Amityville had quite an array of different plants in its gardens, Hera had discovered after entering school. Some were pretty, some less so, but all quite intriguing if you asked the young druidess - of course there were doubles with the ones she already had or that had been in her mother's garden, but all in all there were also quite a few new ones she'd never seen before.

Which was why she and Atlas had been spending a lot of their time outside, studying the plants, and why she was currently seated on a small blanket in front of a flower bed, staring very intently. On her lap she had a leather-bound sketchbook, fittingly engraved with vines and flowers, and on its pages were several sketches of the flowers before her as well as leaves, petals and stilks she'd discreetly grabbed from said flowers for later study. Involving her cauldron, likely, and their reaction to other common ingredients in potions.

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RP~!! *v* <3333 (also sorry for terrible title, I am rubbish at them)