Gur kept away from the boarders for the most part. Those were the area's the guard were to patrol and a hunter such as her self had no business lurking around. Usually the huntress could be found at the very heart of the pride doing what she did best. Hunt.

Today she was accompanied by Lihau who usually patrolled the boarder as he was on the guards team. However, today was his off day and the lion wasn't sure he just wanted to lay around the den area all day. Going out with the hunting party seemed more to his speed so he had asked Gur if she'd be all willing to take him out. Gur had agreed for the mere fact that you could never have to many claws and teeth on paw when it came to hunting. No, one did not want to over hunt, but one would want to make sure that the needs of the prides growing numbers was met.

However, Gur was unsure why Lihau would come to her of all the huntresses available to go out with. Hells, the lioness wasn't even the head huntress. The two had been padding along for a while in silence, only to have this thought storming around her mind like a bees nest. Finally, Gur could not hold in her questions.

"Lihau. Why not go to the head hunter to hunt," Gur grumbled with out meaning to grumble. Her voice came out harsh and gruff. Lihau's ears flicked.

"Why -not- come to you? To be honest I just kind of picked at random. We've known each other for a while now. Are we not friends that can enjoy a hunt once every while?" Lihau had not put any extra thought in his choosing and that was the truth. Gur wasn't surprised by his answer but a bit of her had hoped there had been a bit more to his choice. Gurs expression pretty much stayed the same to the untrained eye that did not know Gur personally but to those that did know her it would be semi obvious that she was disappointed.

Lihau was very familiar with the lioness and reconized the change in expression which confused the male.

"Is something wrong Gur?" He honestly had no idea when it came to what women were thinking. Gur was even more confusing than most as she was a rough and tumble sort and no way what the lion would consider all that delicate. Every once in a while that feminine side would bleed through the cracks though. It was confusing.

"Mmmhmmm." She muttered to her self mostly. Her tone would appear to be normal to those untrained but Lihau knew her better than to assume she was alright. There was still a hint of disappointment that was screaming through.

"Seriously Gur," He shook his head unsure what it was he had done wrong, "I can't fix what I don't know is broke. You were fine until I answered that question and now you're acting weird. I really was happy to go on a hunt with you. I .." He stopped talking. Gur was low to the ground like she had spotted prey of some sort. Lihau was quick to follow her lead.

"I really wish you'd talk," He managed to whisper. Gur was stone still and silent as her eyes were laser focused on something up ahead. Lihau scanned the area to find the grass grazer that had gotten the females attention. Okay so now wasn't the time to talk.

Gur moved towards the beast all the while she kept flatter than a leaf to the ground. Lihau, with as graceful as he could manage, followed after the female keeping to her back. His head was still a buzz with the conversation before or lack there of one. Why was Gur refusing to talk? She'd clammed up after he answered her question honestly. Maybe her feelings were hurt. But how?

Lihau was all too focused on his own internal thoughts to notice Gur leap in to action. With one quick and powerful motion the grass grazer was limp necked in the females jaws. Gur had made the entire hunt look effortless. Lihau knew better than to think anything was with out effort but he still was in awe of how much skill Gur had. She was a pro no none sense kind of gal which is why Lihau liked spending time with her.

"WHOAH!" He managed as he got back up on all fours. "THAT WAS AMAZING!"

Again, Gur was seemingly unresponsive. Possibly because of the fresh meat hanging from her jaws. Lihau knew her better though. She was giving him the cold shoulder and for the life of him Lihau knew not why and it bothered him that Gur wouldn't just say what was wrong. You'd think the two were dating or something.

Gur merely held her kill with quite the bored look in her eyes. She was already over the whole ordeal and ready for the long trek back to the dens. And so, the female turned her back and headed off with her fresh kill dangling from her powerful jaws leaving Lihau to figure out that he best be following after.

"Seriously Gur," He mumbled, "Seriously this is ridiculous that you just won't talk to me. " Still no answer from the female. This silence was hurtful and Lihau felt it was undeserved, "I answered your question and now you're all mad at me. IS IT BECAUSE I PICKED YOU AT RANDOM?" The loudness of his voice sent a few stray birds fluttering to the skies.

Gur gave the lion a silent nod but said nothing more.

Lihau was dumbfounded really. So she was upset that she was randomly picked.

"But Gur, I like spending time with you. I picked out of my own friend group and was more than delighted to that you were around to go on a hunting trip. I'm sorry if that hurt your feelings." He frowned still trying to grasp the concept.

Gur smiled at him but said nothing.

"So.. you forgive me?" The lion was even more confused but the smile seemed to be a good sign.

There was a small nod.

For the rest of the way back the two walked in silence but not the uncomfortable kind. There was a silent understanding between the two that everything was just alright.

word count: 1071