User ImageSeaki
It had been a few days since Chozi and Cari had reported to the council their findings on the low water level. Normally, the intense lack of rain was a blessing, but it had gotten increasingly worrying. They had taken a small, trusted group to form a watch on the water - they did not want to cause a panic, after all.

Still, the water level was dropping, and he had heard the whispers of other members about the water’s falling levels - the others had begun to notice and that was never a good sign. The small, lithe cheeton had to find his sister and report his findings.

Painted Moose
Tiegan had taken to the shift in roles quite well, despite her apprehension. While she was not used to a leadership position or one of respect she seemed to take it all in stride. The Cheeton had seen things that many others hadn’t, still more in her visions, but they were not the topic of discussion lately. Not what she had seen in those visions.

She was scoping out den areas near Chozi’s own with Celes. While she wanted nothing more than to stay with her brother and his growing family, she needed room of her own, but an area close enough so that she could sneak in to coddle any cubs he may have around in the night. So she waited, atop a choice fallen log, while Celes made his way to find materials to help construct a home.

It hadn’t taken Chozi too long to find his sister once again, and his son was there as well. It wasn’t something he wanted to worry his son with, but no doubt the boy had noticed as well. He was not unintelligent, after all! He breathed a small sigh when he neared them. Of course they weren’t far from the den, and Mpenzi was with Nanth for the moment.

“I need to speak with you,” he said, trying to keep the urgency from his voice. Reporting the water levels was not fun, but the difference was drastic, and the wetlands had grown smaller in what seemed to be overnight.

User ImagePainted Moose
Tiegan didn’t miss the way that Celes’ brows rose when he looked at the two, but the youth was smart. He excused himself quietly, leaving Tiegan relatively alone with her brother. No doubt he went to Nanth to help with Mpenzi, or off to flirt with some poor female.

“Follow Tiegan.” She tossed her head to the side, and hopped down from her perch. When she was sure she had walked far enough away from others she turned back to Chozi. “What has happened?”

Chozi took another deep breath, trying to calm himself. “Just in the last three days, the water’s drastically dropped - there’s not really a sign of rain either,” he frowned. “I didn’t know who else to tell, but -” he shook his head - something needed to be done, obviously, but what? It wasn’t as if they could call the rain from the sky!

He hoped it wouldn’t be so bad, but his hopes seemed to not be coming to fruition. “This is my home, Tiegan, I can’t leave it,” he frowned, desperation clear in his tone. They would have to leave though, if the wetlands dried up - there would be no food or water.

“It’s getting so bad…”

Painted Moose
Tiegan nodded gravely. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves, but the fact was that she knew it was going to get worse. “Tiegan is worried too, brother. She’s seen it.” Even though she couldn’t make out distinct visions, most included pictures of family members. “Celes was where water should be, trying to drink and the ground was cracked under him.”

She reached out to place a paw on his shoulder sympathetically. “She knows. She wants this to be her home too, and she knows something has to be done. Others need to be told. Hunters have to spread further to find more food, scouts to find other areas of water, a temporary movement maybe...Scouts, we need scouts. Someone has to find out why.”

Of course, of course Tiegan would know how to calm him down. Despite being a bit younger, just by moments, Tiegan was far wiser than he. He was a crafter and a dancer - nothing really important. But right now, he reported the water levels, making sure the water did not dry up completely.

Still, though, he frowned. “We’ll figure this out,” He promised. There had to be some way to fix this or find more water.

Painted Moose
“There has to be some reason why this is happening so suddenly.” Tiegan chewed on her bottom lip the way her mate used to tease her for in days of yesteryear. “This isn’t natural, it can’t be, if it hasn’t been reported by the older members. The Tiegan just doesn’t see it being that way.” She shook her head.

What they needed was answers or at least a way to go. “Where did the water start drying up first? We should start tracking it there.”

“Perhaps - perhaps we should organize a search to find the reason,” it would be easier with more eyes and noses to aid the search and get to the bottom of the issue. It was an idea - a start at least. If they could find a reason they could find a solution. Well, if there was a will, there was a way, of course. Chozi gave a small nod,

“Yes, yes, we can figure this out,” there was a lot of hope in his voice and a lot of faith that there was more cause than the sun. It was a longshot, but it just might work...

Painted Moose
Tiegan nodded. “She will bring this to Kuu directly, and start up the search. Brother Chozi should make sure his babies are taken care of, and then come with Tiegan.” Things might change drastically after this, and she could only hope this would be a safe environment for his children to grow.

She straightened her shoulders as she started to move again. There was no way she would betray the hope in his voice if she could help it, but Tiegan was far less optimistic and it showed. She had never felt this grave since the disbanding of her home.

The loss of everything.

Gods, please let the Tiegan make it in time.