Painted Moose
Most days Safi preferred to hang out near the Koti to be close with his children. All three of the older ones lived and worked in the lands, with his youngest usually vacant during the visits. As a pureblood this was dangerous territory for him, so it was with some reservation that Safi had let him leave. To be honest there hadn't been a day in the past few years that he hadn't spent with his offspring, and to be casually walking felt nice, if not a little odd. "I should go on a trip," He mused aloud. "A long, long trip~ Maybe near an ocean? That would be a long walk, though..."

It had taken some getting used to, the wet paws and the company of so many different shaped creatures. Nanth was still getting used to it. She barely slept for fear of missing something. It was all so interesting, she thought.

She never thought being a slave in a pride of hybrids would be so appealing. One day, she decided, she would have a litter of the most extraordinary cubs, all different from one another.

So the silvery cheetah set to wander in the prides borders.

Painted Moose
For once in his life Safi had spent time cleaning his fur. As a proven fertile hybrid, he had a relatively lax life, though most times he tried to make himself useful. He held a rank, but it was in name only, since he spent so little time actually in the pride. Cari had called it an honor from her sister, but it didn't matter to him either way. Walking as he was brought him to the presence of a lovely silver cheetah. Her markings looked so exotic to him in that moment that he thought her a goddess. "Good evening, Miss. I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you before~"

Nanth was a bit shocked when the leopon approached her - and addressed her so politely. Even if she wasn't a slave - which the rank wasn't as low class as she was expecting either - she had never been called 'Miss' before.

"Hello!" She chirped back in response, nearly giggly with how kind the white male was. "I'm very new around here. I haven't been here long." Her orange eyes twinkled in delight.

Painted Moose
Her surprise was a fine delicacy for Safi. It had been a while since he had the chance to romance a female, but he attempted not to lay the charm on too thick. Still, he smiled, walking to her with a confidently languid stride. "Is that so? Well, allow me to welcome you into our fair pride." Safi lowered his forelegs to bow to her, looking up to smile at the cheetah. "Might I know your name?"

Nanth's face flushed under her fur. She was charmed by the leopon. Ah, but she was but a little cheetah, nearly not important to anything. "Thank you," she smiled. "You're very kind, sir," she felt like a little cub with a puppy-crush again.

"Oh, I'm called Nanth," she told him, giving a small curtsey-like bow in return to him, at least as close as she could get. She'd never really bowed to anyone...

Painted Moose
She was so cute when flustered. It gave a genuine twist to Safi's smile, allowing him to relax and bask in the natural attraction. "Nanth." He spoke her name on a husky whisper. Her curtsey surprised him, and he had to laugh at bit, in a good spirited way. This one was something else! "It truly is a pleasure to meet you. You may call me Safi, or any other name you should so choose." He would never turn away a nice pet name.

The little cheetah shivered a bit when she heard the husky repetition of her name. It delighted her in ways she couldn't name and she was quite pleased. Normally she would be affronted if someone laughed at her, but he didn't seem to do it in jest against her.

His laughter sounded wonderful.

"Very pleased to meet you, Safi," Nanth gave him a bright smile. She'd probably have to know him better before she would even dare to think of calling him anything other than his name.

Painted Moose
Orchid eyes, so very like his grandmother's, looked about for others, and finding themselves blissfully along the leopon made his move. He crossed to become closer to Nanthe, brushing her shoulder with his own, his thick tain trailining on his paws. "If you aren't opposed to exploring some of the local..haunts with me, I would be honored to have your company." And oh, the explorations he would do~ Safi kept walking, though it was slow, hesitant, as if he were waiting to see her response.

Nanth nearly sputtered, catching the implication. Local haunts, indeed! She flushed brightly, heat practically radiating from her fur. Her next step was hesitant and she nearly bolted off! But Safi was as kind as any, and she deserved this!

She gave a small, almost nervous laugh. It took her only but a moment to decide despite her small notes of hesitancy.

"The honor would be mine," she told him, sidling up closer to his side. "I'd like a grand tour, if you don't mind."

Painted Moose
Safi laughed heartily, his face bright with mirth and honest fun. She looked so tempting at that moment that he felt like a young cub again. "Let me show you a night to remember." While he was a terrible flirt, he was no love 'em and leave 'em type. He'd raised four cubs on his own when the mothers didn't want them, and remained friends to this day with the cheetah who first stole his heart. He was just hoping to have a little fun with this one while he was at it. "Right this way~" Swaying his tail around her slender legs Safi walked away to his favorite haunting place, ready to take what hesitancy she had and turn it to elation.