nessiaing: Ase had come to the pride that she was to call home. It had taken awhile for the black and white female to find where it was. Ase's visions had never been all that clear, and when she had started loking for the pride it had actually taken two attempts for her to locate it. The first time she was in a hot desert, though after a few days there she knew that it wasn't the right place for her.

Now that Ase was here she couldn't help but wonder how she could even have gotten the two mistaken, though to be honest, the visions of the pride got clearer and clearer as she got closer so now everything was crystal clear. Today Ase was on the outside of the pride again, this time looking for a new member that she knew would be coming to join their ranks.

Greenie: "Slow.." The large, brute of a lion spoke very softly to himself. 'Slow' had been the word he chose to describe his morning. Though it was truly an understatement. Giza had managed to fill his time with the nitty gritty.. grooming, sunbathing and eating. The numerous tasks he filled the time with were becoming rapidly more boring and equally less time consuming. It was those very reasons that the beast found himself wandering away from his little hovel and on towards, hopefully, something far more entertaining than his current dwellings.

Irony had a way of playing into these moments, one moment he was bored and the next he was surprised to smell something rather particular. Very few strides from where he had been living was the lively, fresh scent of active lions. In fact, it appeared he had stumbled near a border. "Well, my my." Gizas voice was soft, but a low tenor. The sound of hi voice matched the mass of muscle that rippled beneath his pelt as he made a few more confident steps than stopped.

Before he could even begin to decide what he would do with himself he was caught. Lucky for him, or not so lucky depending on the pride, a lioness was striding about the pridelands borders as well. It was easy to scent that she was part of this pride and he made a small sound to grab her attention.

nessiaing: Ase turned and smiled when the male made a noise to get her attention, she of course knew that he would be out here, however she hadn't been sure where exactly he was out here, jutst that he had been close to the borders.

Moving closer to him she made sure that she was all smiles she didn't want to frighten him away or anything. She was striken right away with the resemblance he shared with another one of the members of the pride's war general. She wondered if they were related, and if either of them knew about the other.

"Hello there." she greeted to him moving closer to the male. She took a seat on the snowy ground. At first she had found the snow in the area to be uncomfortable but she was getting use to it now.

Greenie: The lioness standing before him reacted in an extraordinarily calm manner, one which he wouldn't soon forget. Typically he would have been greeted with snarls or perhaps even some form of shock, but it was as though she had already known of his existance prior to him ever reaching where he stood now.

As she approached he tensed up slightly, an automatic reaction that was immediately calmed as her smiles took shape, lightening any tension that sprung up. It was during the calming process that Giza caught something in her eye, a twinkle, just a quick flash of something. Immediately he wanted to ask questions, but instead cut himself short and stopped jumping to conclusions.

"Fancy seeing a lioness, such as yourself, around the borders as I happen across them." He spoke smoothly and flashed a rugged grin. Curiosity was properly planted in his eyes, but the questions were up in the air, truly where could one begin when there were so many things to ask. Instead of rambling he started with something simpler. "What pride am I nearly intruding upon?" Again, a smooth tone, though concern was decently present as well. Giza chose the word 'intruding' carefully, hoping to raise some form of answer, without question, about her familiarty with their current situation.

nessiaing: "Ah well I assure you that I didn't just merely stumbled across you out here." Ase told him a knowing smile on her face. She knew that the male would be a litttle weary of listening to her and joining her and the pride but she also knew that she woudl be able to convince him.

"You are on the board of a very special pride, one that many are blessed within. I myself am one of the leaders. We are blessed by the gods with the power of seeing what is to be, or has been." She knew that she giht sound a little crazy but it was the truth, and when he came to the pride he would see it with his own eys. She knew that he would be excited and in the end love being in the pride.

"We are called the Intaba'umbikezeli. Come now, I know you have questions go ahead and ask them." she told him ready for him to bombard her with the questions that would be stewing at the surface.

Greenie: Giza remained in a thoughtful silence as the lioness spoke, seeming to read his actions correctly and open up a little bit to him about her knowledge of his arrival. The duration of his travels brought many interesting faces, stories and prides, but none so interesting as to proclaim that many of it's members had the ability to see the future and the past. To that statement he allowed a look of sincere shock and awe to cross his face for a moment. These were things he would have to see to believe, though he was already sensing he had seen an act.

"Do the Gods speak to you directly?" His curiosity streamlined, Giza was beginning to look at this from a whole new perspective. Would these lions get council straight from the heavens? Or were these beliefs. He wanted to believe they were simply beliefs, but perhaps this was different, he sensed something from Ase that had 'I see what the Gods want me to see' written all over it. Than something hit him, he had never spoken to the Gods before, nor heard them even make a whisper or cough for that matter.

"What on Earth could the Gods want from me? Has this path been chosen by them?" Was this a cult? That last question stirred in his mind wildly than disappeared, he would likely be muttering chants by now if this had taken on a cult-like atmosphere. "What could I possibly do for the pride?" The last question had committed him. Giza had been wandering for a long time, due to no single reason except that he felt he must, this alone was unusual. But for a pride to now be looking at him like this, he had to give into the idea there was a higher power working with this.

nessiaing: Ase could sense his concern and his fear, it wasn't uncommon for outsiders to be skeptical of the pride and its ways. Heck even when she first started getting her visons she was a skeptic. She actually thought she was loosing her bloody mind. But now she knew different she knew that it was the gods leading her here, to help a pride that needed her.

"It is the Gods they do speak to us, though some of us more than others. The females most of all. It is rare for a male of the bloodline to have the sight, and sometimes dangersous." she said shaking her head a little, she wasn't quite sure that she believed that males that had the sight were truly cursed or violent but she knew that was the general feeling of the pride.

"The Gods want something of all of us, even if you don't have a direct communication line with them there is always a need for protection, and muscle around the camp." she told him smiling a little. "In fact there is a male who looks very much like you, he is our War General. You will see we have room for all sorts here." She hoped she had eased some of his questions and concerns. She gave him a knowning smile, anticipating what she felt sure was to come next.

Greenie: Concern and fear, though the feelings were present they were definitely not the dominant ones. Wonder, amazement and curiosity were the ones closest to the surface, the ones easily seen in his eyes.

Giza breathed a sigh of relief as the lioness spoke. Listening very closely, basically sitting on the edge of every word he learned that males weren't commonly spoken to. "So perhaps I could serve some purpose, why else would I have found this place?" It was as though he speaking outside of his own body, hearing himself rather than speaking the words. The whole moment was surreal, had he just found a home?

"Well, I can provide muscle." A smirk met his lips as he spoke to Asenath. "My name is Giza, may I have the pleasure of knowing your name?" Smooth, very smooth. His smile remained strong, but his realization that they never introduced themselves was slightly embaressing. Weirdly enough, though it was embaressing, it wasn't at all uncomfortable.

nessiaing: Asenath smiled, it wasn't uncommon for her to forget to introduce herself. When she knew so much already it was hard for her to remember that those that she was talking to didn't have the same amount of information as her.

"My name is Asenath, I am one of the leaders of the pride." she told him in a smooth calm voice. She was happy that he had decided he could provide muscle for the pride, they could definitley use more to protect those who were blessed by the gods amoung them.

"Why don't I bring you back ot the pride with me now, I will introduce you to those you need to know." she said with a grin.

Greenie: Committed. The lion hadn't realized how easy it was to join a pride of seemingly random strangers. Though he didn't feel as though he were near strangers, it felt as though he was being welcomed in and recognized.

"It's nice to meet you Asenath, I am honored that a leader was the one to have welcomed me at the borders of such a pride." This was the utter truth, a leader, not just a mere pride member had sought him out, he was sure this meant good things, or it could mean nothing at all. Giza wasn't ready to think to much into that and so he didn't.

"That sounds wonderful, perhaps I could get in touch with that lion that looks a little like me?" That curiosity again, it would never fade. "Lead the way." He smiled and was soon following the lioness to his new lands.