Word Count: 1009

User Image It had been a long while since Faudi had seen his small Cheeton friend. However, he found himself wandering back to the land. The land, though, seemed scarred. It wasn’t an obvious or visible one, but Faudi could just smell the plague that had ruined the land.

It seemed to be healing though… It didn’t smell as strong as it could be, like something had washed it away. Faudi was known by the guards, and he nodded to them as he wandered into the lands. All he had to do was find Chozi.

Faudi had spent a lot of his time wandering. He couldn’t seem to find a home, but he was sure he would find it eventually. He knew Chozi always welcomed him back into his den, even if it was just for a short time. He traveled his way along a path he knew well, searching for his friend. Even if he couldn’t find the cheeton right away, he could always wait for the smaller male at his den.

It didn’t take him long to find Chozi. The Cheeton was in his den, and he didn’t look very good at all. Chozi looked dull, thin and like he hadn’t eaten in a while. “Chozi?” He called softly, frowning. It took a long time for the cheeton to respond to him, looking up at him with unclear eyes.

Chozi was puzzled, honestly, looking up at a blurry shape. His head seemed to throb like a stampede was constantly stomping on his skull. It hurt. This wasn’t the kind of pain he enjoyed. Suddenly his vision swam, and he leaned forward to empty the contents of his stomach.

He wasn’t quite sure what came up. It couldn’t have been food. He couldn't even remember the last time he had eaten. It burned though, like he had swallowed fire. He looked back up at the shape again, trying to puzzle out who it was.

"Chozi, are you alright?" The voice asked, though it sounded like he had stuck his head underwater. He felt like he was unable to breath. He shook his head a little, but he was sure that wasn't the best idea he had ever had.

"I don't feel so good..." he responded, coughing a bit. Maybe he could lay down... There was vomit below his chin. He could feel the larger figure move forward and press against him, moving him away from the puddle of vomit that had been forming for a while.

"I'm going to get you a healer, and maybe some water?" Faudi told his friend. He was extremely concerned - he had never seen Chozi, or anyone for that matter, this sick. He could feel bile rise in his own throat, though it wasn't from any illness he carried. He took a long look at Chozi before stepping away.
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But Chozi made a soft whimpering sound. "Please don't leave, I'm scared," he begged the shape. Faudi? He wondered. He hadn't seen that particular combination of colors in quite a while, but he couldn't be quite sure. He could see the shape hesitate, before nodding.

He smiled up weakly at the figure, and Faudi was just worried. "Can I do anything to make you more comfortable?" Faudi asked, fretting slightly. What if Chozi was dying? He should probably get a healer. He was sure one was in this pride. Why hadn't anyone helped him yet.

Chozi hummed for a moment, head swimming as he tried to think of a solution. "Lay with me? For a little. I can't sleep..." He murmured softly, and he could feel the figure move to lay beside him. All he could do was collapse against the warm, solid figure as he shook. When had he started shaking? He couldn't quite remember when that had started.

"You're warm," Chozi said in wonder, as if he had never felt warmth in his life. He just felt so cold, like he had fallen into water and the wind wouldn't stop roaring. He just wanted it to stop, and he whimpered softly again.

Faudi made a concerned sound. "Please be okay," he murmured to his friend, nuzzling the top of the too-warm head of his cheeton friend. He would stay until Chozi went to sleep, and then he would go and find aide. He just hoped Chozi wouldn't wake up between him finding help and returning.

He watched Chozi for a long while, humming to the small cheeton next to him. Chozi was softly breathing, though there seemed to be a wheezing in his chest, like he couldn't quite catch his breath at all. His concerned grew larger.

"How's your breathing?" he asked gently, listening to the small weak murmurs that Chozi responded with. It wasn't even a clear answer. "Can you breath properly, just nod if you can. I'm really worried about you," He said again, and Chozi's cloudy eyes looked up at him again.

"I'm okay," he said. "I just need a nap." And then he coughed weakly, pressing his face against Faudi's side to muffle the the sound. They were wet, and shaky. He pressed further against Faudi to try to sap the warmth of the lion. However, it just made his head seem to throb even more. Nothing was working! He just wanted to feel like he could walk.

He couldn't even stand anymore. Maybe he should sleep... He closed his eyes, taking a deep shaky breath. "I'm gonna sleep now..." He told the lion, coughing once more before closing his eyes. He pressed his face against Faudi, breathing in the scent as he tried to drift away into the world of sleep. After a moment, he heard Faudi start to hum as soft, almost sad tune. Chozi gave a soft sigh and let himself drift off to sleep.

Faudi only hoped that Chozi would be okay long enough for him to find a healer...

He stayed for a while, continuing to hum the song, one he had remember from a long time ago, to soothe his friend to sleep.