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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

[PRP] Sad Girl in Sneakers (Junko/Seiji)

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Fanatical Friend

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:17 pm
Junko gave a delighted purring sound low in her throat, a rumble of contentment from the futakuchi-onna as she rolled over onto her stomach. Her arms folded on the pillow, and she rest her head on them while glowing green eyes peeked at Seiji from behind a thick curtain of long black hair. Blood red lips were faded a softer pink color than when she had arrived, but still as full and plump as ever. She pursed them, smacking them together to make a little kissing sound for the boil beside her. A long tendril of hair reached out to brush affectionately against him, and Junko scoot closer to cuddle up against his side with the dreamiest of sighs.

She pushed hair out of her face so she could have an unobstructed view of her fiance, the love of her life, her forever, her red string and soulmate, and she couldn’t help the smile on her face. Despite wanting so badly to say something, she stayed quiet as per her promise. A hand came up to trace small fingers along the length of his jaw, stopping under his chin a moment before following the line of his throat and collar bone. While she couldn’t talk, it didn’t stop her from appreciating her husband-to-be while relaxing and...well..recovering.

Suddenly she giggled for no apparent reason and moved to lie across his chest, one leg draping across his waist, her eyes closed and her ear pressed over his heart. She couldn’t help herself. She was just so happy.

See? They didn’t need to go running. This was enough exercise to last them a good, long time. Running. Please, Seiji. You obviously didn’t want to go running too badly if you pit it up in choice between running and bedroom fun.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:26 pm
Seiji let Junko have her moment, a satisfied smirk settled on his lips as he stroked fingers softly along her back. Unlike his fiance, Seiji didn't need as much recovery time, his breathing was normal, his pulse was slowing back into oblivion, and his skin was cooling, but he basked in her warmth and her life, savoring the pulse of her body against his. He'd missed it when they'd been apart, so much more than he'd realized.

The happy after glow was not allowed to last though. before too long the boil was sitting up, collecting the ghoul in his arms as he did so, and he'd set her on the edge of the bed beside him as he leveled a devious little smile on her.

"That was fun," he purred, tracing a fingertip up the line of her spine, his hand disappearing under the curtain of ebony hair as he cupped the back of her neck. There was a long pause, luring her into a false sense of security, then he was withdrawing his hand and bending down to reach for his shorts. "But your so spontaneous arrival has thrown off my schedule for the day." It hadn't, he'd already gone running, but this was an opportunity way to tempting to waste. "Which means you're going to accompany me." The grin widened. "No questions asked, right?"

Was it cruel? Likely it was, but the boil had the hint of a mean streak in him. that he kept hidden the majority of the time. The dutiful fiance, the supportive partner, the loving boilfriend. He did everything for the ghoul, now she was doing things for him.

As he got to his feet he pulled the jogging shorts up around his hips, then he went for the closet. It took a moment of digging, but as he turned back to her there was a pair of sneakers in his hand, ones that were much to short for his own feet.




Wrathful Demigod


Fanatical Friend

PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:18 pm
There was a confused sound from Junko when she was picked up and sat at the edge of the bed. She tilted her head, watching him with a curious look on her face. What was with the smile? She couldn't possibly do any more, she was worn out as it was! Junko was about to protest in some way until he spoke and she relaxed, giggling and nodding her head as his hand drew shivers up her spine. That felt nice.

He stopped, drew away, and started to dress himself. She blinked. Oh, okay. He'd had homework he'd been working on, right? That was fine. She'd find something to do while he did that, she was pretty sure she left a pair of knitting needles and a ball of yarn here at some point..that'd be fun to do while he was busy.

Junko had been looking around for sign of what she had thought she would be doing until Seiji said something about..accompanying him? Her brow furrowed and her lips pouted, a look of confusion turning Seiji's way. Accompanying him? What was he talking about? She even mouthed a silent 'what?' while watching him get dressed and then start digging around in his closet. She waited, too confused and curious to get up and wander.

She immediately regretted everything.

All good feelings of bliss were gone at the sight of sneakers definitely not meant for Seiji. Oh no. Noooo, no. No. The Mistress, not part of the silence promise, started barking with laughter at poor Junko's expense. The panic was clear in Junko's eyes as her eyes widened and her jaw dropped, the words not escaping her but the 'NO!' very, very much implied. No! This was so mean! She chose not running! Why?! He knew she hated running! He knew she was bad at it! He knew! Oh my jack this is so mean..!

She shook her head, still looking entirely too dismayed until something hit her. Junko gasped and finally looked away from the sneakers to instead look up at Seiji and shake her head again. She gestured to herself, her hand going up and down as if to point out her lack of suitable attire. Even still! She had arrived in a tight dress! That was hardly something to go running in! And all she had for socks were stockings! Nothing appropriate for running in sneakers. She then gestured to her hair. Too much hair! She couldn't run with all this hair!

No, Seiji. Just. No. Please.


PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 2:09 pm
It was actually pretty hilarious, watching the delight and lassitude draining from his fiance's lovely face, and his own dark features lit up like a scareling on Halloween eve. Grinning as the Mistress cut the silence with ruckus laughter. Their's was a rocky start, The Mistress and him, but it seemed as though they were more often in agreement these days.

"Oh, don't worry baby. I got you covered." If Junko thought pointing out the obvious was going to get her out of this, the ghoul had thought wrong. he flashed her a grin that was likely meant to be sweet and reassuring, but certainly didn't come off as such given the circumstances. Holding up his free hand, he gestured for a minute, then turned to his dresser and opened a drawer. From within he pulled a pair of shorts, her size, and a tank top she'd left there one of the times she'd slept at his drom.

These, along with the shoes, were set on her lap as he bent and lay a soft kiss on her brow.




Wrathful Demigod


Fanatical Friend

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:05 pm
I got you covered? Oh, no..

Suddenly she didn't like his grin. Stop grinning. You're being mean. I have made a horrible mistake, she thought to herself.

Glowing green eyes watched warily as he walked off to dig around in his dresser, her heart now pounding with fear. Oh no. Those were her shorts. She remembered them. They had been worn under a dress once to keep some modesty while she was out and about in public due to the sheerness of certain parts of it. How could she have left them here.

What have I done.

She was frowning when he set everything on her lap, eyes turned down as she gazed down at them in distaste. For once she didn't tip her head into the kiss to her brow. Stupid jerkface fiances didn't get affection. She picked at the tank top, and that was when something struck her. An idea.

Wide green eyes turned up to look at Seiji, her lips set in a small pout. She gestured to her own hair. All of it. This was far too much hair for her to wear something that was pulled over her head! There was too much hair for her to go running! It was too long! It would drag, or she would step on it! Sure, the whole running issue could be solved by braiding her hair and putting it up, something she had done before for other activities such as various school dances, but the tank top would still not be comfortable for her to put on with her amount of hair regardless of whether or not she liked the situation she was in. It honestly just wasn't an option for her anymore.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 6:03 pm
Sorry sweetheart, that excuse wasn't going to fly. Seiji lofted a brow at her as she gestured to all her hair and that sly, almost cruel, little smile of his only grew wider. "Nice try, but that's stretchy. You can step right into it, and shimmy it up your hips." And just to prove it, he grasped the sides of the tank top and pulled, demonstrating just how elastic it was.

When he let go again he returned to his dresser to pull out a pair of socks and dropped down on the edge of the bed beside her so he could pull them on and then start lacing up his shoes. When it became clear Junko was hoping for some last second miracle to save her he paused, looking up at her. "No use stalling, come on."

Cruel boil. Very cruel.




Wrathful Demigod


Fanatical Friend

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:41 pm
Junko just stared at him, terror in her eyes. He was really going to make her do this. It was happening. This was going to be a thing. She brought this on herself, she supposed...she had just hoped he wouldn't..sigh. Fine. Pouting, Junko did as he said and took the tank top to step into it. Her hair still needed to be braided but she had a feeling he wouldn't let her make any more silent excuses not to run.

She knew her body. Junko was sure she would make it five minutes tops.

Ugh. Reaching for the shorts, an idea struck her. Glowing green eyes glanced his way as he told her to quit stalling, and she couldn't help but smirk. Oh, she had one last thing she could try. Suddenly Junko huffed and stood again, dropping the shorts and facing away from Seiji with her back to him and her hair thrown over one shoulder as she bent down to reach for the shorts again and step into them. The shorts were pulled up her legs with unnecessary slowness as she languidly arched her body until the shorts were pulled on and she was standing straight again. Junko glanced over her shoulder to judge his reaction. It was her last hope. Her miracle. Please Jack let him take the bait...!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:16 am
It wouldn't work. Or at least not in the way Junko was hoping. Seiji's attention certainly drifted where she had hoped it would, but instead of getting distracted, he simply ave that lovely behind a playful swat.

"Come on, enough stalling. Let's go." It didn't seem as if nothing was going to derail the ghost boil. He grinned down at his fiance, hand son his hips. "Braid the hair, we've got pavement to pound."




Wrathful Demigod


Fanatical Friend

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:21 am
The swat earned him a squeak of surprise as Junko stumbled forward away from it, cheeks flushing and eyes widening. She bit down on her lip and nodded, sitting down on the edge of the bed and beginning the long process of braiding her hair. She needed it not to drag, so that meant more braiding than usual, and then she had to braid the braids together. She wiggled a foot at him and tilted her head toward the sneakers. If he wanted her to go running he would have to put the shoes on for her.

When the stupid shoes were on and her hair was braided, Junko finally gave a sigh and reached up for Seiji to lift her off the bed and onto her feet. She gestured toward the door. After you~.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:37 am
This he'd concede to, dropping to his knees and grabbing her shoes so he could slid them onto dainty feet and tie them snugly in place. When he was done he stood again, pressing hands into the small of his back as he bent, stretching. Just killing time before she was holding her hands up to him. With an encouraging grin he'd draw her up to her feet, and before she could slip away he lay a kiss against her temple.

Outside the dorms he'd take a moment to stretch out fully. The boil didn't really cramp, being dead, but it felt nice, helped put him in the proper head space. He rotated his upper body, hugged either arm across his own chest to stretch his shoulders, then turned glowing eyes down to the ghoul.





Wrathful Demigod


Fanatical Friend

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:50 am
Junko watched him stretch, half-heatedly mimicking him simply because uh what this is a thing???? until he finally asked if she was ready.

She smiled and shook her head no.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:55 am
"Too bad."

And here things changed pace a little. Instead of taking off into a quick jog the boil reached out and took his fiance's hand, lacing their fingers together as that devious smile melted into something a lot sweeter.

He gave her a tug as he started forward, into running, but into a leisurely stroll, her beside him.

Apparently not so cruel after all.




Wrathful Demigod


Fanatical Friend

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:00 pm

But Seiji took her hand, lacing their fingers together, and his smile changed. She blinked, staring up at him with confusion as they...walked. Oh. They were just..walking. Confusion became relief as she side-stepped closer to rest her head against his arm, eyes closing and her hand squeezing his. Much better.

Even if this outfit was dumb.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 5:29 pm
It had been a cruel lead up, even he would admit that, but totally worth it, and now they'd get to enjoy that walk they'd talked about not too long ago. He gave her hand a squeeze, tipped his head down to kiss the top of her head, and started leading them towards the lake. They would walk around it, enjoy the mild weather, then head back.

Later, after a shower, they could figure out dinner, pop in a movie, and spend the rest of the evening cuddling on the chair.

It turned out Seiji enjoyed quite a lot of the same things Junko did. When given the chance to pick, he picked the things they had always done together, the things that brought back good memories.




Wrathful Demigod


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