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Homestuck inspired troll related b/c 

Tags: homestuck, troll, breedables, mspa, alternia 

Reply Alternia RP
[PRP] High Chase Pursuit (Zeffer/Voscil)

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:04 pm
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When: Sometime after 11PM.

Where: The streets of New Hemisect City.

The streets were as lively and happening as anyone would expect for the largest city in all of Alternia. Amidst the hubbub and daily nightly shuffle there is an unusual disturbance. An unlikely, spur of the moment race competition breaks out between two trolls; all at the great low price of free for the spectators present.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:08 pm
Voscil left her communal hivesteam early that nightfall with the intention of getting some good old fashion run time in. She might have only been a few sweeps old, but her ambition and determination to be the fastest troll alive fueled the little yellowbloods mind more often than not. She’d spent several weeks in Chittentown, and was more than happy to be back in her own environment and the rushing pulse of the city. It made her feel alive to be part of New Hemisect City; from the hustle to the noise and lively activity it was all good in her books. This particular trip she’d stuck out without her lusus’s knowing, waiting until the tigress was asleep before taking her chances in adventuring out on her own.

While she was mostly a little speeding yellow blur of psionics and had no intention of stopping an unusual site caught her eyes. Voscil had seen adult trolls before, but this particular one actually brought the girl to a slowed trot before all together stopping to gawk. At first it was the simple fact he had lightning bolts on his pants that alone amused her. Sure, it was rude to stare at a complete stranger but common sense didn’t always apply to her think pan.

Whoever this was, he wasn’t necessarily a mammoth, but compared to her he certainly was impressively large. Her eyes went wide, about the same time her jaw slacked in awe. Woah! Dude your hair is freaking awesome!” She blurted out without thinking, a grin spreading over her face. She moved to a new location beside him, gone one moment and appearing the next to inspect him from another angle. “You seem like a badass I’m guessing you gotta be with duds like those!” Vos wasn’t trying to demean him it was more born out of childish curiosity, and fascination.

Just like she had before, she moved to another side of him, tilting her head as she looked up at him on her tip toes to get a better look at him. She was about at his waist level, so the gap between them was enough to be nearly comical. Safety was of no concern to the yellowblood, even if he was entirely possibly a highblood. Unless he threatened her of course; she’d be gone faster than she’d appeared.



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Floppy Member

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:59 pm
It was just another one of those nights where Zeffer hadn't really felt like sticking around the Four Fronds, bored of tormenting his neighbors, and tired as well of the sound of the hunts emanating from the forest. The city, as always, was a place he felt more at home, and the busy atmosphere of the streets was the perfect distraction for his thought-addled mind. Usually he'd be on the prowl with a specific purpose in mind, but not this night. He'd figured he would wander around for a while, maybe even dip inside one or two of the shops lining the wide avenues, and then return to Aprife's hivestem later on. With his matesprit's recovery, things finally felt as if they would settle down, if only for a while. It felt odd to be relieved for such a thing, but after the series of events that had gone down during the previous weeks, it would be nice to recharge.

While he did like to troll-watch from time to time, Zeffer wasn't really paying attention as he gazed down the street, the little yellow blur going unnoticed and unseen. He hadn't even caught her approach, and by the time she had zipped over to blurt out her compliments, he was sure she had been at on his left side, initially. Was he going crazy? The yellowblood's words were enough to distract him; surely he'd just not been paying enough attention.

"Heheh!" Zeffer couldn't help but give a good-natured laugh. Even though he'd gained a appreciable amount of height and extra muscle in the last couple sweeps, he'd never really given it much consideration, past upgrading his wardrobe a bit. That the kid before him had the guts to approach a troll of his stature tickled him. On most days, he still felt like a wriggler himself.

"Thanks, kid. You must be a little bad a** yourself, huh? That's a pretty rad symbol you've got." He chuckled again, and was about to ask her what it meant, before she relocated herself again, and he realized that he hadn't been crazy before. The grin that lit up Zeffer's face shone with interest, and he huffed out a surprised laugh. He couldn't remember ever meeting a psionic lowblood at such a young age. "Oh, I get it! Fast as lightning, right?" Zeffer shook with amusement, nt at Voscil herself, but the situation overall.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:18 pm
While the older hadn't seen her coming Voscil didn't really mind if at all. That was pretty typical when she'd manage to creep up on unsuspecting trolls. For a fleeting moment she thought he was laughing at her, and tilted her head at him in question. As he continued to speak however, she beamed up at him, arching up on her toes to get a better look at him for what little it did. "I am pretty bad a**, I like to think so!" She laughed, squaring her shoulders looking rather pleased with his assessment.

Whatever she'd thought he was laughing about became apparent he wasn't making fun of her. Realization dawned on the small girl when he made the comment about being fast as lightning. "Hell yeah I am! I love running as fast as I can." How rad, he totally understood (or so she believed) which only made the physical yellow wave lengths around the child buzz and hum from excitement. She puffed up proudly, beaming up at him, if it was possible her grin had become all the more toothy.

"Are you fast too?! I see you have lightning bolts on your pants!" She was trying to gauge the other, moving around him in a quick circling lap before standing in front of him again hands on her hips. Sure he seemed friendly enough but, maybe depending on what he had to say they could hang out. Or better yet, she'd have someone to run with.

"Ooo! Hey ya know, I was bored anyway. Do you wanna go run around town or something? Pleeeeease?" Her eyes gleamed mischievously, the psionic yellowblood reasoned with an adult to pal around that was like twice the trouble they could get into she figured anyway. Especially since he was a blueblood, which she found fascinating he was so friendly the opposite of most of her conceptual understanding of the caste system. How Weird! Bouncing up and down at the prospect, she closed her squawk gaper long to watch him impatiently eager to hear what he had to say on the matter.



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Floppy Member

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 8:44 pm
"I can see that! It's pretty ********' cool." Zeffer laughed again, already liking the kid's style. She was fearless, and seemed to have a damn good grip on her powers. Even though he didn't know s**t about psionics, he allowed himself to be impressed. Quite suddenly, however, he realized that part of the picture was missing. It was a part that generally kept big ugly bastards like him from getting anywhere near trolls the yellowblood's age and size. Where was her lusus? He glanced about casually for a moment, and made a mental note to remain alert of his surroundings. The last thing he needed was to be attacked by some eager youngster's overprotective guardian in the middle of the city. Then again, the lowblood's powers probably kept her safe enough.

"Oh yeah, I'm plenty fast." Zeffer returned her smile with a grizzled one of his own, and took a moment to brag himself, not wanting to bow to Voscil's obvious prowess so quickly. It was less out of pride, though, and more for playfulness. He was pretty ******** fast, he liked to think, but only compared to the average troll. He lifted his hands slightly as she zipped around him again, marveling once more at her powers. What he wouldn't give, to be able to reach those speeds. He might have fallen into a daydream over the havoc he'd wreak with such a skill, but she kept him from drifting.

Her request made his eyes shimmer with the exact same kind of impish light. She was a wriggler after his own pump biscuit, truly. When was the last time anyone, let alone a lowblood, had approached him on the streets? He was too used to it happening the other way around. "Sounds like a great idea to me...but y'know what else we could do..." He snickered as he hooked his thumbs into his belt, beginning to walk, expecting that she would follow.

"If we can find a good open spot, we should have a little race. How about it?" The idea was too amusing to him to pass up, as he found himself wondering if he had even a sliver of a chance of beating her. It was worth a try, wasn't it?
PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:10 am
"Heh! Thanks Mr!" She replied in a sing song tone. Voscil noted how he looked around for a bit but thought nothing of it. She'd purposely left her lusus back at home like a rotten brat, and likely would catch a lot of slack once her mother discovered her missing. The little kid wasn't too worried, MamaJu wasn't prone to punishment, she’d just give her a lecture or two Voscil imagined. It wasn't like was the first time she'd done this, nor would it be the last. The pair was incredibly close, but Vos craved the independence she wasn't even old enough for yet.

"Oh yeah I bet! You gottta be, being that tall and all sheesh." Playfully, the kid rolled her eyes at his own gloating nodding in understanding. "Hmm? What's that?" She replied immediately, seeing as he was already walking she was just as quickly falling in place, easily catching up. For every long stride he took, she followed with several steps without complaint however as if it didn't faze her.

He'd said the magic words, the kid squealed in delight, throwing her arms up in the air as she shouted obnoxiously. The topic was near and dear to her heart as she'd made evident. "Oh my god! HELL yes! Let's race dude sure thing, it's sooooo on!" She didn't care if it caused a fuss, or that other trolls walking down the street were startled by her outburst. "oh, oh! I'm Voscil Torgny by the way! Whatcha want me to call ya beside Mr. Talldude~" She tugged at his coat, peering up at him expectantly. Truly this was about as cool as it got for a troll only a couple sweeps old, especially to one as hyperactive as the lowblood in question.

On-wards the pair marched, all the while Voscil kept her eyes out for a clear path as he'd suggested. It didn't take that long, just shy out outside of town there wasn't nearly the clustering of trolls going about their business. The old street had a series of street lamps, all evenly spaced apart. "What are your terms? Two to three blocks and back to this spot, first one to return wins? Or do you got a better idea?" The kid shaded her eyes gazing down the road, clearly fine with anything. Vos poked her tongue out in consideration brows scrunching up.  


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Floppy Member

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 5:33 pm
"Perfect. He didn't bother to mention her lack of lusus, not one to fuss with such minutiae. If she could take care of herself, more power to her. He was past it now, mind set on seeing just how fast she could go, and whether or not he could come close to matching her. As several heads swung to peer over at them, he snorted, and knew that his presence would likely ward off any possible interference.

"Oh right! I'm Zeffer Siroco." He offered a fangy smirk as she tugged his coat, captivated and endeared once more by her infectious enthusiasm. It had been a long time since a stranger had pulled such feelings from him; that was usually left to trolls he viewed as close friends. Hell, most trolls seemed to want as little to do with him as possible now, though it wasn't hard to figure out why. He was trouble, plain and simple, and before Voscil had approached he'd been planning out some course of mischief for the night. Shoplifting maybe, or visiting the disaster zone that had yet to be cleaned up. If there was any excitement to be milked from investigating the Root, he was interested in doing so. But for now, there was something of much greater interest to focus on.

"Mmmmm..." Zeffer hummed thoughtfully over the terms of the race. He couldn't help but think back to the time he had challenged another one of his friends to a race on a rainy day, and the memory made him smile. "Why don't we pick a finish line, and first one there wins?" He wasn't sure about round-trip race, and began to wonder what her stamina was like. How long could she keep her speed, before tiring out? It would be an interesting thing to investigate later, perhaps. As they reached the end of the block, he stopped, and began to stretch a bit.

"To the end of the next block, that sound good?" He grinned down at her, before peering to squint down the street. It was as good a course as any, even if there were no landmarks at the end.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:25 pm
Voscil’s brows squinted in consideration at her tall friends name and introduction, muttering the first name a few times under her breath as if she was committing it to memory. While not the best with names, this one was easy enough to remember; especially with his being willing to hang out with her. Not everyone could tolerate her at her most rambunctious, or simply just didn't know how to respond. The fact this guy took it all in stride was more than fine by the youngsters standards.

Rubbing her chin as she squinted down the distance of the street, she rocked on her sneakers heels a few times in consideration. "Hmm!" She echoed, simply because it seemed like the reasonable thing to do even if it was mimicry. Her eyes went wide with consideration, a toothy grin of her own plastered on the yellowblood's face. The suggestion of one block earned a thumbs up in agreement. Anything worked for her. Plus she had to hurry up before her MamaJu woke up and discovered her missing from their hivesteam. Woopse. "How about that there?" She chimed in suggestion, pointing at a faraway lamp post as their end goal.

Crouching down she stretched both her legs in a quick warm up, rolling her shoulder as she brushed a thumb over her nose in anticipation for what was to come. She'd likely burn up her energy reserves and want to eat like a hoofbeast after this, but she could always whine for food after this Vos figured. This opportunity was too good to pass up. "Yup! Last one there's a rotten wiggler egg!" She giggled dropping down onto one knee, poised and ready to take off. "On the count of three?" Her eyes darted from the location to him, and back again with a determined squaring of her shoulders.

Not waiting for an answer, her teeth clenched in anticipation. "ONE!" She hollered, not caring who's heads turned towards her shouting. Waiting barely a second or two the next word flew out of her squawk gaper.

"TWO!" She didn't even cheat out of respect for her competitor. Even if the gleam in her eyes spoke volumes for her wish to do otherwise. Vos waited for his count before making a break for it.



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Floppy Member

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:20 pm
Voscil Torgny. It wasn't a name Zeffer would be forgetting anytime soon, and his thoughts were already churning over possibilities for his new acquaintance. Though he hated to consider it, his affiliations and the recent events within the rebel faction made it clear that attempts at recruiting wouldn't be such a bad idea...but the thought of trying to bring in someone so young was troublesome to the blueblood. He wouldn't have to decide now, at least, not while they were having fun.

Zeffer held back a chuckle as she mirrored his movements, allowing her to take her time in contributing her thoughts to their important decision. He began to stretch a bit himself as they came to a halt, lunging once or twice for each leg, and twisting his upper body before reaching up for a full body stretch. As she finally pointed out their stopping point, he grinned big. "Sounds good to me. Hope you're ready to run." He teased, and hoped that she was as pumped as he was becoming.

Even though he still knew it probably wouldn't be much of a contest, Zeffer already felt a sense of the oncoming exhileration. A rare opportunity like this one, to attempt to match his skills against someone with her abilities, could not be passed up, or taken too seriously. As Voscil took her stance, he followed her lead, crouching low and flexing his gloved hands in anticipation, giving a quick nod over the question of the countdown. His body tensed up as she began the countdown, fangs sinking into his lower lip.


He pushed off from the curb, exploding into motion. Sweeps spent running just about everywhere he went had left the blueblood limber and in excellent shape. Sprinting was his favorite type of running, and it was what he considered most important when fighting came into question. Being able to move quickly was a great boon...but how would he stack up against the powered youngster?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:15 pm
Voscil arched a brow, giving Zeffer a thoughtful look when he asked if she was ready to run. Bobbing her head a few times, her teeth chattered in anticipation as she smirked at him. “Ha! I was born to run!” She replied confidently, the little yellowblood was more than ready. His teasing only fueled her determination, eager to show him what she was made of.

When he called the final number, she watched as he took off. His explosion of movement had that smirk still lining her features. In reality, she hadn’t expected him to be such a powerful force in motion; his long limbs carried him forward at a rather impressive clip. “Let’s DO this!" Laughing with childish mirth, Voscil pushed off the ground loping after Zeffer.

Sparks of lightning crackled off her; a faint yellow buzzing hue surrounded the troll as she reached internally for her hatch given powers. Her flarp persona as the yellow dasher proceeded her, evident in the blurry motion of the psionics movement.

Lead on by a beating pump biscuit, and a friendly competition the chase was on. Undaunted by his head start, Vos pressed onward and was soon on his heels. An idea occurred to her, why not match his pace? Liking the idea, she was soon running evenly at his side. “Hehe! Hi there!” She chimed in, grinning wickedly up at the taller troll. Every cloud had its silver lining, and Voscil believed in this event for all it was worth. She was caught up in their game— lost in the rush of it.

She could see their end goal just in sight, and knew it was time to kick it into overdrive. Vos stayed there beside him for several beats, before bursting foreword in the zone as she pull ahead. "See ya on the other side!" Voscil called back to him. Even if she admired the older, she wouldn't take prisoners.



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Floppy Member

PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 5:13 pm
Zeffer wasn't exactly sure what he'd expected. Mostly, he had imagined that she would fly right past, a crackling blur of psionic energy that he didn't stand a chance at beating. Instead, it seemed as if he had managed to take the lead at first, and his astonishment gave him a boost of fresh determination. Was she letting him get ahead, or did it just take her time to build speed? Sucking in deep breaths, he charged ahead and didn't dare to look back, focused only on the path ahead...until she caught up to him, anyway.

His head jerked to look down at her as she caught up, and he barked a laugh at her greeting, immediately hoping that she didn't think he was being condescending. It was simply too comical not to, and his grinned big, fangs and all. "Heya!" He managed between breaths, trying not to let his laughter mess with the rhythm of his breathing. So, she had let him get a head start, and now she was pacing him as if it were nothing to her. She was just toying around with him, and rather than letting it irritate him, he was delighted instead by her playfulness and bold attitude.

"s**t!" He laughed again as she bid him a cheeky goodbye, panting as he tried fervently to match her speed. Another rush of adrenaline let him kick into his own lesser overdrive, but as fast as Zeffer could be, it simply didn't stack up to her specialized mutation. He watched as she blazed away, and before he knew it, she was skipping across their decided finish line. It was a good ten seconds or so until he finally caught up, swatting the post of the lamp as he crossed, and jogging past, his chest heaving with the effort of the race.

"Damn, Voscil." He laughed more openly then, bouncing in place and stretching, warming down, as it were, after the sudden burst of activity. "Beat me fair and square. I don't think there was ever really any doubt..." He snickered, grinning over at his new friend. He was sure glad they had chosen a sprinting race, rather than a longer distance, that was for sure...

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