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[PRP] Summer Blooms [Tiahana & Corwin]

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:41 pm
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Wonderful. The tiny mare spun a happy spiral, her little wings fluttering gently at her sides as she smiled up at the sky.
Large billowing clouds drifted across the sun, proving enough shade to cool even the most delicate critters on this final hot day of summer before autumn settled in. She enjoyed all seasons, appreciating each and every one- for their individual collections and all possible mixtures of weather patterns, the rhythms of nature timed perfectly or even out of sync with the temperature at the time- and even enjoying the few days that would seem out of place to others. Every day, like every being, had its... unique charm, to the bright-hearted mare.
Neither judging nor assigning value, she simply appreciated everything there was in life- and was not afraid to lose herself in joy at the smallest thing.

Her family had grown, her children now caring for children and even grand-children of their own. She still felt young, for all that she was a more mature mare; perhaps it was her outlook that kept her so... her head tilted as she giggled quietly to herself... so young-of-mind.

Weaving higher and higher until she was just cresting the lowest branches, she sighed and spiraled gently downwards once more. She loved to fly, but she did not enjoy being caught up in the winds that rode over the tree-tops.
Turning her eyes to the meadow still caught in summer's blooms, Tiahana smiled.

What other joys might this day hold?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:47 am
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Licking his lips, Corwin savored the last few drops of nectar that clung to the corners of his mouth. He had always tried to relish each taste of the deliciously sweet nectar, but it had always been a struggle to restrain the desire to...well, baldly put, the desire to snarf it down! Perhaps it was because flowers had been few and far between in his childhood, but even now, surrounded by meadows of flowers, he couldn't allow himself to give into the urge. Nectar was, and would always remain, a delectable treat. He would indulge, but he would never rush in the indulgence.

Stepping back from the center of the flower, Corwin balanced lightly on the strong petals and gave the center a wistful look. It had been so tasty...but no, he acknowledged, he didn't need any more. One advantage of a flutter's small size, it meant the stomach was accordingly small when enjoying nectar! That, and the flutter's small size meant they could enjoy the nectar to begin with!

With a parting glance at the flower, Corwin stepped off and fluttered a short distance away to a flower-free patch. It was silly, he knew, but he hated crushing flowers, even by accident! Alighting in the middle of the grassy patch, he laid back his wings, shook back his mane, closed his eyes...and grew!

In his small size, Corwin was roughly the size of a hummingbird; in his 'large' size, he was still graceful and slim, on the larger side for a flutter but small for a Soquili in general. His most dominant features had always been his hair and wings, but these days, they were joined by the criss-crossing pattern of dark scars that ran across his left side and flank. Corwin himself had long ceased to notice them, but they were the first thing seen by many strangers, leading to more than one awkward exchange. Still, Corwin considered himself a fortunate fellow, and had never complained about his lot. He was alive, and his sister was alive; those were things he could never take for granted.

And whatever crosses had been thrown his way, they had done nothing to dampen his enthusiasm for the world at large, or his friendly nature! Upon opening his eyes in his larger size, Corwin realized he wasn't alone. Whoever it was wasn't close, but even at this distance, there was no mistaking the large wings. Another flutter, how nice! Lifting a wing to shade his eyes, Corwin scrutinized the flutter carefully; it wasn't someone he'd met before, and at this distance he couldn't be sure whether it was a mare or stallion. But at least that was something he could easily remedy; calling out a friendly "Goo' day tae yeh," Corwin started off towards the figure with a bright smile on his face.

I'm back!


Ruthless Phantom


PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:49 pm
Tiahana's ears flickered at the sound of the other's voice.
She'd been so busy admiring the blossoms from her as-high-as-she-could-get vantage point in the sky that she'd failed to notice the other being until after he'd grown quite larger in size.

She giggled, a sound of pure joy, and darted towards him even as he made his way towards her.
"Good day, good night, aren't they all?" her voice was high and piping from that distance, as she had not yet regained her full size. She much preferred her smaller form in any case, for all that it might make interactions harder on others' ears- but, she did try to project; it was just, there was only so much her tiny lungs could do.
"Each with their own highlight!" she pulled another little cartwheel as she sailed towards his nose, then began to flutter about rather rapidly as she attempted to hover near to his form. He had such a lovely smile.

He reminded her, in that respect and that one only, of her son. He, too, greeted all with a beaming smile- and she was so very proud of how he had grown. Through all their trials, and all their partings, he continued to blossom into a great being like the little flowers that bloomed so gently under the sunlight. It sometimes seemed like yesterday that he had been a foal, and yet when she considered his life- so much had changed since then. So much had happened.
And yet she remained ever-aware and ever-appreciative of life's simple pleasures. Pleasures like sunlight, or rain (as long as it didn't soak her wings! that hadn't been very pleasant), and a companion- a new friend, perhaps- someone to share nature's wonders with. And here he was!

"I am Tiahana, and it is most definitely a pleasure to meet... yeh." She tried his accent on for size, and found that it didn't quite suit her. He brow furrowed and she grinned once more, flitting about at roughly eye-level like the excited little Flutter she was.

:'D heart
PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:02 am
Well, there was nothing for Corwin to complain about here, he thought with a grin as both he and the pinwheeling little mare closed the distance between them. His efforts to look on the bright side and remain positive were usually successful; he might not look it, but he had an iron will when he wanted to bring it into play. Sometimes, that meant he had to focus on the positive with what felt like every fiber of his being; what started out as a promising encounter could easily spiral into misery, or it mind end up being miserable to start with. There were a lot of unhappy Soquili in the world, he'd come to see, and some of them seemed determined to inflict their unhappiness on the world at large. In some ways, it was a selfish behavior, but in others...

In others, Corwin thought, they must be truly,truly unhappy with their lot to want to bring others down to their level. So he always tried extra-hard to stay positive and cheerful when faced with such extreme negativity. Goodness knew he had practice dealing with such behavior, though; his own beloved twin sister was guilty on more than one occassion of trying to sink the pair of them into the doldrums. For the most part, Corwin and his desire to stay positive had prevailed...for the most part. But that didn't mean he wanted to spend all of his time with other Soquili fighting to stay cheerful; sometimes he needed to receive cheer in return.

Which is why he was already so happy he'd run into this mare. Less than twenty words into their meeting, she was already proving as happy about the day as he was. No need to will himself in a positive state here!

Perhaps because he was a flutter himself, he had no trouble understanding her words, high and shrill as her tone seemed to start out. He laughed as she bobbed about, but otherwise remained still so as to not cause a gust and send her tumbling! "Wehl, share an' they each are havin' their oown pehrks, boot I moost confess tae be havin' a prefehrence fehr the broight an' soonny days loike thes one," he said with a nod to their surroundings. "I cannae say I feel mooch inclination tae be oot on the rainy ones, but I canna deny the rain is wooondareful," Corwin finished with a nod.

"Sae I'll be sayin' now that it's a playshare tae be meetin' yeh, Tiahana; My name is Corwin, an' I'm thrilled tae be makin' yehr acquaintance. Anytheng in particular bringin' yeh oot on thes loovely day?" Coralia, Corwin's twin sister, might not approve of Corwin's tendency towards being social, but Corwin himself had never had any complaints with the results!

Yay, progress!


Ruthless Phantom


PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:31 pm
For some, being positive could be a struggle. For others, it came as naturally as breathing... oh, Tiahana wasn't excessively or inappropriately happy, she could frown and recognized the ills of the world, she just... almost always smiled anyway. Thing could get dark, things could get bad, what would dwelling on that solve? Nothing.
So why not be happy?

Tiahana grinned, watching him and flitting about at roughly-eye-level (as much as she could hold her position).
Her eyebrows raised a little and she smiled and giggled a bit in turn; ooooo, she liked him! His laughter rang out with such a joyful pleasing tone. Almost as if it came with relief.
Oh, she'd heard mocking notes in laughter, little turn-downs that had no right to be in such a true and honest expression of joy. And none of these were in his.

Happy day!

"Ohh, I understand!" She nodded along with him. "Sunshine, Rain, ... well, rain can be difficult to fly in, I see." She did not so much grin as maintain her previously cheerful expression. "Playshare? Ah, share in play?"
Her speech was rather child-like, showing a wide-eyed wonder at the world, though she was more than capable of understanding deeper meaning- she'd just never heard of a 'playshare' before.
And she was admittedly a little hyper.

She flitted a little closer, peeking at him curiously. "Corwin. Hello, Corwin!"
His manner of speaking was truly delightful.

Her wings were started to get tired, but she ignored their little twinged gleefully. Oh, she'd have to shift or touch down soon, but for now...
"I woke up with energy to fly, and meet someone." Well, she always had energy to meet someone new, but- "And there's no one new where I slept!"
She'd slept alone; it wasn't that she got a thrill out of meeting strangers, she just liked being around someone else. A beautiful day was utterly perfect when shared.
With her son grown, so busy with his own mate, she could visit her family but even their children, her grand-children, were now grown, and sometimes it was nice to just be... Tiahana, free and true.
"If you don't mind my asking, from where do you .... coom? Caehm?" she tried, but couldn't quite get the hang of his unique accent, and tossed herself in a giggling twirl. "I do so enjoy your accent!"

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:31 am
Aye, the little mare was one of sound logic as well as buoyant spirits, Corwin noted with a pleased smile. Soquili with strong, sturdy wings, like the feathered wings of winds or the leathery ones of the Kalona, might be able to stand up to the pressure of falling rain, but he was sure there wasn't a flutter out there who didn't have to run for cover under any but the LIGHTEST of spring drizzles. Flutter wings weren't very strong to begin with; a cascading rain shower could very well spell the end of a flutter's...well, of a flutter's fluttering, if they weren't careful! Obviously every race had its own hardships to address, he thought with a chuckle. "Yeh are verra roight, Tiahana, tha' rain can be makin' thengs moost challengin' fehr those o' us wi' sooch then lettle wings," he said, punctuating his comments with a little flutter of his own. "Fehrtunately, we dinna have tae be worryin' aboot sooch thengs today!"

At her misunderstanding of his pronunciation of the word 'pleasure,' Corwin chuckled again, this time with a slightly rueful bob of his head. That was one of the drawbacks of being a non-native; accents could make communication very awkward at times! He was no longer embarrassed by these little verbal gaffes, fortunately; THAT had taken a little practice! "Nae, a playshare...a..." Concentrating very hard, he tried to make the sounds less 'normal' and more 'Kawani: "tha' is tae say, a...plehshare? A plehzzzzzure?" Such a strange way of speaking the natives of the Kawani region had! Feeling that he was making a bit of a muck of it, he laughed and tried a different tack. "A...happiness. Or is it a good theng I'm tryin' tae be sayin'? Wha' I mean is, I am happy tae be meetin' yeh."

It was hard to go wrong with a statement so basic; clearly he should have started with that phrasing...except that would have denied Tiahana the pleasure in turn of laughing at him and enjoying his accent! It was certainly nice to know that she approved; he'd met Soquili who'd rather baldly asked him why he didn't just lose the accent and learn to speak and pronounce like a native. As if it was that easy! Besides, if he were honest, he would miss his accent, if he lost it. "Wehl, I'm glad yeh felt the spirit tae be socializin', Tiahana; I'm feelin' rather the same myself; inclined tae be meetin' new Soquili, as it were." With a self deprecating grin and a slight gesture towards his mouth, he added, "I stehl coonsider mehself tae be a newcomer tae these parts, as yeh moight oonderstahnd. Meh sester an' I came thes way from the region tae the...northwehst, I believe? Beyoond the mountains, sehveral weeks' travel." Exactly how far it was, he couldn't say; he'd been pretty badly injured at the time, and hardly the best judge of either time or distance.

"Though sae far, I thenk we're both loikin' these Kawani lands; yeh shoore seem tae be a friendly, kindly sort o' folk, prehsent coompany included," he finished. "Are yeh a local o' this meadow, Tiahana?"



Ruthless Phantom

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