[[First off A HUGE apology to everyone for how things got left on hold and how delayed this is. I am so sorry, if you have any old RPs you wanted to complete, any questions or comments please PM me and I will do whatever I can to get things done and straightened out.]]
The Short Story:

The demise of the U’W came about after the pride’s hostile take-over. Newcomers to the pride worked to turn Banu against their Pads. A small group of angry females gathered up the cubs of the pride and a pair emerged as the leaders of the takeover. An ultimatum was issued to the Sultan, he and his fellow Pads would leave or the cubs would all be killed. Realizing there was no way to rescue the cubs without some being killed or injured Aali ordered the Pads to leave and with a heavy heart left the pride himself. The hostile takeover lasted for a short period but resourceful cubs managed to escape and protect their siblings, angry Banu fought with the females who tried to show them how wrong their subservience to their Pads was. Some Kajira sided with the new females and soon the infighting blew into an all out war. This was a moment that some of the Pads had been waiting for, the Sultan rushed in and fought with the Trickster King while Banu, pads, and cubs fled in all directions. The hostile lions fought and fled as well. Aali managed to wound the King but was wounded in turn and left for dead near the lake.

Now What?
What happened if you had an U’W Member-
If you had a male in the U’W:
- He could have been out on a raid trying to capture Banu (young males were probably on their Coming of Age quests and don’t know what happened to the Pride)
- He could have left with Aali and then headed into the Rogue lands leaving his Banu behind
- He could have left with Aali and then returned to fight in the war and rescue his Banu/family.
- He could have sided with the traitors and the Trickster King and then either fought against Aali and the returning Pads or betrayed the traitors and moved in to rescue Banu/cubs

If you had a female in the U’W:
- She could have been accompanying her Pad in the rogue lands when the takeover occurred.
- She could try comforting the mothers who’s cubs are being held hostage
- She could have tried to cozy up to the traitor females to escape either because she believed in what they said or wanted to get away to their Pads
- She could have turned on her sisters and joined the traitors
- She could have been abused by the traitor males
- She could have joined the fight in the end to save herself/her cubs/others cubs/a Pad/ or betrayed the U’W and fought for the traitors
- ALL Banu/Kajira were able to escape the U’W when it fell, if they wish to return and try to find their Pads or if they are all too happy to see the pride’s fall is up to each owner.

If you had a Cub in the U’W:
- They were held hostage!
- They could have managed to slip away and run into the rogue lands
- They could have stayed and been rescued or stayed and escaped during the fighting
- They could have tried to fight to help their parents/friends
- They could have suffered some abuse from the traitors

If you had a Meta Character for the U’W:
- The Trickster King managed to take control of the U’W for a short period of time, he then fought Sultan Aali (and others if you wish) before the Sultan managed to wound him and he fled. (You are free to do whatever you wish with him but ICly this ought to be some part of his backstory, if you wish he may have taken an injury to his head that caused him to forget these events but if he crosses paths with a former U’W they’ll likely recognize him.)
- The Trickster Queen managed to take control with her King and was free to do as she pleased. She likely either fought or fled during the war. (You are free to do whatever you wish with her but ICly this ought to be some part of her backstory, if you wish she may have taken an injury to her head that caused her to forget these events but if he crosses paths with a former U’W they’ll likely recognize her.)
- Lonely Bachelor may have fought for or against the U’W in the war before escaping. (You are free to do whatever you wish with him but ICly he did witness the takeover of the U’W as his backstory. If you wish he may have taken a blow to the head that caused him to forget these events.)
- The Man Eaters all participated in the hostile takeover for their own reasons, they may have been the keepers of the hostage cubs, consolers and reformers of banu, or had a change of heart and eventually fought for the U’W before fleeing. (You are free to do whatever you wish with your lady but ICly she helped and witnessed the hostile takeover. If you would like she may have taken a blow to the head and forgotten her participation.)
- The Clueless Brother was in the wrong place at the wrong time, when the hostile takeover happened he could have chosen to leave or stay and may have fought for the U’W or against them. (You are free to do whatever you wish with him now but he ICly he did witness the hostile takeover. If you like he may have sustained a blow to the head during the fighting and forgotten the events.)
- The Spotted Rivals were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Both were eager for the affection of the Clueless Brother. If they were able to learn from the Banu how to work together or if the sudden hostile takeover caused them to become bitter enemies is up to you. At the very least they witnessed the sudden upheaval in the pride and chose to either flee or stay and fight for or against the U’W (You are free to do whatever you wish with your lady now but ICly they did witness the hostile takeover begin. If you would like they may have sustained a blow to the head and forgotten these events.)
- The Crafty Husband and Captive Wife were both present when the hostile takeover occurred. The Crafty husband likely sided with The Trickster King and took advantage of the absence of Pads to take Banu for himself before the war. The Captive wife may have been a willing participant or eager to escape her husband. (You are free to do whatever you wish with them now, but ICly both witnessed the hostile takeover and both fought either for or against the U’W in the war. If you wish they may have sustained a blow to the head that caused them to forget these events.)
- The Wounded Lady had a major grudge against the U’W and was pleased with the hostile takeover. However when the Trickster King made life even more unbearable for the females she may have changed her mind about the U’W males. It is up to you if she fought for or against the U’W in the war and how she escaped the battle. (You are free to do as you wish with her now but ICly she participated in the hostile takeover and battle. She may have sustained a blow to the head during the war and forgotten these events but thanks to her unique scars and eyes old members of the U’W will likely recognize her.)
- The Misled ladies were simply unfortunate victims of circumstance, when the hostile takeover occurred and the fighting broke out they had to choose who to fight or to turn and run. (You are free to do as you wish with them now but ICly they at least witnessed the hostile takeover and possibly participated in the war. If you’d like they may have sustained a blow to the head and forgotten these events.)

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.He groaned softly and licked his lips for the hundredth time still feeling delirious, thirsty, and hungry. Once he had only to smile and his loving Banu would all happily bring him a meal or curl beside him. Now the Sultan of the Ukuucha’Wafalme had nothing, no one, and it was his own fault. He gazed at the dark wall of the cave he had crawled into and tried to stay conscious. After the battle had subsided and he realized that death hadn’t come for him he’d dragged himself through the waters of the lake. For a few days he had lain there letting the water wash his wounds and trying to fight past the pain. He had been lucky enough that some small prey had come close enough for him to grab, a vulture that had tried to make a meal out of him had instead become his meal. At the time he had wondered if it wouldn’t be his last meal. Finally he had dragged himself away from the lake and stripped herbs and roots from the ground to place against his wounds. He hid in the cave and slowly healed, but the healing had suddenly stopped and when he twisted his head and gazed a deep gash he could see why. Infection, he had turned away from the angry puckered wound and the scent and slept.

Each day was worse, and now he needed to eat and drink but the strength to leave the cave for the lake had fled him. The dark slipped in and he remembered the Seers that had come to him. What a lazy fool he had been, they had tried to warn him that they were having disturbing visions, visions of violence and danger. He had comforted them and assured them that all would be well. The Ukuucha were experiencing an age of such peace and joy, cubs frolicked near the lake and Banu laughed and shared the joys of family with their sisters. The pride barely had any Kajira and young males were returning from their Coming of Age quests, what could possibly go wrong? What a fool he had been, he had been warned and still he had allowed his pride to come to danger…to ruin. He turned his gaze down away from the stone wall to his infected side. If he died here alone it was no more than he deserved, but he wanted to live, he needed to find his Banu and his children and ensure they were safe. He groaned and lowered his head to his paws memories swamping him.

He remembered the red eyed male arriving with his female, they had come eager to join smiling and sweet. Aali had no idea that the white and black male had a plot, time passed and soon another male arrived with more females, and then another, seemingly innocent groups and almost a dozen new Banu for the pride. Aali had considered it a grand sign that new families were flocking to the pride eager to join them and learn their ways. He was deaf to the murmurings of the new females, the way they worked insidiously to turn Banu’s against their pads. He was blind to way some of the females began to look at the males, blind to the rift forming among the Banu. He allowed his concern for his sons return and thoughts of where to place his daughters to distract him from what was happening under his nose. He was busy arranging to name his new Sultana and spending time with his own Banu. If only he had spent more time down at the lake, if only he had seen the way the new females rounded up the cubs and convinced their mothers to leave them in their care.

Sharp pain made the memory of the brown male with his orange eyes suddenly spring up, how that new Pad had eyed the Banu…all the Banu with his greedy gaze. Why hadn’t he realized, why hadn’t he seen the pattern before it was too late. The pain spiked again and the memory faded replaced by another. He remembered his youth and his fathers voice telling a Story.

Story time had been an important pridal tradition, in the tales they passed down were important lessons for all. His father had once told them the story of the lion in antelope’s fur. A crafty lion had pulled the pelt from an antelope and waited patiently before coming among the herd. The antelope had mistaken the lion for one of their own kind and soon followed him about. The lion easily led the young antelope away and devoured them. Aali had thought the lion quite brilliant at the time, and now he cringed to realize he hadn’t learned the moral of the story at all. If he had then he would have realized how easily appearances could deceive. The males and the traitorous females had come easily into their midst and his pride had paid the price for his inability to see before it was too late.

The beautiful white female with her grey markings and ruby eyes had seemed so submissively sweet. She doted on the black spotted male whose eyes were even more vivid in color than hers. Yet how smug that same female had sounded as she imperiously commanded him to leave his pride and take his Viziers and Pads or forfeit the lives of the cubs. Her voice had been ice cold and Aali could remember the raging desire to see her dead. For a moment he thought he saw her before him and he let out a bellow of rage, and then realized there was no one, only the pain there to deceive his mind.

The cubs, they had the cubs all rounded up in a cave and those new females had stood there watching him waiting. He knew there was no way, if he or any of the Pads tried to fight they could be on the cubs in seconds. It had been the most painful and difficult decision of his life. They hadn’t even let him speak to his Banu, he had never hated anyone in his life the way he hated these usurpers. He left and now as he lay in the dark he could only imagine how hellish things had become for his Pride in his absence.

While he struggled to keep calm and plan a rescue of the females and cubs they had suffered the tyranny of the Trickster King and Queen. He could imagine that cold cruel voice of hers threatening the Banu and cubs. The thought of the greedy brown male laying his paws on any Banu he chose filled him with rage and for a moment he found himself trying to stand and fight, but the enemy was gone and he was weak. He collapsed in a heap and groaned in pain his vision tunneled for a second before he closed his eyes and tried to regain his strength. He burned, he burned with fever and anger and yet at his core he felt the cold chill of fear.

When the fighting had broken out and Banu had started to run past Aali had known it was time. He and other Pads had rushed into the fighting and urged the Banu to take cubs and run.
Run, run away and don’t look back! I’ll find you, GO! Take the cubs and run!
There had been such confusion, total chaos as males fought several females at once, females fought females, even some of the brave cubs fought of their would be captors and ran. The pride was broken and even if he survived he did not think he would ever find his fellow Pads, his Banu, his children. The fear of what might have happened to all those he had promised to protect was what cooled him. While rage and fear, hot and cold fought inside of him the memory of the fight that had left him in this state returned as well.

Those red eyes, that black and white coat, it had been easy for him to spot the Trickster King, but he had to fight to get to him. Aali was surprised at how easy it had been for him to lift his claws against a female, it was something he hadn’t thought he would ever do. Yet the females who had threatened the cubs, the Banu, his pride, he had no issue striking them. When he reached the other male he leapt in allowing his anger to fuel him, it was a mistake. They fought and Aali’s muscle and strategy might have won in the end but he was too angry for strategy. He took blow after blow and let the pain fan the flames of his rage. When he finally managed to sink his teeth and claws in deep enough that the other male had to flee it was too late. He fell in a bloody heap into the shallow part of the lake the sand scraping his wounds and his eyes closing against his desperate attempt to remain conscious. When he awoke no one remained, not his pride mates, not the traitors, and if there were bodies the scavengers had dragged them off.

Another sudden flash of heat and pain throbbed through him drawing his mind from the memory of the battle. The Sultan of the Ukuucha’Wafalme was alone in the Forest that had once belonged to his pride, he was unaware that even as he drew shallow breaths rogues had begun to explore and enter the lands, and his pride’s rich history was being scattered to the winds.

If You Were Quoted
You were all selected as the winners/owners/players for these characters if you no longer want them please PM me to let me know and I’ll arrange for them to go to someone else.
Again VERY sorry for the delay!

wooga Paes
Please See The Wounded Lady

Please See Spotted Rivals –Brown-

Please See Clueless Brother

Ruler of Everything
Please See Tricksters –Queen-

Please See Tricksters –King-

Jovi of Shadows
Please See Crafty Husband

Please See Misled Ladies -Blue-

Please See Misled Ladies -Tan-

Please See Captive Wife

Please See Spotted Rivals -Black and White-

Please See Man Eaters -Black-

Please See Man Eaters -Brown-

Please See Man Eaters -green-

Please See Man Eaters -white/red-

Please See Lonely Bachelor