Amityville Academy, even as she unpacked Alicia couldn't believe she was actually there. Until this moment she had been home schooled with the best tutors money could buy. While she enjoyed the lessons they were all things chosen by her parents, she hadn't been allowed to choose her own. That was what she was looking forward to the most, here she could choose her own classes.

Pausing in her unpacking Alicia glanced across the room to the cat tree where her familiar was lounging in his hammock. She bit her lip to keep from laughing. All that could be seen of him was his tail and the end of his scarf which was hanging out of the hammock. Perhaps she should look into getting him a hammock that was a little less deep. Turing back to her unpacking she didn't notice the teal eyes now peering at her from over the edge of the hammock.

Suddenly a scream sounded in the dorm room. "Azure!" Alicia scolded from her place on the bed were she had fallen when the cheshire cat had jumped on her unexpectedly. The blue cheshire just grinned down at her from his perch on her head. She frowned up at him for a moment before starting to laugh. It was nearly impossible for her to stray mad at him, he was a cheshire cat, such tricks were only natural for him. "Are you going to help me unpack now?" she asked once she manged to stop laughing. Stretching out on her head Azure rolled over onto his back. "Booooring," he replied lazily batting at the small bit of her hair that was standing up on top of her head that he was laying next to.

She stared up at the ceiling of her room and frowned, The ceiling was so plain looking, for that matter so were the walls. She made a mental note to find out if students were allows to paint their rooms. Maybe she should get some posters or something along those lines she wondered to herself.

Blue eyes blinked as a dark blue paw was waved in front of them. Reaching up she pulled the cheshire off her head and cuddled him to her chest. Getting up from the bed she walked over to the window and curled up on the window seat, the window seat was the whole reason she chose this room, and stared out the window. She watched the students walking around outside the reaper dorm. "Azure, do you think we'll make some friends?" she whispered into his fur still staring out the window. "Of course we will, who could possibly resist a cute girl and her stylish cat?" He wiggled out of her hold and standing on one of her knees rubbed his head against the underside of her chin. She giggled at his comment, Azure was rather obsessed with his scarf.

She pulled her gaze away from the window and smiled softly at her best friend. She know that no matter what happened she'd always have Azure. He came into her life when she needed a friend most and never left. Her parents hadn't been very happy when she bonded with him, a cheshire cat wasn't their idea of a proper familiar. But as far as she was concerned he was the best familiar to ever exist. She gently scratched behind his ears and grinned when he started to purr, cheshire or not he was still a cat.

Her gaze drifted back out the window and Azure headbutted her under her chin to get her attention back. "Perhaps we should go explore around the school and the ground? Start learning our way around?" he suggested. Alicia looked around the room at all the boxes that still needed to be unpacked, boxes she had forgotten about until now. "We really should finish unpacking first," she said torn between responsibility and doing something that could be fun. Who knew who they'd meet or what they'ed find exploring. She'd heard so many stories about the academy growing up, she was sure most of them weren't true but it would still be fun to find out for sure. She stared blankly out the window as she considered her choices.

Azure patiently watched her as she thought, tail idly flicking back and forth. He knew that sooner or later they would go exploring he was just hoping for sooner. Unpacking was so dull, there was no one to play tricks on other then Alicia and she was becoming harder to trick.

She had already unpacked the most necessary items, it wouldn't hurt anyone or anything if she waited on the rest. Mind made up she grabbed Azure and stood up from the window seat. "Lets go look around," she said making her way to the door of her room.