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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands [IC]
{PRP}Sour Revelations{Kisukari x Bousvor}

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 7:14 pm
Velveteen Angel

(OOC: We are using an NPC character here for plot purposes.)

He was a proud Stormborn, well muscled from his frequent forays out beyond the pride's borders. Born and raised to the pride's ways he carried himself with a confident, some would say haughty, air.The male knew his place as a Captain of band; thus he knew the place of others in regards to him. He didn't put up mouthy Thralls as some of the lions did. So when a lioness he didn't recognized came up and began flirting with him, he took it in fair stride. Until she found out he was a Captain. Words were said, and he learned that she was only a Thrall.

The captain was livid. He scolded her, and when that didn't seem to be having any effect on her attitude he raised his paw to deliver the thrashing she so rightly deserved. Except she ran away! Ran away! That explained why she was a Thrall in his mind. He wasn't going to let her off that easily. Deciding she was running back to her master, the male followed. Very determined he was to take his anger out on the Thrall and deliver a scathing lecture to her master.

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Bousvor was a lion who enjoyed his leisure time when he had it. There was enough to do to keep him occupied that he valued his time off all the more. So he had dragged his dinner into the shade from the late afternoon sun to eat it in peace and quite. Sated he was reclining back at his ease watching the members go about their business. There was the sound of a commotion starting further off, but he didn't pay too much attention too it. Such things happened often enough, and this one didn't concern him. If it got out of hand, Bousvor was sure someone would step in to take care of it. He listened as the noise got closer and closer.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:05 am
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Kisukari would admit, if she must, that she was a 'tad'...flustered as she scurried away from the irate male who appeared to be close on her tail. Ugh! Were there no good men in this pride? Bousvor had lied to her, they were not a pride of warriors they were a pride of touchy so called 'captains' who didn't understand that being just a captain wasn't good enough to satisfy her. She needed a real male.

Surely the male would stop chasing her soon, but he didn't seem eager to give up the chase. Oh great, he was going to beat her up and her pretty face will be marred and then no War Lord would want her! She dispaired, until a familiar looking figure lazing about caught her eye.

Bousvor! She cheered internally. He wouldn't let her get beat up! She was sure that under his sour attitude (deep, deeeeeep inside) he found her quite pretty and wouldn't want her dead...hopefully. Oh gosh, she really hoped he did.

"Bousvor!" She called out as she scurried over, trying to look calm and collected but feeling a bit frazzled. "We appear to have a, ah-hem, small situation on our paws."

Understatement. VAST understatement.

Couldn't resist sneaking in a tag~

Velveteen Angel


PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 2:58 pm
Velveteen Angel

"You! Hold there!" The male shouted infuriated further that she didn't bow down and take her punishment like a good thrall. Where she had been running before it now seemed that she was heading for someone. This then must be her master. He bounded up to the two before the lioness could flee again. "Is this your thrall?" There was a low growl in his voice. If he couldn't thrash her as she deserved at least he'd make sure this male did.

His leisure time was quickly shattered as the source of the disturbance continued to get closer and closer. Bousvor had a funny feeling as the lioness he'd brought in ran into view. The second source of turbulence didn't appear far behind her, which indicated that Kisukari had gotten herself into deeper water than she could handle.

"Our?" He said softly with a flick of his ear. The white maned male didn't get ruffled as another obviously mad male came charging up. Green eyes calmly assessed the situation. Bousvor was a bit surprised by the irritated male's question. Her master? His eyes flicked briefly over to Kisu with a silent question. She'd left him as soon as they'd gotten back to the pride. "I brought her in yes."
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:25 am

Hold there? Really? Who did he think she was? She wasn't going to stop and just allow him to beat her, that would be ridiculous, who would do that? At Bousvor's question of her phrasing, she shot him a frustrated look and totally didn't semi-scurry around the back of him.

"This brute can't seem to take it that I'm not interested in him," Kisukari shot out, giving the captain a dark look. Hah! He couldn't hurt her now, she was with Bousvor! He wouldn't let her get hurt!

Or he would be the one who thumped her, but she had a good feeling that perhaps she would escape without being attacked today. She hoped. Oh Mkodi how she hoped for that.


Velveteen Angel


PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:42 pm
Velveteen Angel

"I demand satisfaction!" The male all but sneered at her. "She has been insolent and clearly has not been taught her place." If her master did nothing, then he certainly would! Still the captain took note of the well muscled male laying before him. It bothered him that the reaver hadn't leaped to his feet at his approach, but he was more concerned with the thrall.

The tawny male took in the situation with an internal sigh. She hadn't listened, gotten herself into trouble, and then come running to him. Now she was his problem for she had claimed him as her master. Until now he had not taken a thrall of his own, but mainly because he was waiting. It had been decided for him. Equally, he was going to have to resolve this. His green eyes turned to Kisukari and bore silently into hers for a stern moment. Well if she was going to put him into this position she would have to deal with the consequences and be happy about them; otherwise she could take what this captain would dish out.

"I apologize, her manners I thought were better." Now he considered his next move. The captain would not be happy with just any punishment. "Thrall!" Bousvor called commandingly, unusual enough for the quiet male, to the female behind him, "you will apologize to the Captain right now, with feeling and mean it. Furthermore, for the next two days you will go out and bring him back items from your forays." Now his eyes glinted. "And be warned that if they are not good items I will continue to send you out until I am satisfied. So choose your offerings with care." He flicked his tail sharply to show he meant it. No she wouldn't be beaten today, but she would learn from the experience.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 5:35 pm

Kisukari was sure that Bousvor was going to take her side, and so when he yelled at her, his voice deep and commanded, she physically startled and stared, wide-eyed at him. A kicked puppy expression crossed her face, as if he had betrayed her, before she steeled her nerves and met his gaze boldly. She was silent as he scolded her, the rage inside her growing.

He was just as useless as the rest of them, she thought to herself, bristling inwardly but outwardly she was deadly quiet.

She stayed quiet for a moment, before she dropped her gaze, a look of submission falling across her face and her body. "I apologise," she said softly to the captain, her head lowered. "I will bring you compensation for my poor manners."

The words were said softly, but inwardly she was screaming. She was a princess, damn it! She would get her revenge for this humiliation.


Velveteen Angel


PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 5:51 pm
Velveteen Angel

He stood proudly as the reaver verbally scolded the thrall. He would much rather have seen her beaten for her insolence, but sadly he was not her master. A beating stuck long with the subject. Though the captain nodded approval as the thrall was ordered to apologize and then bring him things for two days. It would do. He looked down at the thrall as she apologized. "I will let it slide this time. However, you insult me again and not even your master will stop my wrath thrall. I expect to see you tomorrow." He gave a quick nod to the reaver then turned and left.

She'd clearly had it far too easy so far. Bousvor noted her jump of surprise though he showed no indication that he had. It was about time she woke up to her situation. Thankfully the captain didn't hang around and soon left. The male turned his full, disapproving attention on the female. "You were very lucky. As a captain he had every right to dispense your punishment as he saw fit." He sighed and leaned back. She was not going to be happy about this.

"You will go out and gather nice things for the captain. If you refused I will go with you, and you will not like that. Bring your findings to me first, and I will say if they are good enough." Bousvor had every intention of having this command fulfilled. Green eyes gazed at her coolly, waiting her reaction.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:23 am

She kept her eyes low to the ground as the captain spoke, gritting her teeth and itching to dig her claws into the ground - or the captain. Not usually violent, the position she had been placed in - being a servant essentially - brought out a side that she had never knew she had. She was furious.

She let Bousvor rant, but when she raised her eyes to his finally, they burnt with anger. "Never speak to me that way again," she ground out her words, each enunciated perfectly and with a determination that she had not shown before. She was spoilt, yes, she was petty, yes, but damn it she would not be broken to being some sort of doormat to stuck up soldiers who thought they could fight.

"I don't care what that Captain is allowed to do to me. I won't stand by idly and let myself be degraded like this." Her claws dig into the earth beneath her. She wouldn't strike Bousvor though, mostly because she knew he would win a fight with her without even trying. "I will find a gift for the captain, not because you told me to, but because I am a diplomat and I can settle my issues with words not violence." Her distaste for the battles the pride engaged it was easy to see.


Velveteen Angel


PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:59 am
Velveteen Angel

Bousvor was not normally an aggressive or mean lion. He didn't usually have a problem with getting along with anyone, including thralls. Even rebellious thralls. His green eyes narrowed and his voice held a hard edge when he spoke. She was going to get her wake up call. He was not normally a lion of many words either, but this was a moment for words.

"Warn you I did. You refused to hear. So hear it now and understand well." Bousvor rose to his feet and tossed his head up to look down at her. "You. Are. A. Thrall. A slave. You had the chance to run away. I gave it to you little pampered lioness. Instead you choose to come. It was your choice. Now you must accept and deal with it."

"You should care. He could order to have you killed if the circumstances warranted it, and the orders would be followed. Listen well thrall. You told him I was your master. I will not put my position in this pride in jeopardy just for you. You will behave as appropriate to your position until such a time as you can advance." He let his cold gaze at her display of anger show he was unimpressed by it. Bousvor let skepticism show on his face that she really was a diplomat. "Indeed, then why did you run to me little lioness?"
PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:09 am

She hid a flinch as he stood, as he towered over her, his voice harsh. He had been cold to her, but not quite this cold. She met his gaze though, paws planted firmly on the ground beneath her. She would not back down from him, not this time.

She couldn't hide the flinch that she experienced at the word 'slave'. She was a slave, she was slowly coming to realise with a gradual panic. She was...definitely in a predicament now. Why had she chosen to do this? It was ego, pure and simple. She wanted a fancy husband, a fancy life, and something to show off to her father. She wanted to be a princess, or a queen. Now she was a slave.

She bristled at his question, hissing out a rather bratty response of, "I thought your smell might drive him away so I wouldn't have to be diplomatic!" She was panicking inside. She was a slave. She was property now, pure and simple. What was she going to do? It took a moment or two for his words to sink in though, and she narrowed her gaze.

"What do you mean; advance? "


Velveteen Angel


PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:20 am
Velveteen Angel

As she stood there defiant, he thought it was a shame she'd been captured instead of trying to fight her way in. She wouldn't be here now if she'd won an askorun. The problem was could she? At this point he doubted it.

Bousvor tilted his head warningly. "Insults got you here. Do not make the same mistake again." She was lucky that he was not so uptight about rank and ones 'proper' place according to that rank. He could tolerate or ignore most insults thrown at him when there was nothing else at stake. The tawny male hadn't lied when he said he wouldn't take a fall for her though. If orders came down for her to be disposed of and he ordered to do it for his honor there was no question. He would regret it, for the taking of a life, but he would do it.

He watched her a moment then sat back down. Pretending to ignore her while he settled his haunches though he watched her from the corner of his eye. His eyes glanced up at the sky and watched a bird over head, then glanced around at the few lions moving about near them. "Oh I don't know if you've earned the right to that knowledge yet." He flicked his ear. Clearly this was repayment for her attitude and a bit of a test.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:14 am

She barely resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at him. Ugh, he was just so uppity. How dare he think himself better than her? But at the moment, it was a bitter pill to swallow that he was, in fact, better than her...but only in the eyes of the pride. At the moment, it seemed as if she was little better than dirt.

She scowled at him, frustrated at him withholding knowledge. She almost snapped at him, before a small smirk crossed her face. She sauntered closer to him, batting her eyes in a display of feminine wiles. "Oh please enlighten me with your wisdom," she said sweetly, coming to stand directly in front of him with eyes wide.

She knew, almost immediately as she moved to do so, that he wouldn't fall for her tricks but hey, at least she might get to irritate him. She could only hope he wouldn't back-hand her.


Velveteen Angel


PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 3:09 am
Velveteen Angel

Bousvor mightily wished that there was a way for a thrall to try to do an askrorun. If she could win one fair and square then she'd be off his paws and not his problem. Unfortunately for her, and him, that wasn't the case. So he had to deal with her. At least her tantrum had ended.

He arched his brow at her attempt at being feminine. "Should you choose to attempt that on a male, and he chooses to take you up on your offer do not come running to me." Bousvor tried not to chuckle lest he give away the game. She should be able to figure out what he was saying there.

There was one way. One could challenge one of higher rank and if you won then you got that rank. Bousvor eyed her considering. "Consider the information a reward for a good job done for the captain." He hoped it would be enough to keep her in line until her task was done. Then he could tell her. If her behavior remained good, he may even decide to help her. Though he doubted she'd consider his help very helpful.
[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands [IC]

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