Umeko was adjusting to life again as the cubs that she and Anika had had were growing older. Umeko had enjoyed the days of raising all the cubs, athough having 15 cubs to raise all at once had been overwhelming.

Bjorn had been around but Umeko hadn't really felt great about the cubs spending a great amound of time with him and the female that he had picked over her. Shaking her head Umeko tried to push the thoughts away. It wasn't important anymore her cubs were happy and growing into amazing individuals, as were Anika's and Umeko had had a been a important part of that.

Pur had decided it was time to try and connect with the large amount of family the pride she was a part of held. She was surprised as to how they managed to congregate together the way they had, and how prolific her familial line was. They all were not unlike their all-father, breeding and growing and creating families to match his own.

Pur has been told by her granddaughter that she had been hanging around one of her cousins. One who was not Stiphen for once, and was related to one of her sisters. Having watched the two play together the other day, Pur thought it was best to go introduce herself formerly to her sibling before she started poking around at the two suspiciously. She wouldn't blame her either. With all the lions in this pride who were far more backwards than she would like to associate with, she'd be thoroughly suspicious of who was around her children.

Pur approached the den that Brigh had pointed out to her and paced nervously some ways away from its entrance. It was much different than her anxiety with Chayah and Kifuani being in the pride. She knew them, but she did not know this sister. What if she wasn't nice?

Umeko was making her way back towards her den, wondering if perhaps if any of the cubs had made it back home yet. Umeko wasn't quite sure what she was going to do with herself once they no longer needed her, perhaps they would make her a grandmother and she could dote on them.

When she approached the den she noticed the darkly coloured lioness pacing back and forth. She was wondered if it was perhaps a lioness seeking healing from her. Umeko had no knowledge of siblings in the pride other than her litter mate, and her new half siblings that had been born by her mom not to long ago.

"Can I help you?" she asked in a quiet voice. Umeko was never known to have a boisterous voice.

Pur jumped, her white head spinning around to stare down a black and purple lioness who spoke to her. Pur's white eyes widened and she looked around for a moment in a slightly panic as she tried desperately to collect herself. You would think that after being made into a pridal urban legend, and having her family exiled or thralled, that the meeting of new people would be the least frightening thing she had ever had to endure, but the truth was that this was the most frightening.

"I, uhm, h-hello," Pur said, trying her best to smile despite her noticeable fear.

It was very apparent how nervous the female was, but it was also equally as apparent how she was no threat to her. Pur's paws paced the ground, despite staying in one spot and she smiled on an off as she tried to formulate words to say. Much like when she met Herryk, the first thing that came out of her mouth was awkward word vomit.

"You don't know me, and I know this is going to sound very odd, but we're sisters!" Pur smiled broadly as she paced a little more, the fear turning into butterflies and slowly into unbridled excitement, "We have the same dad, and he's this God, you know. And the reason I know you're my sister is because I get visions since I'm the child of a god, and I saw you. And I only ever see my family, and let me tell you, we have A LOT of family."

Had Umeko not spoken to the god that had visited the pride not to long ago this confession would have shocked the hell out of her. Even with that though Umeko was still pretty shocked. She sat down right where she was standing, though she was still pretty far from where the other lioness stood.

As her rump hit the ground suddenly her vission changed, not to say she was able to make out ANYTHING of what she was seeing. It was all just lights and flashing and dark. Umeko blinked a few times and it passed though her stomach was doing flips inside of her. She felt her front paws give out and before she knew it she was on the ground.

"S-sister?" Pur stuttered, her eyes wider for another reason now as she watched the black and purple lioness slump onto the ground as if she was having a fit.

Pur knew this, and knew how to handle this. One of her grandchildren, Brigh, (the one who had lead her to her sister in the first place) had these fits when she had visions. It was different for all people. Pur just looked like she zoned out and left her body, Brigh seizures and vomits, and the others all saw things different ways as well.

Pur rushed forward and forced Umeko onto her side incase she too would vomit after she awoke. She shook her with a paw, and tapped her face frantically to try and get her to come out of it. This was not how she figured meeting one of her half-siblings would be like.

"Sister? SISTER?" She called, trying to get any kind of reaction she could short and smacking Umeko hard to jolt her out of it.

Umeko stoped and blink, it was all gone. She was looking up into the pale face of the lioness that had just identified herself as her sister. The plum coloured lioness was very thankful at that moment that she had such a dark pelt that would hide the fact that she had turned a very bright shade of red.

"That has never happened before." She managed to studder as she pulled herself up onto her feet. She tried to smooth out her fur and make herself look presentable, but at the moment all she could think about was the splitting headache that she had.

"Is that what you meant by visions?" She asked her pale sister, a word that was foreign even in her mind she was so use to only having a brother. Umeko couldn't imagine why anyone would find these so called visions a blessing.

Pur nodded to the other lioness, cocking her head to the side before asking, "Was that.... was that the first time you had a vision?"

Pur knew of some who had very few visions, but she had never met them. She knew of those who had regular visions, frequent visions, or no visions at all. And everyone she had ever met who had been granted their sight by birth right, or by chance had manifested it as children, never as adults. This was both fascinating and slightly worrying to her.

"Your son...he has them, doesn't he?" Pur asked, not having wanted to bring up the children just yet, but figuring this was as good a time as any since both had visions, so maybe they could help with the purple female dealing with the visions in some way if Pur couldn't.

Umeko's head still felt foggy. "Yes it was my first." Umeko was trying to bring her thoughts together, she studdied the white lioness. She began to think that meeting a sibling of hers from her father's side and having her vision at the same time was more than just a coincidence.

"You know my son?" Umeko said. She was very protective of her young and it was shocking for her to hear another adult bring up her babies. Although they weren't really babies anymore.

"But uh yea. He is gifted with the sight. He has also had the visions. I just never had them." she said she was kind of ashamed of being such a late bloomed so to speak.

"Wait how do you know my son?" Umeko said bouncing back in topics. Her head was all over the place, she actually hoped she would never have one again.

Pur listened intently as Umeko told her it was her first vision. She wanted to ask what kind of visions it was, what she had seen, and the like; all those interesting details that made visions both the blessing and the curse of what they were. But she knew it wasn't her place to ask. Just as she would never ask Brigh or Chayah what they saw and how they saw it, she would not pry Umeko about it. It was simply not right to.

When Umeko came back to her son, Gidjeon, Pur panicked slightly. She tried desperatly to think of something to say that wasn't nearly as creepy as the situation honestly was, but Pur was not one who could make the situation not a little creepy. After all, she was a literal urban legend within the pride itself. She was the forest ghost, and there was a reason for this; no one ever really saw her unless she wanted to be seen. This was the same for Gidjeon. She knew him, but he certainly did not know her...yet, anyway.

"Uhh. Well," Pur began, scratching at her neck slightly, "My granddaughter, Brigh. She plays with Gidjeon in the pride. That is... when she sneaks into it. I, we... we really don't come in here too often you see. We...uh, we live in the forest."

Pur was really not so good with this explanation thing, but she chuckled it off the best she could and continued, divulging the reality of the situation, "And I honestly don't like coming in here, but I don't want Brigh to not be like other kids. But she is not like other kids. She's special, like Gidjeon, but she's also sickly. And he is very kind to her, and he lets her roudy cousin, Stiphen, play with them as well, and I juist sort of watch... from the tree line. I just make sure they're alright... I really do not like coming in here..."

Umeko listened to what the other female was saying. She nodded her head. At first she had been uncomfortable with this lioness knowing so much of her son. However as she listed she realized that the lioness was looking out for the children. She was also Umeko's sister a still foreign thought but perhaps one Umeko could get use to.

"I am glad to know that Gidjeon has someone looking out for him." she said in a low gentle voice. Her head was still throbbing and she looked towards the den. "I hate to cut the meeting short but I feel unwell. I think i should go lay down." she said.

"I want to talk to you more, learn of the family. You are the first I have met from our father's side and till recently I didn't even know much of him. Will you allow me to find you again?"

"O-of course!" Pur stumbled excitedly, so happy that one of her siblings wanted to spend time with her despite their odd familial lineage and meeting. "I live in the forest. There is always one fo us around. Either one of my grandchildren, or one of my children, or my mate, or one of his brothers or sisters. Just tell them you're loking for Pur, they'll take you to me."

Pur did not want to keep the other lioness any longer than she needed to, because she knew very well how unpleasant visions could get, and this being the first one Umeko has ever had she may not feel the well for hours to come. Pur's feet pattered the ground beneath them once again, this time out fo excitement instead of nervousness, and she gave Umeko a wide smile.

"It's the vision, they sometimes come with side effects,..." Pur said quickly, "If you have mint leaves on hand, mix that with some berry juice. It helps with the headaches and nausea. Or at least, that was what the green priestess told me. It's working wonders for Brigh."

Fearing she might continue to talk more, and put Umeko out, Pur forced herself short of all she wanted to say. She nodded her head to the other female and began to take her leave, looking back to add, "Feel well soon, Sister."

Umeko nodded smiling with silent thanks. "I will keep that in mind." she said before nodding her farewells and heading bac towards her den. She was looking forward to the dark cool air that would be waiting for her in there. Her mind was racing with all the things happening, a sister and her first vision.

Word Count: 2204