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Ragazzo was just a misfit of a hyena. Not really fitting in with his family and didn't have many friend and didn't really have a place to call home. No he was mostly alone. One of the main reason was of his consist laughter. He just laugh for no good reason and it got on other nerves. It wasn't his fault he just thought most things was funny and he just wanted to have a good time. Was there no place for a hyena to laugh and have a good time and not worry about the hard things in life.
Ragazzo let out a sigh and sat down where he was standing. Was there anyone out there that was like him. "Is there no place that I can go where I will have no worry, no cares, just fun and loving life to the fullest?" He yell out loud.

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Iiro was flying around when he heard something yell out. He tiled his head. Was a mortal asking him this question? Hmm he would have to see. He flew in closer but not to close where the mortal could see him. Hmmm a sad Hyena! OH NO NO NO NO! This can not be! Hyena are one of the best mortal that laugh! He was not going to have a sad hyena on his watch. But how should he approach this mortal. Being a lion might scare it off or make it even more sad. Wait! He had the best idea! He could change into a hyena his own self! Yes yes! That was a wonderful idea indeed. Yes that all he had to do to make sure no more sadness would come to this little hyena. With a shake of his body he turn into a hyena!
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Ahh yes this forum fit well for Iiro. Yes he was one of the best laugher that was in the mortal lands. Hmm yes this was nice but what would be better is making his self bigger then a hyena! Yes that would make him look more like a god, oh and wait he was going to have wings in this state so he could look like a god to this hyena. When he was all done with the right look he walk up slowly to the sad hyena and gave out a big laugh and said "HAHAHA! Well instead of just sitting there sad why don't you make a place like that of your own! HAHAHA that what i would do if i was you!

Ragazzo fell over when someone laugh behind him. What a wonderful laugh this thing had. Was it talking to him. Ragazzo turn about and could not believe what he was looking at! It was a Hyena with wings and it was the size of a lion! Was this a god? but wasn't god lions? Maybe the lions was wrong when they said the gods where in the shape of them! He then listen to what this "god" told him. This was very good advice indeed but he wasn't sure if this "god" really thought that he of all hyena could do it. "Me! Why would a are a god right? to me? I know I ask that question but but i never thought a god would answer me. And how you answer, i wouldn't say very godly. Aren't you supposed to like help me on this quest to find a place to do this or something. Like in the stories. Come on bro. If you a real god that would take the forum of an over size hyena then you would have to show it!" He said to the so call god.

Iiro let out a laugh. What a feisty hyena this was. Oh this was wonderful! What fun he could have! This is why he like hyenas! No bull when you talk to them! "HAHAHAHA did i ever say i was a god? No No! I just answer what you asked! Did i not? HHAHAHAH but you are a smart one indeed! I am what you think i am! I am Iiro the god of laughter! I came looking this way because i thought maybe this would make you feel better talking to you like this." As he god done saying this he changed back to his normal form and went on talking. "Or would you rather speak to me like this? HAhahaha either way is find with me! Hahaha also you are funny kid! Me help you! HAHAHAHAHA I'm a god! I help no one unless i deem them worthy of help! HAHAH And for showing you if i am a god i think i just did!" He said this and when he ended he speech he turn back into just a plain old hyena. "Now how about you let out a laugh and not worry about all them small details! HAHAHAH Life is to shot for you mortals to care about small thing! Just let out a laugh and have a good time. Do stuff for your self then asking us gods to do a thing! Come on bud! let me hear one! Lay it on me! One of the best laughs you got. I bet it will make you feel better and clear your head.

Ragazzo jaw drop when he saw the god turn into a lion. This was crazy but awesome at the same time. No would believe him back home if he told them what he just saw. No he didn't care he wasn't going to go back there anyways. But what this guy...Iiro was it? He made a lot of since. Well he should for a god. He was the first somebody to really get Ragazzo and Rag really like Iiro's way of thinking. Wait did he just turn back into a hyena. This must be a sign for him to do something and this god really help. "I really like your thinking Iiro. Yeah I should make my own little place to call home and maybe even gets some friend to join to. I bet they would all like your way of thinking too. HAHAHAH I LIKE IT IIRO! I LIKE THE WAY YOU LAUGH! I HOPE YOU LIKE THE WAY I LAUGH TO BRO! HAHAHA! I'mma do it and when i do i hope to see you around my little place that i call home and i hope you can call it a home for you too. HAHAHAHAH I'mma call this way of thinking, the way of laugther! You like it Iiro because it base off of what you told me today. Don't worry about the small things. Live life to the fullest and let out a laugh that everyone can hear and share with you. Well i'mma go find this place Iiro! Thanks! Oh and the name is Ragazzo, big bro!

What a wonderful laugh this hyena had. Oh Iiro was so happy that he made him feel better and even believe that he could do something for his own self. "HAHA You bet Ragazzo! You bet! I'm glad you found your way and glad you like the way i think. I will be waiting to hear good new of your little place little Hyena. You can do it know you can, Because I like the way you laugh! HAHAHAHAAH" He said as the little hyena run off with new way of thinking and full of new life in him. When Iiro could not see him no more he turn back into his true self and flew away with a smile on his face knowing that one day he would a new home down here to rest and and have fun and laugh with mortals.

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