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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

[PRP] Hot Dog (Sacha and Elly)

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Alarming Consumer

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 2:51 pm
Apparently there were a few things that the Iratxoak demon needed to learn about the school he was attending (such as how not to hunt fellow students), which meant that he probably needed a dash of guidance. A smidgen really. So, properly stocked with a small bag of spookies and a pocketful of suckers he headed out to find yet one more sucker, someone to show him around.

Sacha realized too late that he probably should have stayed safely in the Demon dorms and found a respectable demon to show him around, but he was already out walking toward where he thought the main buildings were by the time he thought of it. Annoyed he crunched into his sucker, destroying it with his teeth as he looked around for a victim. "Oi! You there!" He pointed with the sucker stick to a decently tall boil that was the only one actually around at the moment. "Do you want a spookie?"

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:02 pm
It had been a little while since Elly had really mingled in with the crowd - since the cinema gathering, if he recalled correctly. It wasn't that he hated being in a group, (quite possibly the opposite, he had a sort of 'pack mind' going on since he was born,) he was just really not finding his little niche to hide in and just simmer like a good puppy.

So, normally, he would be slinking his way through the main halls, trying to meander to his next class, when a rather sudden voice piped up behind him, making the large lava dog turn around.

There was a stick in his face.

It was tiny, and still kind of covered in candy and saliva, but it was offering him a spookie. Well no, the small student behind it was offering him a spookie. Canine ears went up, as his eyebrows did, in response, and the smallest wag of his tail started up behind him. It was (hopefully) an easy task.

You didn't get a spookie for nothing.

"Um. Hello. Hello there, I would - but what do I have to do for it?"



Headless Hunter

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Alarming Consumer

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 3:47 pm
Well, that was a good sign, the fact that the boil was interested in his offer. Sacha craned his neck a little bit more to try to get a better look at him. The demon pulled out the bag of spookies, wanting to get one for himself and also wanting to further tempt the canine. This one was a spiced sugar spookie that was anything but ordinary, and decorated with a glaze and precisely placed bits of cobwebs.

"It's nothing really," he remarked, waving the spookie half under the other boil's nose. "I just need someone to show me around. The basics really." He bit into the spookie he was holding, the spookie holding together fine but giving easily, the flavors bursting and melding on his tongue. On second thought a tour probably wasn't worth one of his spookies. "What do you think, have we got ourselves a deal?"

If not he'd need to find someone else soon. His time was too important to be wasted loitering about. There were recipes to try and food to be eaten.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 6:13 pm
This demon didn't need to tempt the canine too much, it was simple request - he knew how it was like to be new at the school and unaware of what was happening and . . . maybe overwhelmed? Stepping back once to give the smaller demon a good look over, he opened his mouth a little at the cookie close to it, a small drip of magma escaping and hitting the well-cared for floors.

They did magic here - and learnt pretty quickly that a dog full of magma would ruin floors really easily. So now, there was something that kept him from leaving burn marks everywhere. (He still did sometimes.)

"The school, mm?" He finally replied, going to wipe off his lip a little, looking behind him, tail waggling slowly again. "Yeah, that wouldn't be too hard, for a spookie? I can handle that. Pretty easy trade, just not a half eaten one." He stated, looking back down. "I mean, it doesn't bother me if you bit it, but I feel like I'm getting half the offer with half a cookie." A coy grin. Opening his mouth again, he pointed in to his lava filled mouth.

"Give spookie, get welcoming committee."



Headless Hunter

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Alarming Consumer

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 6:25 pm
Sacha nodded, "fair enough, and I'd rather not share mine anyways." Still, he was a bit selective as he reached back into the bag. He didn't just pull out the smallest spookie in there, instead selecting a medium sized own that wasn't his favorite flavor. Absolutely nothing was wrong with red velvet with a bloody looking drizzle, but he'd rather save the lemon one for later.

He paused, spookie half out of the bag, and gave the canine a look. A judgmental look, as he stared pointedly at his mouth. "I'm not going to feed you." Open mouth or not Sacha had standards, and the boil could risk getting his hands dirty.

"I'm Sacha by the way. Sacha Henri Mael."

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:24 pm
Spoiled sport.

Oh well, he got a spookie out of it anyways.

Grabbing the spookie out of the demon's hand, he threw it in his mouth nonchalantly, sighing out of his nose contently at the taste - it was a lot more decadent than what the school usually offered, and made him grin a little. Sure, after a moment it really just tasted like burnt cookies (everything tasted burnt after a few seconds, but to him, that was just personality). He really had to step his game up.

"Meal?" He answered finally, an ear flicking up a little as he muddled the poor demon's last name. "Sacha Meal? Better be careful or people will think you're a snack. Are you a chef? You look like one. Chef Meal." It had a nice ring. He may have looked a little cocky, but it slid off as he went to bend forward in a small bow.

"Eldrid Ignatius Ofenhund, a pleasure. People here have called me Elly, which I mean, seems fine enough." A shrug. "I've never had a nickname before, so it's kind of nice. But, regardless, welcome to Amityville - everyone says this place is one of the best. There's a lot that happens . . . " He trailed, before making a little face and shrugging. It was different than his home, but he wasn't super-wow'd yet.

"This is the main buildings, where everyone mingles. I could show you where the cafeteria is, but I wouldn't recommend it."

Things grew there.



Headless Hunter

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Alarming Consumer

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 7:36 pm
The look the little demon gave him was entirely unimpressed. "Mael," he hissed. "Mael. And of course I'm a chef! You should count yourself lucky I'm not turning you into dinner." He sneered, and hopefully that covered up the fact the the demon was, well, slightly small. Not small enough to be stepped on, but certainly small enough to be used for an armrest now and again.

He looked mollified by the time the monster introduced himself, and nodded at the name. And actually...Chef Meal might have been the first nickname he'd received himself, but it didn't mean he was going to embrace it. Baka.

The slight gagging noise that Sacha made at the mere word cafeteria would probably let the other boil know what he thought about it, but just in case he decided to tell him. "Do you even know what goes on in those sorts of places?" He didn't give Elly a chance to answer, instead charging on with several angry lashes of his tail. "They cook in quantity. Vats of slop made with ingredients that I wouldn't feed a minipet, and who even knows when they were harvested. Do you think they were picked or slaughtered today? No? Neither do I. And to make up with their complete lack of flavor they either do nothing, nothing at all, or they salt the slop frantically to try to cover up the fact that someone just sneezed into to goop. Not that you could actually tell. Places like that rarely manage to keep everything up to temperature, and half of it they make the day before and just reheat. Reheat. Like cooking is just a game to them. It's disgusting. And don't get me started on the quality of the meat they use, and whether or not it's even the right species. I've heard rumors. Rumors about monsters that can regrow their flesh quickly and just flavor the pot knowing whatever they remove will grow back by the next time they cook."

He paused to take a breath and if the canine boil knew what was good for him he would be best off changing the subject.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:59 pm
Nodding his head a little, he couldn't suppress a little smirk when the smaller demon gave him attitude about the mistaken version of his name. It totally wasn't something that he was filing away for future use. Seeing the hissy fit was amusing, and a little tail wag showed that he may be thinking about it too long.

Hearing the gagging noise coming out of the demon, he looked down at him, ears perked up high . . .

And then Sacha started word-vomitting.

Elly hadn't really expected the word-vomit, but he listened intently, nodding every so often as Sacha continued to vent further, his mouth opening a little and his tail wagging slowly. So, he didn't really have to show him - Sacha obviously had been shown the ropes . . there.

"Uh." He finally started, "Yeah. That's kind of right. Except that our cafeteria has been known to actually create life. I don't like it very much. I've . . . opted to eat whenever I can. Easy when you can dissolve metals." He digressed.

"Have you had any classes yet? Seen the dorms?"




Headless Hunter

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Alarming Consumer

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 10:48 pm
It created life? That was disturbing, and he didn't even want to think about the health code violations that were doubtlessly involved in something like that. No, the only way someone was going to get him into the cafeteria was literally if there was no other food left on campus. And he was trapped on campus for some reason. And no one could deliver food to the campus. It was a pretty unlikely scenario.

Thankfully the boil gave him something else to latch on to. "You can dissolve metals?" The question was genuine, and Sacha's eyes lit up slightly as he thought about it. "Do they taste differently? Have you tried mixing metals with food? What about mixing metals? What happens to your silverware while you eat?"

New concepts when it came to food excited him, and he was gushing questions but couldn't seem to stop himself. And perhaps he should try experimenting with metal shavings in some of his own dishes.

"No, all of this is more important than class, I haven't made it to any. And I've seen the demon dorms of course, not the other ones."

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:48 pm

It was a simple answer, dark eyebrows raising as he looked down at him as if it was an obvious answer. Eldrid was still getting used to people not knowing what he was, or that he was able to do things like breaking down metals.

"I'm a furnace dog - I'm basically a walking kiln - so I can melt down metals that have a weaker melting point, like steel and whatnot." He offered, figuring that the boil was much more interested in that, than anything, "Some things, I can't, like uh . . ." a pause, as the monster thought about things.

"Tungsten." With the answer, he touched the small charm on his chest vent. "A lot of my race make charms out of things like Tungsten, glass and platinum, since we can't fully melt it. Just temporarily bend it and whatnot. It's really interesting." He finished, giving the smaller demon a head-tilt. Hopefully that was a good enough answer, for him.



Headless Hunter

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Alarming Consumer

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:26 pm
A furnace dog. Well, he hadn't precisely asked about that, but it was good to know. And the information about metals could be useful as all sorts went to restaurants. If he could get into a niche market, offer dishes that could even be enhanced with metal, it could be just one more thing to set him apart.

"Like a kiln you say? Isn't that kind of like an oven?" The word was familiar, but not something he knew much about. He let his eyes take over the furnace dog, trying to assess him. It did seem like the very air was warmer around him, and with heat vents like that...call him curious.

"But wait, if you can melt most metals what happens to other things you eat?" He sounded a bit suspicious, and his grip tightened on the bag of spookies.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:43 pm
Thinking about the question, the monster scratched his chin a little, tail waggling lightly behind him. Was he like an oven? He never really got that question, so it was a first.

"I guess you could say, just a really hot oven, I suppose. You usually don't cook with magma, right?" Honest question, really. But he gave a nod. "My last name does translate to Oven Hound, so I guess you could say we're like that, yeah."

With a little shrug of his shoulder, he watched as the boil kind of grabbed his bag of spookies closer to him, head tilting a little at the action, before wondering how he was supposed to answer that one.

"Uh. . ." Good start. "I can taste the flavour of something for a quick minute, but usually due to the fact that my mouth is coated in super hot stuff, it usually burns before I can eat it completely. Burnt is a flavour I'm used to. Coffee is actually pretty good with me, since it's a liquid. I haven't really experimented as much as you'd think" He offered, before looking at the spookies again.

"But the spookie you gave me was really good, just so we're on the same page."


Headless Hunter

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Alarming Consumer

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:46 pm
Hm, a hot oven, so there was potential here. If someone had good ears they might have been able to hear the thoughts whirring and processing through the demon's brain. "Not really," he admitted. But it was something he could see on one of the cooking shows with various challenges. Only source of heat? Magma. It would be interesting to test it out.

The look Sacha was giving the boil was mixed. Concern, a smidgen of pity, and a whole lot of horror was painted all over his face as he listened. "At least you can taste it," he conceded, but he couldn't imagine always having a lingering burnt taste in his mouth. It would be like eating a bite of burned popcorn, and then going through the rest of the bag.

How terrifying.

Elly was looking at his spookies again, and Sacha's shoulders loosened with relief, and it was only then he realized how tense he had gotten. If he knew the spookies were good he obviously had some taste buds. "They're from my Mummy's factory," he admitted, not able to take credit for them. "Here uh," he fished around for a specific one and finally pulled it out. After breaking it he held out (the smaller) half to the furnace dog. "Try this Elly. It's a spiced apple spookie with caramel drizzle, so hopefully the caramel will leave you with a burnt sugar aftertaste."

In the interest of making sure people were well fed he could spare half a spookie. Even if the knowledge of what he was doing made him feel a bit queasy. A feeling that quickly turned into rapture as he bit into his own half.


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