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Seaki: Leini had be spending most of her time on her own lately. She had tucked herself deep into the den that her daughter had made. It was time, though, to venture out into the world. There were so many new things happening, she was sure, but she had kept to herself for so long. She didn't mind only having her daughter and Sangria for company, really, but she didn't want to keep herself locked away anymore.

The white and sand-colored dog stretched as she exited the den. Perhaps she could go find her son, or grandson to keep her company... They were usually the easiest to find after all...

nessiaing: Zuberi was strolling about the pack's lands. He had no real place to be today, Twana was busy with the duties that came with being patrons, and his pup both the biological and non biological ones were all grown. Zuberi felt a little bit empty for the first time in his life. It wasn't exactly a secret that Zuberi loved to father and raise pups.

The chocolate coloured male took a seat underneath a tree watching the going ons of the pack. There were still a few young ones in the pack though they were already halfway grown. Zuberi smiled watching them run back and forth playing whatever game had popped into their minds.

Seaki: It didn't take long for Leini to reach he main body of the pride. She knew from Ziwa that there would be a wedding soon, so most where busy or learning. She didn't really expect to see much of anyone that wasn't up to their ears in stuff to do. She was pleasantly surprised to see a half-way familiar dog. She tilted her head, trying to remember his name as she approached him.

"Good morning!"

nessiaing: Zuberi turned at the sound of a feminine voice. He was pleasantly surprised to see the Regent coming his way. He had met Leini in passing from time to time but had never actually had the chance to talk directly to her. He was a little surprised that she would greet him now, he figured she would have much better things to do.

"Well good morning." Zuberi greeted her turning on all his manly charm. The chocolate coloured wild dog had been a lady charmer since he was a youngin' so it was only natural for him to turn it on now.

"What bring the fine Regent out and about today?" Zuberi asked.

Seaki: Leini gave a small smile. "I figured it was time to get out some," she told the dark brown dog. When she was young, she would flirt endlessly with him, probably. "What brings you out here, though?" She asked. She wasn't as young as she used to be. She left old, honestly.

He was quite charming though. She gave him a bigger smile,

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nessiaing: "Ah well I suppose I am the only one in the family that isn't busy today. One of my daughters in pregnant, the other is tending to her, my mate of sorts in the pack's patron so I rarely see her. It leaves me all on my lonesome."

Zuberi was a shameless flirt and despite the fact that his chilren had made him a grandpa and great grandpa many times over the male didn't feel an urge to slow himself down at all. He was just as fit as he was in his young age, a lean brown body held him up and kept him going.

"Why is it that you have been keeping to yourself so much, surely you would rather be out and about with us all." he asked her.

Seaki: "Oh, which one is pregnant?" He asked curiously. She loved children, and longed for more of her own now that nearly all of them had left her once again. She wondered what she did wrong - if her parenting was just that terrible that they all wished to leave her. All of Maziwa's children stayed with her...

She gave a soft sigh. "I suppose its been a little lonely." She told him. And unfortunately, everyone was quite busy. Sangria with the Hunt and Maziwa with her crush. She gave another soft sigh. "I guess I just haven't been quite myself lately

nessiaing: "My Basha is pregnant" Basha held a special place in Zuberi's heart not only did she come from the one and only litter he had actually had with his mate, but aslo she was the one that had travelled with him from Peke Na all around the rogue lands, and finally to here in their new home. Zuberi wasn't sure how he felt about her being prengnat, the male that had gotten her that way had left the pack before she even knew thats he had puppies on the way.

Zuberi was loose with his morals, sure he had a mate but in the pack they came from free love was the way of life. He knew that Twana would always hold a special place in his heart, but he also loved many others, and the children that he would have with others were his children just as much as any he may or may not have with another female>

"Not you self eh? No that just will not do." Zuber had a pupish face on, he was ready to play and he was going to drag Liani along with him through his shinagagins, "For today you are all mine I am going to show you a good time." He didn't outright ask for permission but he did pause to see what the female would say.

Seaki: Leini remember Basha - she'd seen her around when Airle's pups were still young. She had kept to herself after that, really. She knew Mkimya was getting worried, but Mkimya also had a lot of worries, like keeping the pack's herd up and running. She didn't ignore responsibilities like Leini did.

She giggled. "A good time, huh?" she smiled. Perhaps coming out of her den wasn't such a bad idea today. "Let's have a good time then."

nessiaing: Zuberi smiled glad that the female wild dog agreed. "Great come along then" Zuberi said his voice filled with laughter. He moved beside her pushing his body along hers as if to guide her. He wasn't entirely sure what he was going to take her to do or what fun they would have but he was sure that he would make a grand old time fore her.