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Olentri had been getting more and more daring as she got older. While she was just a cub she had spent time finding place she could hide and sit an d listen to others. Now that she was an teenager she was daring to go up to the borders and get use to seeing what was out there. She was a snoop she needed to do all she could to collect infos.

Today she was heading towards the borders determined to find the closest pride to them. SHe wanted to see who and what they were. Her father had taught her well on how to defend herself as such the young female didn't even think twice about heading out into the world. No one could mess with a daughter of Xeadas.

Painted Moose
Gaige was adjusting to his new role as well as could be expected. Time had passed, cementing him as the true Big Papa in this pride of mercenaries, and now he found himself taking that position to heart. At first it had been a need to posses and control; now he wanted more.

The Kuuza were neither flourishing, nor were they floundering under his reign; they were merely existing. He needed to change that. Gaige was beginning to understand that connections with outside prides was what made the Kuuza strong. If they had no one to fight for, then what good were they? Passing through the dense jungle, Gaige was ready to call it a day on his rounds when he spotted the younger female. "What are you doing?"

Olentri's ears flattened back when she heard her the male speak out. She turned quickly to see Gaige the leader of the pride. She quickly put a smile on her face. Unlike her father who tried to get his way with brute force and intimidation Olentri knew that sometimes a sweet smile was all that it took.

"I was just looking at the borders. Preparing to head out on a trip to see what pride's we have around us." she answered coyly with a smile that could drop a weaker male to his knees.

Painted Moose
She might as well have been smiling at her own reflection for all the good it did her. Gaige was an odd male, one prone to intense mood swings and cannibalistic tendencies. He wasn't naturally aggressive, however, just...odd. All he could see was the cub this female used to be, and it made her an irritant to him. An important one, but an irritant never the less.

He really needed to work on his people skills.

"Is that so?" He lifted a brow, and cast his gaze out into the dense jungle. "You're too inexperienced to go on your own. I don't want to see any of my own killed unless by my own paw. You'll go with another; one of my choosing, so that your skills can be evaluated."

Olerntri let out a long sigh, she was not accustom to giving in to anyone elses demands, not even her fathers. She had been taught to be strong and independant. Her father had demanded a lot of her and her siblings as they grew up but none the less Olentri had had a back bone from the day she was born and much to her father's astonishment she had no problem saying no to him. Sure she had recieved a slap here and there becuase of it but it only made her strong.

"I assure you that is not necassary. Surly you know my father and must know that I have been trained well." In truth Olentri had been sneaking out to the borders to see a boy since she was a cub, of course she had never been caught. The girl knew how to sneak about when she needed to be. Sure she could fight and win, even against those who were bigger than him. But despite her abilities she prefered a different way about things, it was better to not get caught at all than to have to fight your way out.

Painted Moose
"I don't give a damn if you think it's necessary or not." Gaige told the adolescent point blank. He moved closer to her, looking down at the lighter female with his critical gaze. His instincts were screaming at him to beat submission into her, but that wouldn't benefit anyone. Her confidence might have been a desirable trait and that stubborn nature might have even been sexy if she hadn't turned it on him.

"Perhaps I should have a talk with your father. Surely he knows enough to listen when his superior gives an order." Leaning forward, Gaige lowered his head so that he was eye level with the female. "You can go, but only if you go with an escort of my choosing. Is that understood?"

Olentri stood tall and proud. She was frustrated and her instincts told her to keep fighting. However she knew that it was a loosing battle there was no point to fighting Gaige he was the leader and there for it meant she had to abide. Her pride was somethign but until she was sitting in Gaige's shoes she would have to adided.

"You can asign whoever you wish to come with me, but I can assure you that no matter who you choose I will be a better fighter than them. Not to mention you will be hindering my abilities to be stealthy." She said look him directly in the eye. She stood and waited for his final ruling, she was going to listen but she wasn't going to like doing it and she would be sure to let him know he was wrong.

Painted Moose
"If your tongue remains that sharp around me, I can personally assure you that you'll never leave this pride unescorted for the rest of your life." Gaige clucked his tongue. "Your job isn't to fight; it's to listen. Snoops gather information, and bring it back here. If you can't do that with another Snoop around, then I'm sure you can be replaced."

When Gaige rose up to his full height, a disappointed fury had taken hold of his features. "We have no place for little girls who can't follow orders or play nice with others. You mentioned your father earlier. Allow me to be the first in pointing out exactly why you'll never measure up to him as you are now. Xeadas is a vicious b*****d, but I can trust him. Can I trust you? Can I trust that you'll follow my word, and keep us safe? Or will your pride ruin us all?"

Olentri kept her head high but held her tongue. She had already told him that she wold be escorted, she also knew that the escort would be useless to her. "I am my father's daughter." was all she allowed to pass through her lips. She recognzied she had said enough, he clearly wasn't going to listen to her, might as well seal her lips so she could get this over with.

"I shall await her for your escort." she told Gaige taking a seat. She dreaded whoever would be sent she was sure she had pissed Gaige off enough know that he would send some a*****e her way but none the less she had to do this so that he would learn that she needed no one. She may be a snoop, but that didn't mean she couldn't fight like any other member of this pride, just becauase her job wasn't primarly fighting didn't mean she wasn't just as well trained.

Painted Moose
"Yes, I can see that." Gaige mused. He assumed that if Xeadas hadn't been old enough to remember the gruesome manner in which he had taken his position that Xeadas would be just as hard to deal with. Which might not be all that different from now, honestly.

She would learn one way or the other. He didn't doubt her abilities; Gaige knew that Kuuza youths were trained with deadly precision. This girl needed to think. A spies greatest assist is the ability to blend in, and bend the minds of those around them. Straight up opposing the leader of her pride was not a good start.

But she would learn.

And he knew just who to teach her.

Gaige moved away from the female without giving her a second glance, keen on finding the male for the task.