Velveteen Angel
Pan’eira wore a flower crown perched upon her head – the result of a lazy morning spent crafting instead of scavenging. If Aleu found out, she would never heard the end of it but for now, Eira didn’t care. She was having fun. Everyone around here was just so serious, it was so boring sometimes. She wished she could go out and have some fun, but Aleu would kill her if she did that.

She rolled her eyes, and continued to walk collecting flowers. Maybe if she made Aleu a crown she’d stop being so bitchy.

Sunny was extremely cheerful that morning. She had found a shiny stone and some feathers that she could craft into something. Or, rather - find someone to craft it. She wasn't the best crafter after all. She carried the items in a small pouch until she could store them. She could always search more, after all.

She walked into the flower patch, seeing another of the dogs in the pack. "Good Morning!" she greeted cheerfuly.

Velveteen Angel
Eira glanced up at the call and smiled, cheerful to see another pack member (and that it wasn't Aleu). "Hello there! What brings you out in the flowers?" She asked happily, glad to see she wasn't the only one that wasn't being the most productive that day.

You couldn't be productive every day, surely, or else you'd go crazy. Or at least, that's how Eira felt. If only she could find some big strong man to look after her...then he could do all the scavenging and she could just lounge.

"I've been out all morning! I thought it'd be a nice break for the day," she admitted. It was nice here - relaxing. She would probably spend the rest of her day here if she could, though she didn't doubt her energy would pent up and she would be off like a shot once again.

"Did you make that yourself?" she asked, glancing up at the crown of flowers that adorned her head. It was quite skillful, she thought - she could never make anything so nice, even if she tried for weeks and the flowers wilted in her paws. She just wasn’t that great with them, even if she tried countless times! No, she’d just watch and be in awe.

Velveteen Angel
Eira pouted to herself. Damn this person was productive...maybe it was just her being lazy today. Who cares though?? She deserved it. Surely. She perked up at the question though.

"I did indeed, I've been crafting this morning," she said, although in reality she had only made that one crown. That was still an acomplishment.

"I was thinking of collecting more flowers and working on a few more, maybe handing them out to the new pups," she mused

"It's gorgeous," she admitted. "You're very talented. Are you an artisan then?" she asked. That was her dream, originally - to be an artisan, but she was absolutely terrible at it, so she did the next best thing and found things for others to craft with. She enjoyed seeing what items others could make from the things she found. Sometimes she found more useful things for the pack, but she liked to indulge herself.

"I'm sure the little pups would love them," she bounced on her toes.

Velveteen Angel
Eira smiled and nodded. "I am indeed, it's about all I'm good for at the moment, I'm not particularly fast at hunting or anything," she mused with a laugh. Plus she hated getting dirty, ew mud.

"I hope so, though knowing that they are Kaneika's, they'll probably deconstruct them to make some sort of herbal brew," she said with a roll of her eyes but her voice was obviously affectionate. Kaneika, Aleu and Eira had travelled together for a fair while before they had stumbled into the pack.

Sunny gave a small chuckle. She hadn't really gotten to know anyone yet, having stuck to herself for the most part, tossing herself into her job. She was getting a lot more comfortable now, though, and finding herself enjoying the little things more each day.

"Everyone has their own talents, and yours are pretty spectacular. Do you need any help?" She asked, curious. Perhaps she could find some flowers or something, not really make any. The poor pups would look hideous in any of her creations.

Velveteen Angel
Eira smiled, pleased at the compliment. She puffed up a big, ego boosting. "Of course, I'd love some help collecting some flowers!" She offered cheerfully, mostly so she could have some company and also, if Aleu found them, the Mountain wild dog wouldn't yell at Eira in front of someone else. Sunny became her defence.

"You'd be surprised how many flowers go into one of these crowns!" She smiled and motioned. "Just grab whatever flowers strike your fancy, I can make something out of any of them!" It was a cocky statement, but it was mostly true. Some were nicer than others, but she'd make do with any of them

Sunny bounced on her toes and made a cheerful noise. "I can collect as many as you need~" She said. It would be a relaxing thing - a way to still scavenge and, even though it wasn't technically useful, it could make days brighter and far more cheerful, and she was all for that.

The silver god began picking flowers, gently laying them near Eira, being gentle not to harm them. It was quite easy to damage flowers, and it took her a couple tries to pull them out without breaking them, not like Eira! The other dog had a far more delicate touch. She was like a bull in the flowers, with no finesse.

That was probably why she wasn’t a very good crafter…

Still, it was going to be a very grand day, she mused, and she hoped the pups getting the little crowns would enjoy them fully.