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Moose: The was a figure on the edge of the cobalt cliffs that cut a mark in the thunderous sky. He stood stalwart all through the storms as they raged around him as if the male himself were made of stone. Great wings of bone lay passive by his sides, and Kifunguo turned his face into the calming wings with a small smile. There was a beauty about the world after a storm. It was still raw, nervous, and shaky, like oh so many after emotional outbursts. In this area he knew there to be a God that could control such things, but this he knew to be strictly nature's work. That made it all the more spectacular.

nessiaing: Anika used the rocks to shield herself from the brunt of the storms winds and rains. She was on duty tonight. She loved being on duty and doing her work for the pride but she wished the storm would die down just a little. The wind and ripping rain made it hard to see if there were any approaching rogues. It also made the night quieter, not many lions would come looking to challenge for their place in the pride in the heat of this storm.

Moose: When a strong wing came upon him Kifunguo opened his wings on instinct and allowed the wind to lift his non-existant feathers into the sky itself. He rose onto his hind legs, and the rush of being a part of something so primal brought a genuine smile to his maw. Unseeing eyes were not knitted in regret like they had been, but rather relaxed as he let out a loud, booming roar.

nessiaing: ] The movement caught Anika's eyes and she turned towards what she knew imediately to be a god sitting on the rocks not far from her. She found his wings interesting, she had always imaged wings to be full of feathers, but his were nothing but bones, she wondered for a moment how it was possible for him to fly with them. She knew that gods existed and she had even heard that there was a god in the pride.

She turned and marched her way towards him. Anika made it her business to know what was going on in the pride, but she also made it her business to know the important lions. A god in her pride was certainly an importnat lion to know.

Moose: It wasn't that Kifunguo had heard her approach over the sounds of the whipping winds, or even that he had seen her, as he would have had a hard time seeing such a dark lioness had he still had sight. It was her bones. Like a vision he saw the structure beneath her fur out of the corner of his "eye" when he turned his head into the shifting wind. While he wasn't exactly thrilled to have company, he had come to accept the chances of it happening. Kifunguo's smile seemed to die on his face, and he took a more passive look. "Have you come to run me off?"

nessiaing: Anika was impressed he had seen her coming, particularly when she got closer to him and she saw that he must be blind. Apparently the magics that this god held extended beyond his ability to fly without feathers on his wings.

"No I would not run a God off" Anika answered simply. "I more came to say hello. My name is Anika. I am the reaver on duty tonight." She wanted to be known by the god. She also wanted the god to know that she was a strong female, one who was trusted with the safety of her home. If he was going to show favour upon a pride member she wanted it to be herself.

Moose: "I see." He had spent enough time in the guise of a snake around the pridal lands to know what it meant to be a 'Reaver'. It was not something necessarily favorable for females, and it took a strong hearted being to overcome those obstacles. "You have done well to get here, Anika." It was best that she make the best of her short life while she had it. Mortals were as fleeting as the sand between his paws. If only he shared her same drive to make a mark on the world. "My name is Kifunguo, God of Bones. It would do well for you to remain silent about this meeting between us. I am not a social God."

nessiaing: Anika nodded, happy that he had given her name. She also had a sense of pride that she was to be one of the few that knew the God was here in the lands. "My lips are sealed" she told him, and in all honesty they were she wouldn't even mention this to Umeko. Even though she knew Umeko would find it interesting to meet a god, having been sired by one herself.

"Well I suppose I shall leave you to your evening then." she told the god. It wouldn't do her any good to miss an incoming rogue. "I do hope to see you again before you leave." she told him.

Moose: Kifunguo nodded his own head and stood tall, unknowingly much taller than the lioness. He only had his memories and the rare physical contact that he had from mortals to remind him of his size. It was yet another barrier between Gods and mortals that he found troubling. Would he be able to harm the hardy Reaver, should he choose to, by crushing her with his paw? Kifunguo hoped he would never had to know. "I hope that your night is met with many victories, Reaver. Defend your kind and bring them glory." After all, wasn't that what most lions craved?

nessiaing: "Thank you" Anika said simply before she turned to head back to the post she had chosen for the night.

Already the black females mind was spinning with ideas. She wondered if the male was going to be sticking around the pride for awhile. The thoughts of her best friend Umeko being sired by a god brought ideas to Anika's head. There was certainly no one in the pride worthy of siring her litter, a god on the other hand would certainly be a worthwhile specimen.