Bile moved up from little Brigh's throat and out onto the floor of her grandmother's den in a sudden wave that made her hurt all over. Pur's joy at another batch of grand cubs being born turned into a small frenzy of worry when she had a vision of her granddaughter inheriting the ability to See at such a young age. Not even weeks old yet and Brigh had had a vision.

Pur cleaned her grandcub's face and paws the best she could as she moved her away from the pile of vomit on the den floor. She tried her best to comfort the sobbing and frightened cub, but it was of no use. Whatever poor Brigh had seen or felt caused her much distress both physically and mentally.

"What did you see?" Pur cooed, trying to coax her young grandcub into talking about what was undoubtedly an unwanted experience in what it was to be a Seer.

Pur had been much older than Brigh when she had her first vision. At least twice or three times her size and already seeking the desperate approval of her mother. She could only imagine how hard this was on the poor cub.


It took some time before Brigh was calm enough to even look her grandmother in the eye. She wanted her momma right now and the warmth of the rest of her siblings. She had been moved away from the den she shared with them a day or so prior when her grandmother came rushing in and exchanged words with her mom that made everyone feel panicked, although they didn't know what was said.

"I d-don't know," She stuttered, convulsing for a moment as she felt a dry heave come up her throat. "It was so dark. Dark and mad."

Brigh desperately tried to curl herself up into a ball to escape the feeling that the vision had brought her. She did not want this. How was this a gift when it made her feel so terrible and it was so frightening? Did all with the sight shake and sputter like she just had? She didn't want this anymore.

"T-take it back," Brigh croaked from within her tiny ball shape, "I d-don't want it anymore."


Pur sighed heavily and tried to coax her grand cub to uncurl with small nudges and licking, but the child remained in her tight little ball refusing to reveal herself. Pur did not blame Brigh, for what she went through seemed very frightening even to her. She never convulsed like that, and never had she thrown up after a vision. She could only wonder how intense what Brigh saw was, but considering the little cub was reluctant to speak more on the subject, she was not about to press her.

"It can't be taken back," Pur explained, licking the top of her grand cub's head some more now for her own benefit than the cub's. "It's a gift from your grandfather. He wants you to have it, so now you do."

Pur could feel the tiny snarl that Brigh let out from within her gray and white balled form. She did not want Bright to resent her gift, but to try and make her understand it's importance at such a young age wasn't going to be a possibility. And she could already tell Brigh was going to be Brigh. Someone of her own path of her own choosing.

"Does your stomach still hurt?" Pur asked, a slight bit of annoyance creeping up at the back of her thoughts as she tried to shove her face into the little ball of fur below her. She did not want Brigh staying like that, so obviously closed off looking. She feared her children becoming that.


Brigh scowled at the pushiness of her grandmother and eventually uncurled herself so she would stop trying to pry her open. It was only adding to her increasingly foul mood as her grandmother explained how there was no way to take away her Sight. This was something she was going to have to live with. This was not the answer she wanted, and the little cub was becoming bratty at the situation.

Of course she couldn't be made to understand this at such a young age. She wanted to be near her mother, and play with her siblings and cause havoc where she went like other cubs did. She did not want to understand that she had no control over when she could See and that it would possibly frighten others in addition to herself. And above all else she didn't want to barf everywhere and shake either.

"Tell grandda I don't want it then," She spat, kicking her feet at the grandmother's face in annoyance, signaling the beginning of what could only be described as a tantrum.

"I don't want it! Make him take it back!"

Brigh went to kick at her grandmother again, beginning the full swing of her cub tantrum, but she soon grimaced with tears developing in her eyes as she curled up once again. Her stomach ached so fiercely. Like she was simultaneously starving and going to barf again. She hated this feeling.


Pur sighed as Brigh curled up again, her stomach clearly not well fem the initial convulsion. She would need an herb or something to help with the stomach cramps, but Pur was not sure what kind of herb would help with this. She only knew so much from her time in the woods, and she had not run into Raven recently to be able to ask her. Clearly she would need to take Brigh into the heart of the pride and seek out a Priestess, as much as she hated the notion.

"Com'on tussle and bussle," She muttered, grabbing her still curled grandcub by the scruff of her neck to carry her into the pride proper. "We will find you medicine for your stomach, and then we're gonna talk to your Momma about all of this and see what she wants me to do."

She would need to talk to Finna proper about the convulsions that Brigh experienced when she Saw. Since Pur had only seen the one that marked the beginning of Brigh's journey as a Seer, Finna would need to be the one to care for the child if and when more visions came. She also wanted to let her know of the result, so that Finna could keep it in mind and maybe ask Brigh more of it at a late time when she wasn't being so obstinate.

(Word Count: 1097)