The dark-splotched lion grumbled grumpily to himself, yellow tail tip flicking back and forth like an agitated fly-swot. He was bored. Bored, bored, Bored. There was nothing to do, the fermented fruit in his den had run out and the last reaver he had tried to fight with had knocked him flat, said how pointless it was and stormed off. As if it was his fault the lion was an oversized giant with paws like elephant ears!

Muttering under his breath he stepped round a tree and ran head-first into something green. Green and… furry.


Audlin had been out hunting. Not that there was any real need, as the pride thralls provided more than enough for everyone to eat. But she wanted the exercise, and frankly she enjoyed providing for her own meals. It had been a good morning, exploring the forest around the pride’s main camp. Tracking whatever took her fancy (she had even attempted to go up into the trees but lion paws were just not flexible enough for good grip and she had abandoned that line of curiosity before she had hurt herself.) Instead she had settled on tracking and stalking a small forest springbok.

She had dined well and lazily, enjoying the meat and her success with quiet satisfaction. She had also scavenged a few fermented fruit from the lower branches, a tasty but rare treat as she didn’t often allow herself the luxury of indulgences, like the fruits. As such she was just a bit light-headed and more than a little blithe and lazily unconcerned.

So when some fool blundered into her path she sat back with a winded huff, too comfortably fuzzy to lash out as she ordinarily would have done.

“Who the hell… Oh.. its you..” Her voice went from vaguely shocked to a flat tone of annoyance.

“Samael… what do you want?”


The reaver had stepped backwards swiftly even before his brain caught up with just who it was he had almost flattened. Catching his balance he eyed the female. He knew she was a freeborn, mainly because he never saw her training or readying for a viking. He also knew a little of her reputation as she wasn’t exactly a quiet or retiring female. Still, she wasn’t a fighter so he pulled himself to his full height, brown eyes narrowing with a sly grin.


“Hello there pretty lady.” He practically purred, voice like an oil slick, cold and slimy. It made the fur along her back rise, hackles standing on end as she narrowed her own grass-green gaze at him in dislike. Not that he got the hint of course. He was well known for having a very thick skin and being wilfully ignorant of how the females in the pride viewed him.

Which was to say, not very well at all.

“Go away.” She growled, her pleasant buzz fading fast in the face of his unwelcome presence. Of course he didn’t do as she asked but instead took a step closer. As if certain of a warm reception when all she felt like doing was taking a swipe at him with her claws.

“What do you want, Samael.” She sighed, already too tired and weary to deal with his stupidity, or worse, his terrible attempts at flirting.


Samael ignored her tone entirely, eyes running over her green-furred form, enjoying the sleek lines. “Well well well, what are you doing all the way out here?” He asked, though clearly wasn’t that focused on her answer as he took an unwise step forwards, certain in his own welcome, expecting her to want him closer. After all, what lioness wouldn’t want a fine specimen of a reaver like himself to pay attention to her?


Suppressing a shudder of disgust at his frank appraisal she rolled her eyes, fangs glinting as she lifted a lip in warning. “What do you think, reaver? I was hunting.” His surprise was obvious and made her want to laugh, but any lingering feeling of wellbeing had dripped out of her like a leaky water bag, leaving her irritated at him for ruining her good mood and her pleasant afternoon.

Moving to step around him she growled when he got in her way again, clearly not getting the message as he inched forwards, his gaze constantly sliding away form her own to trail over her body like a leach. It made her want to go find a dust bowl and roll around until the feel of his eyes was off her fur.

“What do you WANT?” She hissed again, trying once more to move round him and barely swallowing the growl that tried to crawl out of her throat when he moved again, refusing to let her pass. In a moment he was going to find himself on the floor if he didn’t stop playing such stupid games.

Her near-shout seemed to shock him out of his ogling and he finally met her square in the eyes with his own, a faintly puzzled expression crossing his features. “Want?” It faded though, melting back into the unfortunately familiar, cocky grin of his as he inched forwards, very nearly nose to nose now, so she stepped back if only to stay out of his immediate area.

“Why, beautiful. Do you even have to ask?” He smirked, wiggling his brows in what he must have thought was a seductive move, but only made her want to alternatively laugh and throw up.

Loosing what patience she had managed to hang onto, she lunged forwards, snapping at his face and forcing him back, just enough to give her the room to shoulder past between his dark body and the close-growing trees. Twisting round in case he tried to lick her rump or something equally disgusting she pinned him with a hard glare.

“Give it up Samael. And don’t follow me.” Flashing her ivory fangs in warning she turned and stalked off up the path, silently fuming in her head and calling him a number of unpleasant names under her breath. She had no doubt he’d only assume her ‘amazing beauty’ had scared her away, or something equally stupid.

God he was an infuriating male.