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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands [IC]
[PRP] Meet Your Match (Vidar x Aslaug x Fastný x Tryggr)

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Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:03 am
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Fastný and Tryggr marched side by side like little soldiers, a resolute look on both of their faces. Not long ago their sister had told them about a rather rude adolescent that had treated her poorly, and if there was one thing they wouldn't stand for, it was people being rude to their family. Especially to Asla! She was the sweetest and kindest cub out there! Even they could see that, and they were around her constantly. There was that stigma that siblings could only see the worst in their littermates at times, but for the two walking along side by side, it wasn't hard to pick out their siblings virtues.

"This way," Fast said, nodding off to the left, and together they turned in the direction she had indicated. They were following a set of pawprints that would hopefully lead them to Vidar.

They would, in fact. The adol was currently licking his toes free of blood, the kill he had made at his feet. It was just a large hare, but to him it was the mightiest beast in the world. And he had killed it all on his own! Ha! He was messy and the thing had bit his cheek, but when all was said and done, he'd killed it and now he was going to eat it. No one could stop him! He began to devour the small meal, oblivious of the trouble that was heading his way.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:49 am
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Aslaug was pacing after her pair of siblings, torn between loving pride that they would charge off to defend her honor and misery that they were so determined to put her friend 'to rights'. She'd TOLD them it wasn't a big deal, that she'd already forgiven Vidar, but her dear siblings - to a one - were quite stubborn. She was too, but she at least had a gentle nature to temper it with.

It was all she could do not to dart ahead of them, spotting her brown and blue friend at the end of the tracks they'd been following. She'd tried every argument she could think of to stop her family from this...whatever this was. Probably a strong-pawed intimidation tactic, because she didn't quite think they'd resort to physically 'avenging' her. Maybe. She peeked ahead at Fast. Well, maybe not.

As they drew near she sped up, jogging around her brother and sister, aiming to trot right up to her friend if they let her slip by. "Vidar?" Maybe she could get in the middle and stop all this trouble before they let it begin. She really wasn't one for fights at all.




Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:57 am
Tryggr glanced behind him as he heard Asla's paws quicken a bit, frowning at his sister. "Hey, we told you to stay further back. Don't get too close, Asla...you might end up getting hurt by accident." They were fairly strong for cubs of their age, large as well, and had the fighting spirit of their mother in them. They weren't about to let this Vidar character get away with annoying their sister. Well...annoying was the right word. Verbally abusing her. Lightly. Still! It wasn't right, and they needed to fix that.

"Yeah, Asla," Fast said, her voice a bit softer as she hung back for a moment to nudge her sister's shoulder. "You don't have to worry about helping. This is on us now!" She knew her sister wasn't as rowdy as the rest of them were, so she doubted she'd want in on the beat-down. Yes, beat-down. She didn't beat around the bush when speaking.

She trotted forward after that, eyes forward, walking next to Tryggr once again. Their eyes were locked on Vidar who was slowly getting closer and closer.

The brown lion lifted his head as he heard his name, licking his chops free of the rabbit meat dangling from his chin. He looked around, completely missing the cubs at first, but when he spotted them he snorted. What the heck...

That's when he noticed the little stupid girl trailing behind other little stupid cubs. Well...not so little. Pretty big, actually. For cubs. But they were still tiny next to his awesomeness! He stood up to protect his kill, his appearance rather intimidating with blood on his muzzle and paws.

"Well, well...if it isn't the stupid girl," he sneered. "Who are these dummies? Your friends?"  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:06 pm
Aslaug frowned (somewhat; even her frowns seemed designed not to offend or hurt anyone, so meek were they) at Tryggr as he urged her to stay back. Partly she was miffed he thought she'd get hurt - she was just as tough as the rest of them, even if she wasn't quite as strong or eager for a fight. Probably. And then Fast was agreeing, telling her not to worry, they they'd take care of it and she didn't have to help beat up Vidar. Clearly that hadn't been her intention at all! But what could she do?

She sighed as she let her siblings form a sort of protective wall in front of her. This wasn't going at all how she planned, and she was starting to think maybe she shouldn't have told her siblings about all this. She didn't want anyone to get hurt!

She flinched when he called her stupid, but not because it hurt her. Because she knew that it was the exact wrong thing to say when faced with her rather protective siblings. She honestly wouldn't be able to help him now - they'd have their pound of flesh (or at least a few nips of it!) even if she told them a hundred times that it didn't bother her. There was nothing for it. She sighed, sad eyes meeting Vidar's sneering ones.

"Please...don't hurt him too badly," She asked of them. "He's still my friend. And like I said, I don't mind him."

Like that'd save him the grief of her siblings. She sat back on her haunches, determined to at least watch. Poor Vidar. She owed him that at least, since it was her fault this was going to happen.




Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:16 pm
Vidar's words made Tryggr scowl and Fast bear her teeth in irritation. Stupid? Dummies? Oh...this guy was asking for it. Asla's words fell on deaf ears as Fast took a step forward, unafraid of the larger lion.

"We're her brother and sister," she informed Vidar, her voice firm even if it was a bit high pitched, giving away her age. "And we don't like it when people are rude to her!"

"Yeah," Tryggr said with a little growl to his voice. "And you just proved that you were mean to her by being mean to her again."

Vidar, who had heard Asla's little plea, had to laugh. "Wait, wait wait wait...you guys are here to avenge her or something? Little pipsqueak over there? Come on...you two barely come up to my belly. What makes you think you're gonna show me up?" His laughter was a bit confused sounding though. Asla thought of him as a friend? After how he shoved her off his rock and made fun of her? What was wrong with her?

Tryggr growled again and stepped forward to match Fast's position, both of them looking rather formidable for two cubs. In that moment Vidar remembered what Asla had said: her father was a god. Therefore, these two also had the same father, and were also godspawn. His laughter died away completely as he realized just what he was up against.

Almost in one motion the two cubs pounced and Vidar gave a startled snarl. The two latched on to either leg, little claws and teeth and a surprising amount of strength digging and chewing and clawing at him. Vidar stumbled backwards, trying to shake them off, but it was ineffective.

"Hey! HEY! Stop it! I'm warnin' you!" he snarled, trying to shake the cubs off.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:23 pm
Asla couldn't help but love her siblings for their defense of her. It wasn't what she wanted, goodness no, but it showed they cared. Her family was a bit different from others, but they stuck together. They had each other's backs. And that was nice, even if it meant they were attacking her friend. He HAD called her stupid, but she'd thought she'd understood. Every day she grew up a bit more, and she soon had realized that not everyone even believed in gods. And some people were jealous of them. That was what she thought Vidar'd been. Jealous. And that wasn't his fault.

She called out again as her siblings wrapped around his legs, biting and clawing. "Please let him go! I already forgave him, honest!" It was like they were deaf though. Or so intent on their 'prey' that they didn't even register her.

She tried to catch Vidar's eye from where she'd hung back and give him an apologetic look. She'd have to come up with some way to make up for all this, she determined.




Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:29 pm
Vidar finally shook of Fast, but it was a bad idea. She lept for his back and held on, biting at his mane and neck. He let out a roar of surprise and quickly rolled onto his back, trapping the cub under him. It left his stomach open for Tryggr though, and the male took full advantage of that. He sank his tiny claws into his stomach, teeth going to town at his neck.

"Gods, are you mad?" Vidar snarled, managing to shove Tryggr off after a moment, although he had blood on his stomach now that didn't belong to the rabbit. "You're cubs! You can't attack-"

But Fast and Tryggr gave a squeaky roar in unison and pounced once again, bringing Vidar to the ground. The brown lion landed with an 'oof!' of surprise and started to snarl in pain as teeth and claw found flesh over and over. None of the wounds were serious, of course, but the attacks were making a point...and they were impressive. These were cubs! Cubs! And they were besting him in a fight!

He knew, in that moment, that he needed them in his troupe when he became a captain. What power they had now would only intensify as they got older...having beasts like this behind him...he'd never lose! Little did he know there were two more cubs just like these to add to his collection in future years.

Still dumbfounded, he happened to glance up and caught Asta's eye. Her siblings were rowdy and strong and she just sat there looking apologetic. Why was she so different from them? Why did she want to be his friend? Why was she not grinning and laughing at him being overrun by cubs?  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:44 pm
It really WAS impressive, seeing how well her siblings worked together. If she'd been determined to reave, would she have grown to understand like them? They seemed to communicate without speaking somehow, and they always knew where and how the other would attack. Clearly if this had been a real fight they would have to trust each other to protect the other. It warmed her heart to know that when they grew they would be able to count on each other.

Meanwhile poor Vidar'd been taken to the ground, and though he'd clearly not given up, she didn't think he'd be getting back up until they let him. No matter how he twisted around and swung at them, the other was always compensating and distracting until the first recovered.

His fur was too dark to show blood easily, but even she could pick out the little growing pinpricks of darkness around his belly and his throat. They were bleeding him? Of course she knew he wasn't seriously hurt, but she hadn't expected her siblings to take so firmly to their plan to avenge her. Seeing him watching her, she mouthed an 'I'm sorry...' Hopefully he'd not be too mad.




Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:05 pm
Vidar was glad no one else was around. How could he, the most awesome thing to have ever been born, be taken down by two cubs? Granted, they were god cubs....ugh. It wasn't fair! Seeing Asla mouth that she was sorry made him snort and look away, and finally one good chomp from Fast was enough to make him roar in pain. Spurred on by adrenaline, he shoved the cubs off and rolled away, popping up to his feet quickly.

"Enough! Enough," he panted, mane tussled and teeth bared. "I'm sorry, all right? Just...just stop!"

Fast and Tryggr both paused mid-pounce and quickly sat down as if they hadn't been doing anything at all. "Ah, that's better," Tryggr said with a pleased smile as Fast groomed her paws. "Apology accepted. Right, Asla?" he asked, glancing at his sister with a grin. They'd did it! They'd gotten him to apologize!

"Of course," Fast said with a little laugh, flicking her head back so her mane fell to one side. "Hey, not bad for being outnumbered," she offered. She might have just kicked the crap out of him, but she wasn't out to make him feel bad. Especially now that he had apologized.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:23 pm
Asla looked on as Vidar finally broke free of his...attackers...and began apologizing. Little flecks of blood dusted his fur - they must have gotten him a half-dozen good times! As soon as they'd left off him she was nodding vigorously, urging them that yes of course that was more than enough! "I told you though that I'd already forgiven him..." Her siblings just weren't to be reasoned with. Silly protective things.

She darted around her siblings now that they were talking like they hadn't just tried to skin him alive, coming right up to Vidar and nudging him with a paw to sit back on his rump. "You didn't have to be so rough on him," She reiterated, inspecting him without his leave for any more serious injuries. She found a few scattered scratches (probably from Tryg's claws) and did not hesitate to start cleaning them. She spared the occasional glance at her siblings, as well as continuing to sigh and shake her head at the entire situation.

"By the way, that's Tryggr and Fastny. Mostly she's just Fast though. I'm really sorry about them. At least 'Sif wasn't here....Or Athils..." She mumbled, thinking of the slew of other siblings that hadn't come along with them. That would have been a real problem.




Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:37 pm
The two lighter siblings glanced at Asla as she hurried by, green and gold eyes wide as she scurried over to the adolescent. "Just because you forgave him doesn't mean he was sorry in the first place," Fast said with a little huff. She felt like her sister was too soft at times, and this was certainly one of them. Tryggr rolled his eyes just a bit as she gently pushed Vidar down so she could fix up his wounds a bit. He flicked his tail back and forth, watching to see what Vidar would do.

The older lion was surprised to find himself back on his rump, this time being 'attacked' by the darker sibling. He flinched as she prodded one of the deeper wounds and pulled away when he felt her try to clean him up a bit. He would have snarled at her, but the intense gaze of the other two kept him silent.

He held still as Asla introduced her siblings, both of whom nodded when she said their name. He gave a little huff and slowly pulled away, not wanting her to fix him up, his pride hurt more than his body.

"Yeah, well. Nice to meet you," he muttered, getting to his feet. "If you'll excuse me," He turned away from the three and picked up what remained of his rabbit and headed off in the direction of the den he still shared with his family.

Fast snorted softly as he headed off, standing to go to Asla. "There...now he won't be mean to you anymore."  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:42 pm
She drooped a bit as Vidar pulled away and then got up to leave. She almost called after him as he scooped up his kill and wandered off, but it was clear he'd had enough of them for a while. "Maybe..." She huffed and trotted back to her siblings. "I guess I should say thank you for sticking up for me." Like it or not, her intentions or not, they HAD come to her defense. You could always fall back on family.

She butted her head against Fast in reassurance. "I told you he didn't bother me. I don't think he'd try to now though. Especially with you two at my back. Both she and Tryg had a bit of red on their muzzles and claws, and maybe a scrape or two themselves.

"Why don't we head home and I'll clean you two up instead. And I can redo your braids, they're coming loose from all that roughing around." There wasn't really a reason to stick around here now anyways, and she DID do fabulous braids.




Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:48 pm
"He bothers us," Tryg said with a little snort, nuzzling Asla to complete the little circle of sibling snuggles. Fast nodded in agreement, but at the offer her ears perked up considerably.

"Yeah, let's do that! And hey, if he does bother you again, or if he does something rude...come tell us! Even if it doesn't bother you, we don't want you getting into bad situations. Okay?"

She could take care of herself, she knew. She was their sibling, a viking, a child of a god. But her temperament wasn't as fiery as theirs, so she was far more apt to keeping the peace with words rather than actions.

They trotted off back towards home, Tryg and Fast laughing and talking about their first successful fight.

[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands [IC]

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