Saren had been busy all morning, exploring the nooks and crannies of the pride's lands. It took until his stomach ached with hunger that he realized his father hadn't been seen all day. He skipped around, asking a few of his siblings and his aunts if they had seen him, and all of them denied seeing him since yesterday.

The cheetah frowned - he knew his father sometimes left the lands, and it took a few more inquiries before he found out which direction the cheeton had run off to.

He knew he couldn't leave the lands, but he could at least wait near the guards. They all knew him and his father, so they would let him - he hoped - as he bounced off in the direction of the border.

Faizah hummed to herself, very nearly cackling as she walked along, as she was in a startlingly good mood. It had been a while since she'd had any fun like that. A good old fashioned tumble.

She was vaguely aware of what she should be looking for, vaguely. Chozi had given her a very brief description before he'd passed out - presumably from blood loss. He was bleeding all over her white coat. Oh well.

Saren paced as close to the borders as he could. There was an avian circling overhead, probably to make sure he didn't bolt for the roguelands. It frustrated him sometimes that he was so limited, though most oft he time he didn't notice.

He did spot a figure in the near-distance, though he couldn't suite tell who it was. He was sure it wasn't his father, though, and he immediately grew concerned.

Faizah saw the boy and sized him up. No threat, barely a child at that. He also looked somewhat like her new 'friend'.

She moved in closer, smiling with blood dripping down her teeth. "I'm here to return something. I'm told his 'owner' lives here." She dumped the limp body on her back, cracking her neck and shaking flecks of blood off her neck. "Know where I can dump him?"

Saren was surprised by the blood-soaked lioness. He wanted to run, but he glanced to the figure she was carrying as she spoke. "Dad," he whined pitifully. He was terrified. He knew his father came and went often. More often than not he came back bruised or bloody, but he always came back on his own.

"I-i can take him," he told the lioness, shaking all the while.

Faizah dragged Chozi off her back, grinning all the while, "He was nice enough to tell me where to bring him when I was done. In case he died, I suppose... or passed out. Which as you can see..." She kicked Chozi over, seeming indifferent.

"You're awfully skinny, you sure you can carry him?" Every bit of her posture screamed, 'Are you sure you can protect yourself from me?'

Saren definitely could not carry his father. He might be a ball of energy, but he had no strength. He definitely could not protect himself from the lioness... "No, but I can try," he replied stubbornly. It would probably be a better idea for him to go find someone, but he didn't want to leave his day at the borders of their pride with someone who had beaten him unconscious. The young cheetah shifted on his toes nervously, but held his ground.

Faizah chuckled, tilting her head and wandering forward, licking her lips. "You're a cute little thing. Your father didn't tell me about that." She leaned in, tilting her head, "He was a lot of fun. Are you?" She laughed, backing off.

"Do you want some help? If you have something to give me in return, I can carry him back for you."

Saren shifted on his toes nervously. He knew he couldn’t carry his father, but he also didn’t want to invite the lioness into the lands. He frowned heavily at the lioness, shrinking back. “I doubt I’ll be any fun,” He gulped. He wanted to run and find help, but it was far off. Patrols normally didn’t reach this far for another hour or so - the small Cheetah bit his lips.

“I don’t have anything to give you. What do you want?” He asked, somewhat desperately. He wanted his father, but at what cost?

Faizah chuckled, reaching out and running her bloody claw down the side of his face. Most certainly his father's blood, and she found that a bit thrilling in its own way. She hadn't expected her day to be nearly this fun.

"Maybe a bit of your fur... so lovely and soft. Or maybe I'll have you bring me something shiny... or maybe I'll have you bring me something to eat... maybe I'll have you bring me a child, or I'll come back and kill him one night while you're sleeping..." Any of those could be fun. What to pick?

Saren flinched when the claw trailed down his face and he was aware that he was shaking. "I have shiny things," he offered. "And food." The other options terrified him. He just wanted to take his dad and go. "I think I can take him though..." he whined, hesitating a step forward. Someone had to arrive soon to help him!

"If you say so, dearie. I'll leave him to you then." Faizah smiled, taking a step back and turning to leave, "Be sure to tell him I had a lot of fun... and maybe I'll come back for him sometime." She made sure that was both a threat and a promise. After all, why let someone else keep him and have all the fun? It would be nice to have a pet of her very own.

The cheetah before her was lucky she was in such a good mood... threats now, only. She was far too satisfied to try for anything else. "It was nice to meet you, little one."