It was one of the areas of the school that Olivia found she didn't frequent as much as the others, much like the library, and being well into her second year she kind of began to ask herself why. (It might have been initiated, perhaps, by a few recent events that had occurred in her unlife with her oddly passing out. Both of which seemed to include food and her eating it.)

The question sparked back into her mind when she finally entered through the doors and found just so many students already inhabiting the area, going about their daily business and indulging in something she didn't ordinarily do. It was pretty neat really. A totally different view to behold.

For a while she just stood by the door and observed with her usual air of curiosity and happiness, her smile ever present before she finally pushed off to go in deeper. Olivia even bought herself a little something to try - a small bag of crackers shaped like common minipets - and sat herself down in one corner of the cafeteria to get the whole room into her frame of view.

Her blue eyes, for now, settled on staring at an interesting looking boil who seemed to have purchased half the the food supplied, many plates around him already consumed and he seemed to keep on going. She had yet to even open her crackers.

I made a thing!