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[PRP] Nice to meet you? [[Teleri Lindāi and Daisuke]]

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Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:57 pm
This is a Private RP between ~Latonia de la Courtel~'s Teleri Lindāi and Kara Asumie's and Daisuke. No one else is allowed to Post Please and thank you.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 1:26 pm
Daisuke was out walking about on a patrol about the area as he isn't sure just what to do at the moment. He knows that will the herd being mainly of his brothers that it is safe no matter how far he is from it. That might not be the case when babies come to be or when the herd grows to a bigger number so Daisuke is taking this time to enjoy himself. While he can that is. Stretching out his wings as he wanders about the lands he has found himself in. Taking in the sights of this area that he hasn't been in before. It was a pretty area that was for sure as he wonders if dangerous things lurk here or if he will run into a pretty mare to flirt with. There was nothing like flirting with a beautiful mare to make the day worth recalling at a later date. Well for him anyways. He was someone that liked to flirt with the ladies and sometimes this got him into trouble but he didn't mind that much. After all as long as he didn't get himself into danger that he couldn't get out of then it was all fine.

Stopping a moment as a running stream in order to get a drink as he has been walking for a while now. Bending down isn't an easy thing for a stallion his size. He is a tall standing stallion and the huge wings just add to him looking bigger then he is at times.

WC:: 258

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:20 pm
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Delighting in the mostly clear sky with its cotton-fluff clouds, the white mare executed a spiraling dive as she searched for a place to land. Her preference was a place with water, as she she'd been gathering much of the morning. With three pairs of swift wings Teleri found she could travel faster than many of her friends and kin with fewer. As such, when gathering for the Flock she usually sought the furthest most point, then slowly made her journey back as she obtained the herbs and supplies she sought.

A mid-day break to drink and rest would do a great deal in ensuring she felt fresh enough to make a speedy return. Still, the day had been a productive one and her spirits were high. With a few gather pouches slung about her neck or over her shoulders, she had obtained many fresh herbs and mushrooms to augment the herd's current supplies. She even had a small carry pouch with decorative stones and crystals, which she would use when making ornaments for her friends later.

'A drink and a quick rest, and then perhaps a few more mushrooms by the old oak before I return to Flocklands...' Teleri thought with a final tilt of her wings and gave a few capering steps before coming to a gentle halt. "That should be enough for the day I thi-"

She trailed off abruptly, noticing a large stallion to one side of the clearing, drinking from the stream she herself had come to visit. "Excuse me, I did not realize anyone else was here."

Kara Asumie

Wordcount: 263  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:03 pm
Looking up at the pretty white mare with more sets of wings then he has ever seen on another before. Watching her for a moment as she then speaks to him. "No need to say Excuse me. You didn't do anything in which that would be needed to be said." His wings folded in and to his sides as he straightens himself up and standing tall as he in now more in the clearing. Then he stretches out his wings for a few before folding them in again. "I have never seen one with wings like yours before. They are super pretty. But wouldn't it be hard to fly with so many wings?" He didn't see her flying or landing. Seeing at that moment in time he was drinking from the water. "Oh how rude of me. I am Daisuke. Though some call me Dai. What might be your name? Miss. I bet it is as beautiful as you are." He knows his mother would be every upset with him if he was rude to anyone that wasn't an enemy or dangerous creature.

He smiles towards her as he didn't move to close to her. Even if he is a flirt and charmer. His mother and father did teach him manners not that it shows with some of his brothers. But thanks for him they aren't here at the moment so he can show this pretty mare all his good sides.

WC:: 241

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:00 pm
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Though Teleri's tone was polite, she treated the stranger to a cautious evaluation, remaining well out of reach as she considered him. Though she was familiar with the clawed feet of her flockmates and the hooves like her own, the large paws were unknown to her and made her hesitate. She had known another with paws, once upon a time, but they still were not like his. That stranger had been different, and dangerous, which made her more wary about this meeting. His wings too were large and impressive, well suited to his size. Though her wings were many in number and her bearing proud enough, he still seemed to dwarf her even at a distance. But she would not be afraid, for she was a child of the Flock.

"Striding into a clearing already occupied is poor manners, whether this place is yours to call or not." She returned lightly, shrugging slightly as she watched him straighten and his wings flare.

The gesture struck her as something similar to the posturing she had seen before, but she would not rise to it. Instead she kept her three pairs of wings folded and orderly, her body language quiet as he made two statements that she was unsure how to respond to until he followed it with a question.

"They are a legacy of my sire, myself and both of my sisters have them. I have heard rumors there may be others, but we have not yet crossed paths." She replied, inclining her head faintly. "I thank you. And no, they do not cause me any difficulty in flight, but then, I have never known any other way? A friend of mine has only two sets, he once wondered the same thing."

It rather amused her that was one of the first things strangers wondered of her, but at least today she had a reply of her own.

"Your wings seem quite large, though they suit your size. Were they unwieldy when you were young?" She returned lightly, flicking her white tail. His compliment came as a surprise, making her flick her ears forward and then back. "I... It is a pleasure to meet you, Daisuke, and my name is Teleri Lindai. Many find it easier to call me Teleri. You may also, if it suits you."

She was not sure how to react to his flattery, his words different from those offered to her by the males of the flock or those she had come to call friends that lived outside of it. His words were, pleasing.

"Is this land yours, or that of your herd?" She questioned, worried she had inadvertently wandered into claimed territory. Though the Flock had many warnings for their lands, she did not know the custom of other herds and had no way to know if things she had passed were actual markers for territory or nothing at all. "I am rather far away from territory I consider familiar. If I intrude it is by accident."

Kara Asumie

Wordcount: 501  
PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:38 pm
"I was right your name is just as beautiful as you are. And I am sorry for my poor manners. Hard to keep manners straightened out in a herd over ran by males. But I was taught manners very strictly by my mother. Though she and my father aren't with the herd at the moment." He bows to her but stays in his spot and does not get closer to her. He knows that his size and paws make others feel uneasy. So for now he will stands in the spot that he is in as he straightens from his bow. Though his wings will be moved from time to time. "Well my wings feel heavy when they are still for too long but aside from that they aren't really all that unwieldy even when I was young. But I do have to move and stretch them out from time to time to keep them from weighing me down or at least feeling like that. Although it happens move when I am standing still. If I am moving I don't notice my wings too much."

Smiling a bit as he listens to her. "No I can't say that this land is mine or my herd's. We are like a wolf pack in a few ways. My herd travels a huge amount of land as our territory. But seeing we share it with other herds. We don't stake any claim to any one spot of land only what we are traveling on at the moment. While my herd isn't close to here now we sometimes are in this area. I hope that answers your question." He points out as he watches her and stretches his wings out again. It wasn't like his herd didn't have a territory they just didn't stake full claim to it. They would help protect the herds that they can across from time to time and only if they had a friendship with said herd. Others they just left alone. That whole you mind your own and we will mind our own. He and those in his herd liked it that way.

"So your home is far from here. Then can I ask you why you are so far from your territory?" Daisuke wonders a bit as he watches Teleri wondering just why a female would travel alone. He wouldn't let the females in his herd travel without a familiar at least. Daisuke was taught that females are to be handled with care. This means that they are to be kept from danger. So seeing one travel by themselves has his mind wander at thoughts like what if something dangerous attacked them. That thought alone would make him unable to sleep if the female was in his herd until she returned safe and sound.

WC:: 467

~Latonia de la Courtel~
Sorry to quote you twice had to fix some typos.

Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 11:33 am
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The way he complimented her name and appearance was different from the appreciation stallion showed in the Flock. As the higher power, mares were held somewhat in awe, which lead to stallions speaking with caution when addressing them. They might compliment her, but it would certainly be presented differently. However, out here stallions were freer to speak their minds, which apparently led to some very fine words when they were so inclined. It was, rather nice.

"You are most kind, I thank you for your compliments." She replied kindly, wondering if his parents had gone wandering or possibly left to start their own herd. It wasn't her place to ask, but the possibilities were interesting. "Is that so? Well then, I think your manners are nice enough, if you've no ladies to practice using them with. A credit to your mother's instruction, I trust."

At the flick of his wings her eyes darted to the motion, following the movement even as she listened with interest. The wingspan would likely be of interest to the Flock, though she didn't see him or any of his kin finding their way to Flocklands. "They just seem like even when you were young they'd be somewhat large for a foal to deal with... Though I suppose it is all in context, like learning to fly with many wings rather than just one set."

It was a relief to hear that this land didn't belong to a herd, though she was somewhat intrigued by the concept of a herd that claimed no direct lands. The idea of wandering instead, of a band that roamed freely within a territory made a certain sort of sense. It would ensure the herd did not overly graze, moving throughout the territory and allowing the land to recover or easier absorb the impact of their presence. It was a good approach, when one could not pool the resources to hunt and forage throughout a wider range to avoid unnecessary stress on the environment.

"Yes, that is most helpful." She agreed with a faint smile. "An interesting approach to herd life, though it does make a certain kind of sense as far as the wellbeing of the land around you. In this way you are sure not to damage the territory by over grazing or over foraging? I imagine it affords the land time to recover and even host more than one herd. It is very considerate of your herd leaders."

The question about her wandering was not a surprising one, so Teleri merely smiled when he asked. "It is not so mysterious as all that, truth be told. I am prone to wandering. I tend to go as far and as fast as my wings can carry me, to see what can be seen before I must return home. Soon enough the Flock will need me, but until then I like to explore."

Kara Asumie

Wordcount: 483  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:51 pm
Daisuke looking at her as he nods. "You are very welcome my dear. And yes credit would go to my mother." He smiles a bit as he wonders just what his mother and father are up to at the moment. There was nothing he could do for them if they are in trouble not that, that is likely seeing his father is one of the best fighters he has ever known. So he isn't all that worried about them. They needed to be on their own for alone time together after raising six boys who are all hyper in their own ways.

Hearing Teleri as he looks at his wings. "I guess they were a pain to deal with when I was a foal but I got use to them after a month or so. Then it got a lot better and easy to deal with once use to the weight of them. I am like a flying owl. Huge in size with great wingspans. Or that is how my mother put it from time to time when she would brag to others about the wings her six sons had. Though I would have rather been an Angeni like my mother was. But all six of us boys take more after our father in looks." He points out.

"My mother and her friends learned a lot about the different lands in their travels before our herd was formed. She chose to make a herd that would respect the lands and be always in motion so that we don't damage the lands when our herd gains numbers. So even when I took over as herd leader I thought we should keep to that way of life." Listening to her answering the question about wandering. He smiles. "The love to explore is a nice one. If you are ever hurt and need a free lance healer. There is one that roams the mountains well mostly in the Secluded Grotto and down into the Big oak Grove is where he can be found. His name is Shiro. He does a lot of healing for any herds that he comes across." He points out just in case she is ever injured and is in need of one.

After all knowing about free lance healers is a plus when you are in need of someone like that. He smiles. "My herd is also the helpful type when it is asked of us. That is also something that is a good to know. My herd won't start a war unless there is no other way around it. My mother hates war. She hates seeing those around her get hurt and even die. So we keep to her teachings."

WC:: 452

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:52 pm
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Because it was again so unlike her home, Teleri couldn't help but take note of how easily the endearment rolled off the stranger's tongue. Daisuke called her things like 'lovely' and 'my dear' without batting an eyelash. Like every word he spoke was truth, like they were friends just like that. What was even stranger was that Teleri enjoyed it, finding something like relaxation suffusing her limbs. Gone was the urge to bolt or the wariness that she might have to fight, and instead she merely found herself enjoying the conversation.

"She sounds like a fine role model indeed." The white mare returned, smiling faintly.

Her own mother was more focused on her art, but Teleri supposed some of what she learned about how to conduct herself had come from Vanmoriel. More of it still came from her grandmother and the rest of the Flock, of course... But they seemed to favor the 'it takes a village' approach, and it meant foals lacked nothing in terms of instruction. Teleri herself had taken great delight in shadowing the artisans, drunk in every music and dance lesson she could, and even spent time among those that used herb to heal, tracked the stars, did much of the hunting and gathering, and whatever else she could shadow and learn. Just because her eyes didn't work the same as everyone else's didn't mean she'd let it make her weak.

"So you did grow into them, and then they grew with you..." She nodded faintly, drawn back to the conversation at hand. "Still, they are quite lovely. Perhaps your mother will be lucky with her next children, and they will bear her wings to give her pride? Still, I think that there are more important things to take from our parents than wings, and as I have said, you are a credit to her. She is surely proud of you as you stand."

Teleri swiveled her ear as she listened to how Daisuke's mother had created her herd, how she prioritized the land and taught its value to her kin. It was an honor then that they continued to follow her teachings even as the mantle of leadership passed, rather made her want to meet the mare, truth be told.

"That is most noble and conscientious of you." The white mare murmured, smiling faintly. "I confess the sound of a moving herd, even within a declared territory, sounds very interesting and exciting. Like having many homes, and never finding the need to feel homesick."

She eagerly made note of the Healer, committing it to memory and rather wishing that the birds that had taken to joining her wanderings were here as well. Solace in particular had a head for maps and details, and would easily know exactly where Shiro dwelled should they ever have need of him. Even if he was no friend of the Flock, maybe he would be willing to help some of her wandering friends, should they have need.

"I thank you for the information. I have not been that far before, but I know of several friends with no herd or family that like to travel whenever they may. As fate one day may send them in his direction, it would be good for them to know that such a healer was available. I myself have only been to the foothills near the mountains, and that was a long time ago... Still, I will be sure to seek him out should I be in that way." She shrugged faintly. "It is, not common that the Flock does without me for so long, but I dislike saying 'never'."

The mention of a helpful herd was also uplifting, though it made her want to gently guide her sisters in another direction when they were on hunting trips. The Flock was good about avoiding taking those that would be missed, but the reaction was something like a gut instinct in Teleri. She didn't want her friends to lose freedoms because they had caught the Flock's attentions. And Daisuke with his magnificent wings would surely be of notice.

"I know many wanderers that travel throughout, so I am glad they would not be targeted in a war by your herd. As for my Flock, they do not tend to wander so far as I... They are more localized in their travel, specific in their prey. I do not think your herd would draw their notice, thankfully." She shifted slightly on her red hooves, glancing at him from under her forelock. "Have you met any of the Flock before? Or any of those that call themselves harpies?"

Kara Asumie

Wordcount: 786  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:29 pm
Daisuke can't help himself but say things like 'lovely' and 'my dear'. These are things his father called his mother and at the time they were inprinted onto Daisuke his mother was really the only female about the area. This was before his half sister joined them so now all females are 'lovely' and 'me dear' or even 'my lady' in his mind. Sometimes he will also use words like sweetie, love, hon, and even sugar. But he tries not to use those four after his half sister told him that some females might not take to those ones as kindly as the other ones.

"Yes my mother was role model on an epic level." He smiles as he continues to listen to her. Nodding as he smiles. "My half sister is from my mother and has the angeni wings like my mother does. But yes maybe next time father and mother have more offspring then there will be more angeni wings in the bloodline. And yes mother has always told us that we are her pride and joy. That is something that won't change in her eyes."

Daisuke laughs a bit. "Thank you. I would not have had it any other way then the way my mother taught it. So keeping her teachings and everything she and father valued was very important to me." Listening to her as he smiles more. "Yes it is hard to be homesick when one has many homes. It also gives us places for each season of the year so that everyone is comfortable and doesn't need to be too effected by the weather. After all some are sensitive to things like weather."

Smirking a bit as he hears her say thank you. "Oh no problem at all. Shiro is very helpful and the only ones he won't help are those are to kill him. But I understand him with that one. It would not make a lot of sense to heal one that is going to turn around and kill you." His ears flick a bit as he listens closely to her words. "Well it is nice to have a herd that is in need of you or has need of you. I don't think I would be able to handle herd life if I wasn't needed for something. I would not care even if it was only something small. As long as I was needed then the herd would be more like a home. Not sure if that makes sense at all."

Nodding once more as he smiles. "Well it is nice to know that my herd will not draw notice to itself. I would rather keep all the members as safe as I can no matter where we are traveling. And no I have never met any who said they were from the flock before or those calling themselves harpies. Not sure if my brothers have though. One day I will have to ask them. I am interested in knowing." He laughs a bit. "But I try not to be the overly protective and annoying big brother so if it isn't reports on things involving the herd I normally try not to bother about personal stuff."

WC:: 535

~Latonia de la Courtel~
Sorry if I quote you twice. Needed to fix something

Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:25 pm
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Teleri nods in understanding when he states his mother played a key role in his life and served as a role model. It made a certain kind of sense, though she was intrigued by the picture he painted of his sister and wings and his brothers closely resembling him. She and her two sister had arrived to their mother with three sets of wings each, all the more interesting considering Vanmoriel had no wings to speak of. But then, their father was a spirit, or so the story went... So perhaps it was not at all surprising, and merely the way of such things.

"It is nice to know that she loves you so deeply." Teleri murmured, her smile soft and faint. "It sounds as though your family and your herd are very close. That must be a wonderful way to grow up and to live, knowing you can rely on them to lift you up or comfort you no matter what you may face."

His mention of homes for the seasons made her tilt her head, imagining it for a moment before she nodded along. "Yes, I imagine that too would be quite an advantage to have. It is probably also easy to find locations where you can best enjoy a view for a lovely sunset, or a dry place to curl up in and watch the rain fall. Such things are relaxing to me, I imagine you've probably picked out your favorite places for such activities, within your territory. It must be wonderful indeed."

Her ears flicked forward as he spoke of the healer, and she had to nod in understanding. It was a simple policy, and one she didn't blame the stallion for in the slightest. "No, I cannot imagine that one would heal a predator or stranger that desired to turn around and harm them once their strength had returned. I would like to think that most would have enough honor to spare a life when that individual was responsible for saving their own... But I know that is not always the way of the world."

One of her white wings gave a twinge, and she unfurled and stretched them all without thinking, settling the black and white limbs back against her sides once the ache had passed. Still, his comments had her nodding in agreement. "Yes, I agree that having some way to give back to the herd, some role or position makes you feel more at home. Not necessarily that you are earning your keep, but at least giving back to those that support and aid you. It is a good feeling, of companionship and belonging. The Flock is very keen for us all to have roles, to aid our fellows in any way we might. Whether it be through the hunt or gathering or sharing of art, we can all help each other."

The fact that he had not met others such as herself was not too surprising. They tended to stay within their territory and capture those that encroached. "As long as you heed the boundaries, I do not think it will ever be a difficulty. But sometimes those that were once among our number can wander, and you might one day find yourself in a position to trade or talk with them. We have many skilled artists and craftsmen, and many knowledgeable masters in a variety of tasks. Perhaps one day they will find themselves nearby and in need of help of a healer or a wandering herd. The world turns in mysterious ways."

Kara Asumie

Wordcount: 593  
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