Smiling, Piripi stood and gave himself a full body shake. She'd certainly given him a lot to think about!

"Oh, I think that I've already made a good start in that direction," he said, bowing deeply to her. If Zsaria was typical of these Stormborn lions, he was more than happy with his choice to follow those twice told stories he'd heard.

"It has been a rare pleasure to meet you, Zsaria. I hope to someday hear the tales of the old families from you."

Then, feeling greatly daring, he took a step forward and lightly touched his nose to her shoulder.

"For what it is worth, welcome home, Zsaria. I'm sure you'll make whatever amends you must."

Bowing again, he stepped back and turned to head back to the cave he'd claimed as his own. He had so much to think about!