User Image Nurrin made her way through the frosty pride she kept her eyes peeled for her sister. She hadn’t seen her too much since her return, but she knew that she desperately wanted to see her sister and have quality time with the sister that she should have grown up beside. Nurrin knew that her sister was blessed with site, something that Jugnu wished she had had. She wondered that perhaps if she had been raised in the pride like her sister had been if she would have been blessed by the gods.

Jugnu was waddling, that was the only way it could be described, the green and white lioness felt like she had grown to be five times her normal size, something she wasn’t all that comfortable with. Despite her unhappiness with the way she was walking Jugnu was overjoyed to know that growing within her were bundles of joy. The next generation for the pride and the first generation to be born after the rebirth of the pride. Jugnu literally could could not have been more proud, she assumed it was the gods way of rewarding her for always sticking around the pride lands so committed to bringing it back to life.

To add to the excitement of her bundles of joy, Jugnu’s one and only sister had recently rejoined the pride. Her sister had been cub napped shortly after the two of them had been weaned and Jugnu had never expected to see them again, but yet one day Jugnu looked up and there Nurrin was sitting just on the edge of the pride’s board looking utterly bewildered to be here. As she thought of her sister Jugnu happen to glance up and saw the lioness in question trotting towards her. Jugnu smiled, happy to have her sister her, it would be nice to have her here for the birth, particularly because her sister had just gone through the same things. She felt confident that her sister would be able to give her guidance that no one else would have been able to.

“Sister” Nurrin said greeting her sister with a warm nuzzle. “You should be resting not walking about, you know its going to happen any day now and you are going to need your energy to birth those little ones.” Nurrin said her tone full of concern for her sister. The two were littermates, born only minutes apart but Nurrin had always been the “older sister” and had babied Jugnu up until the time she was cub napped. Now that she had returned it had become quickly clear that nothing had changed.

“Come now lets find you a nice rock to nap upon, somewhere where the sun will bathe you in warmth.” Nurrin turned from her sister to look around for a good rock and saw one not to far from where they were standing, “This way.” she said as she came to stand next to her overly round sibling and guided her towards the rock in question.

“You know you are being silly Nur.” Jugnu told her sister, she didn’t put up a fight as she was led towards the rock, to be honest sun bathing didn’t exactly sound like a bad idea to her right now. Before getting pregnant the cold had never bugged Jugnu but now she felt like every once in awhile the cold just seemed to get right into her bones and she felt just like icicle.

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Jugnu obediently climbed up onto the rock and wiggled about until she found a position that was comfortable for her ever growing stomach. “How many do you think are in there?” Jugnu asked her sister. Despite trying her hardest Jugnu hadn’t managed any visions about the lives within her and she was growing more and more curious by the minute as to what life she would bring into the world.

Seeing her sister situated Nurrin studied her stomach, “I think you are pretty close in size to what I was. If I had to guess I’d say you have three or four little ones growing away.” Nurrin purred. Despite the fact that she had been separated from her sister for the majority of her life Nurrin found herself quite excited to be an aunt.

“Mmm three or four thats a good number not too many but not too few, we need to repopulate our numbers after all.” Jugnu mussed she let out a yawn her body reacting to the warmth that was washing over her. Despite thinking her sister was crazy for insisting she lay up here Jugnu now recognized how great of an idea it really was.

[“I’m hungry.” Jugnu said between yawns. It would seem that Jugnu had an endless appetite at this stage of pregnancy. She cast hopeful eyes up towards her sister.

Nurrin let out a laugh. “Say no more, Aunt Nurrin is on the job.” she said with a laugh. She was happy that she was here to help her sister through everything. “You take a nap and I will be back soon.” Nurrin said before turning tail and take off into the forest to find a hare or two to feed her hungry sister and growing nieces and nephews.

Jugnu had a blurry vision of her sister disappearing into the forest as she drifted off to sleep.