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Seaki: Chozi was particularly tired. He had wandered all over for such a long time, and now he was just tired. He missed Tikoto immensely but he couldn't find the energy to go see her, even if she might have a solution to this endless exhaustion. Instead, he trudged forward, looking for something to help him cope - perhaps make a new trinket. He took a deep breath, shaking his head. Maybe he could go find someone to talk to instead.

He hoped that wouldn't take all of his energy as well. He didn't want to be tired all the time, but from starving so long... he was worried it had begun effecting his body quite negatively.

nessiaing: Kande was bouncing around, a bundle of energy and happiness. The young cheeton rarely seemed to run out of energy. Ever since the rain festival Kande had been so proud of herself, having done something good for the coalition.

"HEY DAD" Kande said spotting her dad ot to far off she went tumbling towards him full speed ahead.

Seaki: Chozi was quite surprised to see Kande rushing at him. He braced for the impact, unsure if she would flail into him or not. He gave a small smile. She was one of his younger kids, and he was quite glad she was with him in the pride. She made it a little more vibrant. Another fling had of course left him with another small child to take care of though, and unfortunately he couldn't spend all his time with any of his children.

nessiaing: Kande stopped just short of coliding right into her father, skidding with all her paws out befor her. She gave him a goofy grin before taking a seat.

"Dad dad dad. Did you see me dancing at the festival?" Kande may be an teen now but she was still very young at heart, and with her dad being so busy all of the time when she did get his attention all to herself she tended to act like a little cub. She turned her hopeful eyes up towards her father hoping to gain his approval.

Seaki: "I did see you, Sweetheart." He beamed proudly at her. "You did such a good job." He was glad she didn't run into him. His body felt strange, like he was ill. It hurt in a weird way - he never really felt pain in his life but he was sure this would qualify. Maybe he was ill...

He gave her a bit of a nuzzle, silently praising her for the help.

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nessiaing:Kande beamed excited to get her dad's praise. "I think I did a pretty good job." she said with a nod, she ahd learned plenty of new dance moves and had even made quite a few new friends. It was good to know your coalition members, specially since Kande wanted to be a nanny when she grew up, who would trust her with their babies if they didn't even know who she was.

Kande sat back from her father and took a good look at him, "Daddy are you doing alright" she cooed. She imagined with as many young as he had, taking care of the pride and the recent drought that they had her father likely had many things on his mind and heart. She looked at him a worried expression crossing over her bright eyes.

Seaki: "Well, if you'd like to learn more dances, I'd be happy to teach you," he said with a smile. He knew she was apprenticing as a Nanny. None of his children had become dancers so far, but he was glad at least Kande enjoyed it. It was his job after all, or at least part of it, to teach new dancers. He hadn't really danced much since the drought happened...

"I'm alright, sweetheart, I'm just a little tired is all," he took a deep breath, giving her a smile. "I'm relieved that the rain has returned. The prey should follow soon as well." He had long since felt hungry. The pangs didn't really register in his head anymore as hunger. "Why do you ask?"

nessiaing: "Yes I think I would like to learn more dances I can use them to entertain my charges when I am all done apprenticing." In truth Kande had chosen to become a nanny because she knew that unlike her littermate she would very likely never be able to have children of her own. It was a sad but often complication of being a hybrid. From what Kande understood of it her father was a bit of an abnormality.

Kande frowned as her father gave her an answer to her question. She was unsatisfied with his answer. He didn't look well and she felt like it had to go deeper than being a little tired. "I ask becuase you look not like you." She told him moving closer to look at him.

Seaki: He frowned a bit to himself, looking down upon his body. It was probably true. His fur was dull, and slightly matted from lack of care and nutrition. He probably didn't look the best at all from the eyes of another. He made a slightly distressed sound before coughing once to cover it up. "I think I'll be fine in a few days though. I just need rest," he said, trying to convince his daughter as well as himself.

"Let me know when you want to learn, okay? I think I need to take a nap..."

nessiaing: "Okay Daddy." Kande said in a near whisper. She watched as her father headed back towards the den. The young cheeton wasn't happy with what he had said or the answers he had given. She made a mental note to talk to her siblings about it an decided that they should all keep a closer eye on their father for the next little while anyways. Something just wasn't right and Kande could feel it in the pit of her stomach. Frowning still Kande turned and decided she would start with her sister and litter mate, then move on to some to older one. Together they would figure it out, she had to have believe that they could make this all better.