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Reply Open/Private Canon IC RP
[PRP]A Dangerous Game {Inside}

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Devoted Mage

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:33 pm
This is a Private Roleplay between Checkmate and Nereus Lelantos.

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Teepees: Thalea | Kesmi
PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 2:16 pm
Death, torture, destruction were all popular subjects to the stallion when he was bored. And at the moment he was incredibly bored. It had been a while since he had any fun or watched blood splatter or even practiced his manipulation skills. As much fun as it would be to see the destruction of all the pures, it was more fun manipulating them and changing them from pure to dark. Oh it was tedious work, took lots of patience, which Nereus had in spades, and the results were always so worth it. Sometimes they would go join the other servants or minions of his father or they would remain Nereus’ play things until he tired of them and he did not tire easily. The ones that wished for death were his favorite, for he could keep them from it and the ones who still had hope of survival, he would fan that hope and then destroy it utterly.

It was time that he got a new pet or if not a pet, someone who saw things the way he did. An ally of sorts. He shook his head, he did not think such a soquili was out there, not even his own brother’s enjoyed blood as he did, and they were family. He was not sure who he would encounter today, the ally or the prey.



Devoted Mage



PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 4:34 pm
A black shadow looked over the land as his large wings stretched and flexed at his sides, those bloodied eyes scoured the ground for something edible. Well, that was rather a vague way of putting it since everything was edible to this creature. His taloned forefeet twisted into knotted 'fists' as he went. Feathered tail flicked in its fan formation to keep the predator aloft while he hunted. Twisting himself around, dropping a few feet in the process, Checkmate's gaze altered as something caught his attention. While what he had seen had appeared small from the great height he had been at, now it was larger.

A sizable buck grazed beneath his flight path. Beak clicking in anticipation, the predator dropped from the skies with a shrilled shriek that made anything around jump. The buck leaped as it heard the sound of a predator, but was too slow in reacting as heady talons dropped into its back. Delicate legs snapped under the weight of the Gryph, and was crushed to the ground. The buck let out on last dull cry before its life was ended.

With his back hooves firmly planted upon the ground, Checkmate glanced around to see if anyone else was around. A primal rumble filled his chest before he lowered his head to tear into the deer with gusto. He cared not of the mess he was going to make, he was hungry and it was feeding time.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:15 pm
The metallic scent of blood drew the white stallion away from his cleaning. He would never be pure, for the scars of his sins had been etched upon his coat. When he was a foal he had a coat as white as snow, there was not a blemish upon him. He was perfect. But then he had made a mistake, he had become too full of himself and his perfection. And so the words hate, rage, alone, death, and sorry dad were carved into his flesh, so he would always remember how he had disappointed his father. He would forever live with those sins and know that he was no longer perfect. Perfection mocked him now, so those who were perfect must be destroyed or tainted.

Slowly he exited the stream; the blood of his victim had long since washed down stream. Water dripped off his coat, mingling with his constantly bleeding scars. The trees were too thick to allow for him to fly, so on quiet claws he made his way to were the scent of blood was the strongest.

Hidden in the shadows he was able to see all. Again the blood splatter drew his attention, it was beautiful. He quickly shook his head and focused on the soquili who was devouring the deer. The soquili was large, his talons dug into the flesh of the deer, pinning it to the earth. Strong wings were upon his back. The way the soquili moved and devoured his food reminded Nereus of a bird of prey. He did not interrupt, he was too fascinated at watching the other eat and mesmerized by the blood soaking into the earth.



Devoted Mage



PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 8:33 am

Checkmate tore and swallowed the chunks of meat, blood dripping from the end of his sharp beak. Those bloody colored eyes focused mostly on the meal that was beneath him, he was such a glutton. Lifting his head up, nostrils flared as he looked around. There was this sense of watchfulness. Something else was there, hidden among the trees, something was watching him and it was starting to make his feathers stand up. Was it more prey? Certainly didn't seem to feel like it. Wings stretching half open to his sides, Checkmate stepped over his kill still looking around. Whatever was there had ta death wish if it was watching him.

A primal hiss escaped his partly opened beak as he looked in the direction that the other stallion was hiding, watching him as he ate. Blood coated his talons like nail polish. Those talons dug themselves into the ground as he seemed to protect what was left of his kill.

"Show yourself or die where you stand!" came that deep commanding voice that was always locked within himself. "I have no qualms with burying a carcass for later." And he didn't really it sounded like a lovely idea. Something to fall back upon when the times started to become lean.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:45 pm
So much blood spatter, the stallion gorging himself on the deer was a true artist. Nereus almost pouted when the show ended, he had been enjoying himself. But all good things must come to an end. The white stallion laughed, it held a hint of insanity and maliciousness. “And where would the fun be in that? A quick death is quite boring and lacks the beauty of pain, the deliciousness of torture. Oh and trust me, I would not taste good, I would probably poison you and then the world would lack another twisted soul. Would be a sad day indeed.” Nereus stepped out of the shadows, and stared at the carcass, guarded by the claws of the blood soaked creature, “Beautiful work, even though you have more of the blood splatter upon your coat, it all blends quite nicely. Oh don’t worry; I don’t want your snack. I already ate.” The white stallion that had his sins etched upon his body was enjoying himself; he was toying with the stallion, for he did not see him as a real threat. The real threat is the one you do not see coming. He has left a trail of bodies behind him; he particularly likes to leave the bodies in locations that they will be found, so others can enjoy his masterpieces. Perhaps he will inspire others to become creative and remove perfection from the world.



Devoted Mage



PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:13 am

Turning his head to one side, Checkmate watched as the white stallion emerged from where he had been hiding. Lowering his head, a hiss escaping around the edges of his beak, he watched this new face. Its whiteness was marred by etchings that seemed to bleed. That hiss continued until it was almost a growl in his chest, while this stallion posed little threat to Checkmate, it was just a habit.

"Most prey ain't worth the time to play with." he said as his wings stretched out slightly. "Its only 'fun' if you don't rip their throats out in first instinct."

Stepping over what was left of his meal, Checkmate pulled himself up to get a good look at the gryph like stallion, this one had four feet of talons. This cause Check to be slightly jealous, he had only two feet of claws and two of hooves. This other also had a head of horns, this he didn't really care too much for. they looked like they got into the way all too much.

"So just what were you doing? he asked accusingly as he watched the white stallion. "If not to steal what I have taken down."
PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 3:57 pm
The little birdy had no vision if he could not see the fun and the thrill of playing (AKA torturing) with prey. His instinct was to kill them right where they stood and allow their beautiful warm blood to soak the earth. Where was the art? Yes the blood splatter was glorious, but the beast was not even enjoying it or relishing in his master piece.

“Birdie, may I call you Birdie?” Nereus did not even wait for the stallion to respond to his question and continued on, “I am going to call you Birdie. Can’t a stallion just admire the work of another? Like artists comparing their techniques? As I said before, I have already had my fill; I am quite satiated on innocent blood.” His mouth salivated at the memory.

“I know your instincts are just screaming at you to kill me, to strike me dead where I stand. It would be such a pity if you listened to those inner voices. You would be missing out on some grand opportunities,” Nereus smiled at the stallion, it was a twisted grin that showed his sharp fangs. The white stallion was not scared nor worried about an attack from the colorful birdie; the horns upon his head were not decorative and were kept just as sharp as his talons, “We could help each other; I could teach you patience, since you are surely lacking it if you cannot even wait to kill your prey, and show you the wonders of torture. And you can show me those brute strength death blows you are so fond of. See? A win-win situation.”

Nereus knew that the game he played would not be a win-win, he would be the victor, for once he tired of his little Birdie he would kill him like all the rest of his victims. Since the Birdie was not innocent it was not his favorite type of game, but it would be an interesting one at that and it would surely test his skills. The prospect of it made him smile internally while his countenance continued to have the same expression it had while chatting with the dimwitted visionless bird.

The white stallion was calling the beaked stallion Birdie to anger him and also to put him in his place. Yes they were both winged and taloned, but that is where Nereus’ similarity to a bird ended, he considered himself more like a mythical beast of nightmare, a drakon sin scales, who terrorized the land and desired those pure of body and heart to satiate his need for perfection and death. He was even like a dragon in a sense he had a collection of treasures, although his was not in jewels or gold, but in something else he prized, tokens from his victims. Whenever he gazed upon the object he would be transported back to the time he spent with them. He would see how he built up their hope, then dashed it to pieces, how they loss their goodness, their purity, and finally he would again relish in the dark stain of darkness upon their soul as the life drained from their eyes. Sometimes he did not kill those he tainted but kept them as his pets, it pleased him to have those serve him who once were innocent and now where tainted by his dark acts.

Nereus continued to watch the stallion, waiting for his next move. Would he take the deal or would he play the fool?

Again I am so sorry that this took me so long to get back to you x.x


Devoted Mage



PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 5:58 pm

Birdie? Birdie?!? this fat sack of meat had the audacity to call him 'BIRDIE'! Feathers fluffing up to twice their normal size, Checkmate's eyes all but turned completely red as a slow hiss escaped the edges of his beak. This stallion would eat his words, gag on them actually if Checkmate were to get his claws into him. Nothing in this world called him birdie, no one that lived to tell about it upon the next sun rising. Flicking his wings, half spreading them, his talons tore from the carcass beneath and threw chunks of meat as he passed over it. He was going to teach this grinning fool something about horror birds.

"Call me that again, 'friend' and you'll be swallowing that tongue of yours while I tear your heart from your very chest." Checkmate hissed as he stepped closer to the white stallion. "Then you will get to see my 'brute strength'." This was little more then just a threat, it was a straight up promise.

Checkmate wasn't one for waiting for his prey, watching them writhe in pain and scream for mercy. Mercy was for the weak and he preferred to just straight up eating his prey. He wasn't a sport animal, nor a sport hunter. Not in a kill or be killed world, he would rather do the killing then be on the other end of a set of claws and fangs. Putting things aside, he walked around this white beast that was offering 'lessons' to him, he had to snort. Lessons? What more was there to learn? He was what he was, there was no room for anything else in his small brain.

"Alright 'horny', if you don't MIND me calling you that." not really the best of comebacks, but there was little to work with from the sights of the white beast. "I'll bite, if, and I mean IF, you can bestow upon me patience. Then I won't plant my claws into your spine."

This was a small chance he could take, Checkmate wasn't about to become some playboy to another stallion. Now, is things went sour, he would have a new hide, be it stained and tattered, for his collection. The horns might have made a nice necklace as well. He would 'play' along with this game, but only so far. His current patience was thin and stretching thinner.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:22 pm
Oh look, he had struck a nerve.

The bird was such a volatile beast who let all his emotions fly; his anger almost seemed palpable. Nereus was ecstatic that the checkered stallion was in such a state. Highly emotional creatures made more mistakes; they were ruled by their emotions and their primitive need for killing for food. Killing for sport was the more civilized way to go, for it was more of an art form, a dance if you will, between predator and prey.

“If you do not wish me to call you what you are, then what do you desire me to call you?” He did not say birdie again, not yet. Yes hot tempers were more fun to play with, but they also had a streak of the unknown and Nereus was not about to do something stupid and have his fun be cut short.

At the stallion’s next words, Nereus could not help but laugh, the sound was dry and mirthless, one that would send shivers down any one’s spine, “Horny! Now that is a good one, although I am sorry to say mate, you don’t really make me feel that way, you are not exactly my type, but hey, for each his own right?” Nereus knew that the other stallion was referring to the horns upon his head, but it was just too much fun pushing his buttons to see how far he would go before he exploded. Nereus stopped his laughing and sobered up, “You don’t leave me much of an option, teach you patience or I die and become your midday snack. How do I know you will not pretend not to gain patience so you can chow down on me anyway? I must tell you, I am quite gamey; I would probably give you a stomachache and poison you. I am quite rotten on the inside after all.”

The white stallion was enjoying himself, messing with the checkered stallion was a dangerous game but one that was incredibly entertaining. It was like dancing around a volcano preparing to erupt but the dancer does not know exactly when the deadly action would take place. It was exhilarating.

“So are you really willing to learn the art of patience when killing your prey or is all of this a game?” Well of course it was a game, with each stallion intending to be the winner with the other dead at their feet. Perhaps the question was another way of baiting the checkered stallion, seeing how far Nereus could push him and still come out victorious. Of this he was certain would happen, he always won and always got what he wanted, this silly little birdie will not keep him from his master piece.

Sorry for the delay!


Devoted Mage

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