through the motions with a claw. "I think you'll really enjoy it, actually, so I'm going to keep it a surprise. I'll let you think on it for a while; let your big brain run over all the little niches first." Standing, she flipped her tail from betwixt her legs and moved up through the stone pathways, pausing only to look down once. Suhi called out, "Don't forget! Even if you're dead I'll drag you up there." She smiled and disappeared into one of the many tunnels surrounding them.

Sabra Knight
Caradoc could only shake his head as the cheetah disappeared into the tunnels. Just what have I gotten myself into this time? Sighing the lion turned away as if annoyed, yet the smallest of a smile showed on his maw. He probably should get back and get some work done so he could make it back here later.

Else he really might just be dead later.