Umeko was keeping her head down today, she didn’t really feel like crossing anyones path or ticking anyone off and if she was being honest with herself it wasn’t hard to make lions in this pride mad, so many were quick to anger and to fight.

Umeko was honest with herself she wasn’t a born fight, by birth right she was a freeborn and had the chance to move up the ranks but it just wasn’t for her. She was happy helping the pride in other ways, she was a gentler soul and much more useful as a healer. Let’s face it this pride was always going to be in need of healers with their constant raids and challengers trying to make their way in.

Anika was limping slightly from the last battle she fought she hated to show any weakness but in all honesty the last lion she fought was a worthy competitor and it wasn’t often that she thought that of others. However she couldn’t shake this injured paw and if she wanted to be any use to the pride and be able to protect it she needed to see a healer as much as she hated to admit it.

Anika knew of one healer she had known her since they were young and it she was the closest thing Anika had to a friend. Though she had to admit she hated that the purple lioness never stepped up and proved her worth it was nice to have someone around to heal Anika’s constant wounds.

Umeko saw Anika before the black lioness saw her. She was limping again. Umeko had to admit her friend always fought hard, and the scars she took she knew Anika was proud of. It was always a source of contention between them that Umiko hadn’t gone out on a Viking trip to fight for the pride and bring home bounty but it just wasn’t where Umiko’s heart was.

“I see someone got the better of you.” Umiko called out to the lioness. She knew it would irk Anika a little to point this out but Umiko had to get a poke in at her every once in a while. Anika certainly got more than her fair share in at Umiko.

Anika shot Umiko a dirty look, “I could still take out down injured or not.” Anika said with a low growl. Anika didn’t really have a softer side and even when talking to friends her voice tended to either be neutral or angry. The only time real excitement came out was when she was about to go on a raid or fight a challenger, anytime she got to prove she was as good as any male in the pride.

“Would you just do your job and look at my leg.” Anika was hoping this was going to be a quick heal as she was on duty tonight and she did not plan on showing up limping.

Umeko couldn’t help but smile a bit, she knew that she had touched on Anika’s nerves. “Ok stick it out let’s see what you’ve done.” She took a quick look and could see right away that Anika’s leg was a little on the swollen side. But whatever she had done to it, it didn’t look to bad. Umiko figured if she wrapped it for a couple of hours her friend would be right as rain.

“So what happened this time?” Umiko asked as she grabbed some leaves to wrap the ankle.

Anika let out a little growl. She didn’t want to talk about her injury because in truth it wasn’t even gained during the battle. After Anika conceded the battle and welcomed the new comer she was climbing back up the rock face and a loose rock slipped out and caused her to slip. It was such a stupid mistake particularly because Anika climbed those rocks on a daily basis.

“It was during a challenge” Was all Anika managed to spit out. She didn’t offer up and further details and she didn’t plan on it either.

Umeko chuckled a little under her breath. She could tell that her friend was probably fibbing a bit but she wasn’t going to push her luck by pointing it out. She finished wrapping the paw as tightly as she could, it would be better if she had pelt scraps but for now leaves would have to do. She sat back and looked at her job well done as far as she was concerned.

“Now I assume you are on duty tonight.” It was a safe assumption as Anika was almost always on duty, and when she wasn’t she was planning raids.

“I need you to stay off it for a few hours, three for sure four would be better.” She held her breath she knew Anika wasn’t going to like the news, but Umeko hoped she’d heed to it none the less.

Anika sighed and nodded along, Umeko was just like a broken record constantly telling Anika was she should do. “Yes yes yes.” Anika growled. If only Umeko would listen to Anika’s advice and go on a Viking the plum lioness had god’s blood running through her veins she could be an epic fighter but noooo that would never happen.

“You know your talents are going to waste here you know.” Anika couldn’t help but try to sway Umeko, though she doubted it would ever work. At last she would always try.

Umeko barely registered Anika’s words, it was the same old story. “I don’t have a fighters blood.” Umeko mumbled she knew she was a disappointment to her friend but that was just the way life was sometime things disappointed you.

Just then another injured lion came along, “Ah look at that another customer” Umeko said a laugh in her voice; she knew that she was helping the pride by doing work this way. Who else would help all these reckless fools. “Now don’t forget what I said… three hours at least four would be better.” Umeko said as she turned to help the other lion.

Anika looked towards the sky trying to judge where the sun was, if she had enough time she would follow Umeko’s advice and if not then she would just have to suck it up. Judging from the suns position she had just about three hours maybe less. The dark lioness yawned a little and settled herself under a sparse tree, thankfully the pride was pretty quiet tonight and she was hoping she would go unnoticed her. She hated laying about.