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Moose: Adaminna wasn't having the best of luck finding a male to give her puppies. The lioness she had talked to swore that males had the secret information, but when she asked a few they had run away from her. At first they had seemed willing enough to play chase, but when she said the word puppies....maybe the word was jinxed. Frowning, she came back to her back and flopped down into a dejected sit. She'd been gone for a few days now, and she was hoping to have returned with little bundles of cuteness. "Why is this so hard?!" Ada grumbled.

nessiaing: Elaxi had gotten away for a little while. She had been spending pretty much all of her time lately helping with her sister's pups. They were amazingly cute but they were a handful to say the least and there was only four of them. Elaxi had seen others in the pack that had litters of eight or more she had no idea how they managed it.

Although Elaxi was overwhelmed with the pups she also day dreamed of having her own one day soon. She was a grown up now and that meant it was time to have a family didn't it. Unfortunately she hadn't met someone she was willing to have puppies with just yet.

Moose: If she asked her dad Ada knew she would get the answer, but he might stop her from finding them. Kaffe hadn't been keen on it. Some friend he was! He would't help her at all! Ada had asked him again and again to give her pups, but before she had went into the rogue lands he'd hid from her for a week.

This is getting depressing.

She needed a lead; or a male that wasn't a big chicken! Maybe...maybe...Ada growled and put her paws over her face, pulling them down her muzzle with an aggravated sigh.

nessiaing: As Elaxi made her way through the pride she spotted a bright red wild dog. She recognized the female as someone who was born shortly after she was. Even though the two of them had grown up in the same pack she had never actually met the other female. She was excited when she saw her though. Finally some adult time.

She sauntered over to the female reaching her just as she let out a great sigh. Exlaxi paused for a moment not sure what to say, perhaps she should just walk away. No she told herself, You need to make more friends in the pride, adult friends, non family friends. Elaxi fixed a smile on her face and cocked her head to the side, "Is everything all right?" she asked.

Moose: Adaminna turned her head towards the other female and recognized her. Even though they hadn't spent time with one another, Ada knew most members of the pack by pelt alone. If only she were half as good with names.

"No," She pouted, putting her paws back on the ground. The way she was sitting was reminiscent of a dejected child. "I just...want to find a male that won't run away from me when I start talking, you know? I don't think that's too much to ask for." Her papa talked with her mama all the time and HE didn't run away.

Maybe I'm just cursed.

nessiaing: Elaxi was at a loss for words at first. She eyed the female trying to understand what she was saying. "I don't think its too much to ask." Elaxi told her. "What are you saying to them?" Elaxi asked perhaps the problem was what the red wild dog was saying.

Elaxi wasn't really sure why she asked what the other female was saying. It wasn't as if Elaxi had any experience with males what so ever. She decided it was just to satisfy her sense of curiosity. A sense that her mother had told her, on more than one occasion, would get her into trouble one of these days.

Moose: Turning towards the other, Ada took a deep breath and opened up. "Well, I just asked them to play, which they wanted to do, but whenever I got into other things they ran away. I just asked what they knew about finding puppies. All males know how to find them, so why is it so hard to talk about?!" Ada huffed again, and folded her ears back against her head.

"I just don't get it. I just want some pups to play with and no one wants to help me find them." She paused for a moment before looking to the other critically. "Do YOU know who I could talk to?"

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nessiaing: Elaxi swallowed hard, a little over whelmed byt the question. She blushed a little, she hadn't expected that to be what the she had been asking. Once she had regained her composrue Elaxi tried to think of how exactly to answers this question.

"Well to start with you don't find pups... you make them." Elaxi said her voice conveying exactly how uncomfortable she was with this topic. When her older sister had gotten pregnant Elaxi had only been a teen, and had had similar questions to the red wild dog before her. She would have thought that by this age somone would have filled her in.

"The males are probably scared away becuase you need a boy to help you make them and well if they are interested in playing they likely aren't interested in the responsibility of pups."

Moose: "Really?" Ada scrunched up her brows and turned her head to the side. "Do you make them like jewelry or something?" It seemed kind of strange to her, since pups move and jewelry didn't.

"I know I need a boy to help me, but I thought at least ONE would stick around. They can't be that hard to make if everyone in the pack has one." It was like some sort of club she wasn't invited into. She barely even noticed how uncomfortable the other female was. If anything she took that to mean she hadn't had much success in finding cubs either.

nessiaing: Elaxi let out an exagerated sigh, why was this so difficult for the red wild dog to understand. "You have to have SEX with them, stuff mixes inside of you and bam Babies in the belly." she said. She had ened up yelling the word sex and now was looking around her embarrassed by her sudden out burst.

"Pups are rnothing like jewlelry. If you want to be around some come back to my den with me my sister just had a litter." Elaxi wasn't sure if this particular wild dog was ready to have babies, it seemed like she had no comprehension of the amount of work that it would to raise a litter of puppies.

Moose: For the most part, Ada just stared at her as if she were speaking in tongues. The mixing bit, the all went over her, which would have been obvious by her expression, but pups in the belly she understood. THAT'S where they would be made...however that happened.

She perked up a lot though at the mention of pups. "Oh, oh, I would love that!" Her tail wagged behind her. "Can we go play with them now? I love playing with pups." And now that she knew how to make them she would have as many as she wanted!

All she had to do was make "sex" with a male in the belly.

Genius. Especially

nessiaing: Elaxi watched the other females expression it was clear that she had no clue, no clue at all. Elaxi shook her head, there was nothing she could do about it. She had a mild concern that she would go walking about asking every male for sex now. She was pretty sure that the other female would get a great number of males that would agree to have sex with the bright red female, especially if she left the bit about wanting pups. It would be a nasty shock for her the first time a male said yes and gave her what she was asking for.

Sighing Elaxi smiled again, "Yes we can go play with them now. Follow me." She hadn't really gotten the grown up talk that she wanted but she did find that she was missing her nephews and nieces so she was happy to head back to the den and see what they had gotten into. As an added bonus she would be keeping the female out of trouble at least for a little while.