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Juosta was tired. The female wild dog had climb all the way up the mountain. She wasn’t into physical activity in fact she avoided it ninety percent of the time. She had heard that there was a wild dog pack living up here in the mountain. She was interested in seeing them getting to know them. Ever since Juosta’s first pack had disbanded she had been wondering around the rogue lands on her own. Every once in awhile she would get a bit lonely and make a friend but before long either they moved on or she did. Juosta was debating whether or not she should join a pack, so here she was dragging her butt up the side of a mountain. Reaching her destination Juosta gazed around it was such a pretty site. Turning around she was in awe of what she had done. She was high up in the sky it seemed, she could see for miles and miles. She now understood why a pack would choose to live up here. It was the most beautiful site she had seen, in well forever! She remained sitting here looking out at what she was sure was the whole world.

Koha was on guard duty today so he was patrolling the borders. Koha loved his job it gave him time away from the hustle and bustle of the daily activity in the now very busy pack that he lived in. As must as Koha needed time away from his busy family he also loved them dearly. He was one of 6 and as of right now they all lived at home. With his parents and 6 grown adults the den was awfully crowded. Koha began to think that maybe it was time to get his own den. Maybe even start a family of his very own. He smiled at the thought. He wasn’t sure he would make a good dad, but he certainly had the best roll model a guy could ask for. Koha loved his parents they were a good match for each other and you could feel their love when you were around them. It made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Koha’s grin grew as he thought of his parents. He began to walk towards the mountains edge to see if perhaps there was anyone was perhaps coming up the mountain to visit his home.

Juosta was still sitting in utter awe of the sight before her. She probably should have been paying more attention as she was a newby in a pack but she couldn’t help but just sit there and stare at the beauty of it all. She had never been able to see so far into the distance. She squinted her eyes trying to look for others down in the plains below her.She began to lean forward trying really hard to see anyone below her, she figured from up here they would look like litte itty bitty ants.

Koha made it to the border and was pleasantly surprised to see someone already up the mountain side. As he moved closer he recognized the newcomer to be a female wild dog in the prettiest shades of white and teal. He cleared his throat to get her attention. He wanted to talk to her but didn’t want to startle her when she was so close to the edge. “You know if you keep leaning like that you are going to go back over that edge you worked so very hard to climb.” he said his voice filled laughter. He moved closer to her taking a seat beside her. He looked out into the rogue lands with her and sighed. “It really is a beautiful site to see isn’t it?” he asked. Koha had lived his whole live in the pack and had never had the chance to see the world, besides his view from the mountain. “My name is Koha by the way welcome to Tangambili.”

Juosta was surprised when someone cleared their throat behind her she jumped a little but not enough to put her in any danger. She turned and smiled when she saw a male standing there. She laughed a little when he told her if she kept leaning that she would fall over the edge, “I was trying to see if I could spot others all the way down there.” she at him with a giggle. She knew that it was a silly thing to do but she was curious.

“Its the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” Juosta agreed. When the male introduced himself by name she felt a little silly for not introducing herself first after all she was in his home not the other way around. “I am Juosta it’s a pleasure to meet you.” she a smile that reached her eyes passing over her lips. She was happy when he told her the name of the pack as she hadn’t actually known what it was called, only that it was here and that wild dogs lived in it.

“Thank you Koha.” she said shyly. She wasn’t sure what to say now so she turned and looked out at the view again, it really was amazing.

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“You are very welcome.” Koha said. His mom would be happy to hear him using his manners that she had worked so hard to instill in Koha and his siblings. “Since it’s your first time here would you like if I gave you a tour of the pack lands. Show you everything you need to know?” Koha’s shift as a guard was just about over so he figured he could just steal away a little bit earlier, he was doing a good dead. Perhaps after the tour Juosta would like to stay in the pack.

“You could do that for me?” Juosta asked excited about the prospects of this pack as a home swelling up in her again. “I would love to have a tour.” Juosta said almost bouncing with excitement. She couldn’t wait to see what this pack had to offer.

“Lead the way Koha.” she said with a grin ready to see what very well might be the start of a new stage in life for her.