Sara stalked up to the den she remembered belonged to the purple lioness. Her time spent in the heart of the pride has been short lived as soon as she spotted the not silent mound of purple and white fur now tucked into her maw, dangling by his baby skins. She couldn't help but feel furious with how quickly it was that Nawiri had seemed to have moved on from her. And while Sara was technically in the blame for her own disappearance, the least Nawiri could have done was mourn her for a few years before settling with someone who wasn't her. That was proper, even if in secret.

When Sara got to the mouth of the den, she sniffed the air and found that Nawiri's scent was fresh within it, indicative of her still living within it. She dropped the purple and white cub, who looked so like Nawiri, and breathed deeply as she attempted to compose herself and her anger and hurt.

"Nawiri Jito, you show yourself to me," Saraneth demanded, her voice sharp like the greens the Reavers indulged in before they viking'd.

Nawiri was honestly napping. The cubs were like soul-sucking parasites and drained her energy like she could never imagine. She thought two was hell, but six was a nightmare. She yawned as she heard the sharpness of a familiar voice bite out her name. She shook her head gentled, shaking the cubs from her body as she padded to the mouth of the den.

She blinked her pink eyes, body still sagging slightly from sleep.

It took her a moment to register what was even going on. "Sara!" She said, suddenly startled awake. "You're back." She looked down at Gidjeon as well, nosing her grandson who somehow got captured by Sara. Unfortunately when her maternal instincts started, they careened high. "Are you okay, little one?"

Sara's steely eyes softened for a moment when she saw Nawiri, but she tried her best to surpress the urge to walk over and nuzzle the purple lioness who she secretly shared a bond with. She was upset, she reminded herself. Nawiri had moved on from her, and had shacked up with someone else. She'd been forgotten, easily dismissed.

Gidjeon stared up at his grandmother, his ears pinned to his head in what was the most obvious display of annoyance the normally calm, and quiet cub could possibly muster. First the green lioness stalks him down as soon as she catches glimpse of him, then she demands who his parents are, and when he isn't inclined to answer her because she's being kind of rude, she snatches him up by his scruff and trots him the whole way to Grandma's house. Unbeknownst to her, he had gotten a glimpse of her, and of his grandmother, and he knew things now. He knew.

Puffing himself a bit, trying to look far more perturbed than he actually was, he grumbled, "Grandma, is other Grandma always like this?"

Sara looked from the purple cub to Nawiri and back to the purple cub, feeling her stomach sink slightly, "Grandma? He's your Grandson?"

Sara could swear he was her clone, or at least close to it. And she was sagging, like someone who had just given birth. So if he was not her child, then where were the children she had clearly already given birth to? And where was the blasted male who had knocked her up. She had something special for the b*****d.