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Snarky Rogue

Snarky Rogue

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 11:14 pm
Desidario made his way casually through the halls and rooms of the auxiliary haven that he had set Sweet Pea to live in. The haven was empty save for Sweet Pea and himself. It had been that way since the day he had brought her here. It had remained that way through the many daymonths that slipped away. Time held no meaning here and Desidario had proved himself to be a harsh Sire to serve though the way he spoke of the others he Sired had left room for her to assume she was treated the best. Favorited perhaps.

He knew that she had no recollection of being brought to this place. He had brought her while she was in a deep slumber the moment he had drained her of her life's blood and coaxed her to drink his own. He had noticed from time to time that she was lacking in attention in this empty haven with no one to talk to. Sometimes she had wanted to talk and he humored her. Other times she did not want to talk or he simply was in no mood to offer her any company.

More often than not he demanded that she work. She had received her fair share of punishment for displeasing him in her practices. Bone and fleshcrafting were the two that she had excelled in, and he had... encouraged her to excel. She had never received a reward from him but he had been swift to dole out her various forms of punishment when she had failed him.

Sweet Pea's practice dummies had been poor innocent creatures. Rats, rabbits, deer, birds... all that shrieked, cried, or whined in pain at what she was doing to them. In the end they had all perished. Desidario had a fond memory of a possum that she had crafted into a monster by both flesh and bone, a monster that had lived for a few moments afterwards rather than dying during the process. Oh, how it cried... and that cry had become an agonized howl, a plead for death that it had lived through what he had instructed her to do.

It had even tried to move it's limbs afterward, to escape! A thick and dark laugh crept it's way from his throat at the memory. That had been while Sweet Pea was only a few days into her new unlife. He had been so pleased with her. Though it had been a long affair to force her to overcome some of those pitiful mortal behaviors. He remembered how she had looked sad at what she had done to that creature. He could have sworn she wanted to ask him if she could end it.. but the monster had died before any words were spoken.

On more than one occasion the Elder vampire had starved her after she had disappointed him. No rewards for success but ample forms of punishment for her failures. Desidario was not always so cruel to her though. In times when she had struggled with her former mortal feelings, he had offered her a sense of comfort. He would place an arm around her and talk her through it, even if his words had been cold and harsh and stern. He had allowed her to rest close against him though his skin offered no warmth and he had no kind words to share, so he had said nothing at all. Then he would send her to her coffin to rest, tell her to stay in there as long as she needed until she regained herself.

Not always so cruel... but never truly kind. He had only offered her comfort when she had been in desperate need, but it was never truly comfort. Desidario had long been in his unlife and only had memories of emotions. He no longer had phantom emotions like his newly Embraced did. Sweet Pea was progressing faster than the others though. She had started with such raw potential and she was learning fast how to use it, especially in an empty auxiliary haven with no distractions around her. There was little to do than improve her skills.

The last he had seen her... how long had he left her here alone? He wondered if she had searched these empty halls and rooms for him. He had left with little explanation. He had kissed her eyelids while she was at rest in her coffin, coaxed her to wake in the most gentle manner, then told her to continue her studies and not stray with a voice dripping in bitterness, promised her forms of torture she did not even know had existed if she disobeyed or attempted to flee. He had important matters to attend to. Then... he had told her to rest and left her in this auxiliary haven all by herself.

Days before he had sent word to her that he would be arriving soon, to ready her finest wears. He stopped in front of her door, tapped his knuckles against it. The sound of a chain rattling against the floor behind him, he jerked the end he held in his hand to still what he had brought. He had changed since he had left. He had grown taller, his skin paler, his eyes brighter and colder, and his hair longer. Mutilation all over his body, much different than he had last been before he left. He was no longer the same vampire he was when he first Sired her. He was now an Elder and he was in no mood for games any longer. She would perform on her first client.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 2:41 am
Time had become something less. Sweet Pea had all the time in the world now. Every moment seemed to drag on now, or perhaps it was the days that dragged on and on, night or day they both were just...passing by without any real meaning any longer.

When she'd first woken up, she'd been hungry, starving. She'd even thought she might go mad from hunger, but then, she learned to work with the madness and just deal. Like she always had with her own madness. Staving off her own madness though had been a bit more difficult, and though He begrudgingly indulged her, she learned to hold conversations with herself in her head when she needed to talk to save herself from madness. Desidario had an indulgent behavior, but only to a small point. Sweet Pea understood that swiftly.

Her Sire, Desidario, who sometimes she wished she could refer to him as Desi since his name was a terrible mouthful that made her fangs twitch, was a ruthless master. He demanded her work nearly endlessly. Wanting her to excel in what she'd already been dabbling in when she was living. But now there was a name for it, she was bone crafting, flesh crafting and altering beings in ways she'd never thought possible. The power had been there before, but with his encouragement she'd worked harder than others at perfecting what she could do.

The live subjects at first had made her upset. But not because of the pain she caused, because they didn't or couldn't live after she was finished. It made her so upset, yes, the pained cries were unnerving at first, but she felt like she was failing when they weren't living through it. Then the possum, she was oddly happy and sad at the same time, it tried to move, it wanted to run away. It wanted to die, and part of her that still felt the mortal before really had wanted to release it from its misery. But it expired before she could voice it.

Her 'unlife' as Desidario spoke of it, was often stamped with being starved for failing to make the grade as she had been instructed to do so. Sometimes it was because she simply did not feel that his methods were suited to her style. He did not realize it, but her failures were often because she'd done it a little differently, with her own flair, expressing her own ideas, though she was learning his teachings. If there was one thing she would never give up, it was her own idea of how it could be done, and she would prove it to him.

Sadly, though she felt she adjusted well, there were days she missed her mortal life. She'd had work, seen others, talked up a storm. She'd been a deliriously happy go lucky mortal, and wanted to dabble in the darker things. She'd even thought to perhaps fall in love. To have children. That was what troubled her the most. She hadn't dared to ask her Sire if it was even possible to have children now. It was the one thing that really bothered her, and even though Desidario could tell something was bothering her, letting her rest, letting her think, he did not know what it was that troubled her so much.

After a time...perhaps it was months...he'd come in to tell her he'd be gone. That she needed to practice...to continue what she'd been doing. And there'd be punishment if she did not. Or if she tried to leave. Sometimes she truly thought he was doubtful of her dedication. Even when he'd been gone for days...maybe months, she'd practiced. Not another soul in site, well none other than the animals she'd work on. She'd discovered carnivores lived longer than herbivores. Their systems were stronger than the prey. She'd jumped for joy and wanted to tell her Sire...but he was...nowhere to be found. He was gone, her triumph wouldn't have been too much of a mark in her favor. But it was enough to encourage her young mind to push forward, work harder...gain more. And she had done so, in his long absence.

Now, he'd sent word, told her he would return. Told her that she'd need her best wares, that this was her real test. Short and curt as always in his writing, she'd been excited, then she'd snarled at the paper. The first thing he'd written her and it was this? Yes, he was her Sire, yes, he could speak to her any way he wanted, but would it kill him to at least be polite? Sweet Pea was always polite, hardly ever lashing out, though her temper was nearly able to mirror her Sire's when she felt his was not the only way to do it. He adored mutilation, reveled in the agony of it, the twisted sadistic nature of it. And she did not mind that. But his teachings lacked the elegance she desired. So, she had improvised on his teachings, the bones were crafted, sharp, but the elegance in the design was obviously her own influence.

She wasn't sure how to react when she saw him. Overjoyed that she wasn't alone any longer, annoyed that he'd left her, or with refined indifference to his absence in her life. She couldn't exactly be sure, given that she wasn't able to entirely pin point what she actually felt. She smirked at the cat that was quietly mewling in annoyance in the cage. The Crafting of its flesh had changed the creature entirely, but it was living. And the once feline form looked terrifying, Eyes that held no pupils, Clouded white, seemingly visionless, but they saw much more, the spires of bone framing its face, the spikes and elongated talons, it's tail reformed, the inspiration from the scorpion. It was a vicious looking animal, still living as she'd imbued it with a bit of magic to force it to live. Until she cut it off, her magic she still had from when she was alive would keep it moving.

Sweet Pea had a momentary shake of her nerves as she heard the knock at the door. Taking a moment, green pupil-less eyes shut and she took a steadying breath. The nerves flowed away and she sat down the plans were there. Male and female sketches lined her walls, and her work areas of the room, mannequins with materials were set out in specific order, and more materials were laid out next to her work table. It was organized, and clean as she did not like her work areas to be messy. The blood from every practice had been wiped clean, and today was the day she'd be working on whatever he'd decided to bring for her final test. She'd show him her bone crafting, and he could doubt all he wanted, but her flare for design was elegance in her design.

"Enter." Her voice was unwavering as she spoke, all of her bolstering for this moment, she would not leave anything to doubt. Her designs would become a huge honor for any of the clan to bare. She looked expectantly at the door, a sweet, but deviant smile framed with fangs.

Pandie Andie

Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

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Snarky Rogue

Snarky Rogue

16,465 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:37 pm
The vampire had never expected Sweet Pea to understand everything all at once. It would come together for her, in time. Mortals never took to their unlife immediately, or easily. He did not expect her to fully accept his teachings either. It was not that he did not realize it, it was that he simply did not care. Little did Sweet Pea know that his ruthless behavior, his unforgiving and cruel reactions to her failures, were part of her testing. Desidario was a difficult Sire to serve under, even more difficult of a Sire to understand.

His mind was a labyrinth, and although he could see clearly from the high balcony on which he stood and watched, the little mice ran into dead end after dead end. One day she would see it. She would reach the end of the labyrinth and understand. Partially, anyways. There were certain things Desidario had done that would never be understood, actions that had no justification behind them and no lesson to learn. While Sweet Pea practiced her crafting, he had been observing and testing her will.

She was a strong one, a very wise choice for him to make. A part of him remained unforgiving of how quickly she had made a fool out of him. But the end result was worth everything. Desidario had always known that he would be hardest on her. He hardly bothered to starve the others he Sired; he offered them very few visits and very little attention. Sweet Pea, however, he had lived with. He knew this was something she did not realize, but it was also something that she did not need to realize. He cared little of any opinions.

The male waited with a thread of patience for Sweet Pea to ready herself and offer permission for him to enter. Permission that he did not need, permission that she also knew he did not need. He was her Sire, and he could come and go as he pleased. But at least he offered her this... respect. The first polite action he had ever offered her. His manners were lacking, this much he knew.. but things had changed quite a bit. He was given a little more room to have patience and become reacquainted with manners and elegance.

His absence had provided him the proper time he needed to take care of his other embraced children, and he also had time to prepare the Haven for them to come home. He had settled quite a few important matters within the Clan. He embraced her as an Ancillae, and returned to her an Elder. He had little hope that she or his others would understand what an honor it now was to serve him, nor did he care. But they would soon understand that while he was allowing himself to be far more pleasant company, the punishments would be worse than starvation alone. He would be lenient for a few mistakes, allow a few failures, he would show them patience. But after a few strikes, he would show them what ruthless really was.

Sweet Pea... he would reward her. He had no doubts that she would fail. He tested her for months, worked her endlessly, punished her consistently and cruelly. He tested her will. One could rid a Fae of their mortality, but a true prize in an Embraced was one with an deep sense of will. Not so much that they could not be Sired, they still had to obey orders, but enough that they still kept their sense of being. Nothing disappointed Desidario more than embracing potential only to have them end up being a lowly, pitiful little Ghoul. Sweet Pea was no Ghoul, she was his pride. She had always kept her flare in design regardless of the punishment that followed. She refused to betray herself in that aspect, and that was what he had wanted to know. She would succeed, she was already halfway there, and she would go home with him to the Haven soon. Perhaps then... perhaps then she would not seem so... bothered anymore. Masked very well from her prying eyes, it troubled her Sire that she still clung to something. Something that she dared not speak of. What was his little lamb hiding?

"Come," she heard her Sire hiss darkly, a rattling of chains, a thick whine of despair that was certainly not his. While she may have expected the door to slam wide open as it had been so in the past, instead it slowly crept open. Desidario stepped into the room and though his appearance had drastically been altered - he even suffered from multiple mutilations - he looked.. refreshed. He looked new. He looked.. alive. The tall male set his piercing blue-eyed gaze upon her, and he crossed one arm below his chest, and offered her a sweeping bow. His eyes flicked towards the mewling monster and a sinister smile dominated his features. "My, my, little lamb.. You have been busy."

He stood straight and set an almost eerily gentle look upon her, tugged harshly at the chain. With another thick cry of despair, a female suddenly appeared in the doorway. He had been dragging her, the chains had clearly been too heavy for her to bear, wrapped too tightly for her limbs to have properly moved. The vampire heartlessly pulled her towards him, grabbed where the chain wrapped around her neck, and forced her to her feet. This female was a beautiful Regular, innocent and pure. It should not have taken much skill for any vampire to also see she still had her mortality. Desidario left the female to stand alone, dropped the chain against the floor. She could hardly stand, running away was no concern of his.

He moved to the monstrosity that had once been a cat, leaned close to the cage, and very nearly purred. "What is this, little lamb? So beautiful.. so perfect, and still alive!" He moved suddenly and swiftly to the little mortal, scooped her up and deposited her carelessly onto the work table. He traced a claw down the female's cheek and offered Sweet Pea a gentle smile, fangs flashing much like they had the night he first embraced her. "Do not keep this one alive," he gestured to the mannequins, "Do your finest work and when you have finished, we will drink of her together." He spoke with confidence that she would succeed. He kept his plans for this mortal that Sweet Pea would torture and craft from, and that they would feast upon, a secret. There was no need for Sweet Pea to know that her first client would become her walking piece of artwork in the clan. "We have much to discuss when you have finished," he added gently, that dark tone of voice remained as it always did but this time it was somehow comforting.

Desidario did not know what Sweet Pea had expected him to do, but instead of hovering over her and watching her every move as he had in practice, he retired to sit nearby the cage. He crooned quietly at the mewling monster, his blue eyes dancing with joy, and slipped a finger through the bars. He now seemed to ignore Sweet Pea entirely, falling into silence to allow her to work, and amused himself with the most adorable kitty he had ever seen.

Rinial Sisterdragon
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:50 am
Though his knock was a formality, and he had waited to enter till she'd spoken, she appreciated the smallest of his respectful tendencies. She'd actually expect him to simply burst through the door, angry that she'd expect him to wait at all. Something in her Sire had changed, this much she could tell from the simple knock.

For a moment it shocked her his appearance, he'd grown, changed, gained more of a flare in his looks. He was...breath taking. If she had breath to take. As she had learned early on, she gave little away of her thoughts, though her fingers itched to investigate what had changed, she batted away those thoughts. His voice was a welcome noise, that despite her best efforts brought a warm smile to her fanged mouth.

The shock at his bow was not as hard to dismiss, but the devilish grin as he spoke his pet name for her and remarked on her deviant little pet in the corner was impossible to shake, "You left strict instructions. I would hate to disappoint." She had endured much, and his punishments were harsh, but her own pride in her work would not let her run, but would have her rise to his challenges over and over again, the falls were harsh, and rewards little, but she was never in need of a grand reward.

Her attention was brought over to the pale female, she was adorable, and looked for all the world alive while wrapped in the chains her Sire held onto. Sweet Pea was fascinated, designs already tripping through her mind. She had several that would fit the little thing, But the craving to mar the flesh with blackened spires of bone was over whelming. Oh yes. Those beautiful ebony spires would rise from her back. And there was more...Her ear twitched in a creative spark as she planned out her newest design for this darling. It was her presumption that she would be working on what he'd brought in, and even if she did not, she could file the design for later.

He seemed very interested in her pet, "Mercutio. The most recent and long standing success." She spoke offhandedly of the feline in the cage as he moved to drop the mortal on her work table. Her eyes watched his smile, and a look of curiosity, followed by a calm smile as he spoke of not keeping her alive, "As you wish." She was brimming with energy as he plopped down near the cage, and uncharacteristic move from her Sire, but he was enamored of her little monster, and that had her pride swell just a little.

The thoughts of her pride were quickly banished as her magic began to flow gathering her instruments, and the exact color of bone spires she would craft into this small innocent frame, the chains, and the metal spikes. Black to mar the beauty, disfigure it, break it, and make the dark within rise. Sweet Pea's expression changed to concentration as she removed the chains from the weak female's body. The bruises from the chains irked her greatly. It left purple bruises in tacky shapes.

Picking out her marker from the magic as it settled her instruments to the table, and moved the mannequin with her choice of bone style into reach, she marked out the bruised areas, a design forming more concretely in her mind. Removed skin, cauterized wounds, re-shapen metals it all became so clear.

The marker was of a special design, she'd come up with a fine acid that seared through flesh, and sealed the outer layer of blood vessels to keep her subject conscious. It was most painful as the subject of her design soon screeched in pain. Though this exhausted female appeared to be forlorn and weak, her cry of agony at just the sear of Sweet Pea's ink gave the impression there was far more energy and fight left in this little body than originally thought. That meant there was more that could be done.

Sweet Pea twitched her ear, then picked up a scalpel and slit each tattered and bruised piece of skin with a clean cut. The sliding her fingers into the small incisions she pulled. Enough force and the bruised skin came loose. The pieces she collected and dumped into a dying vat, it would also harden the skin and dissolve the fur. She did not like being wasteful, and she would likely use a few of the pieces she'd taken off to build the bodice that would become her new top. but the bands of flesh she removed were replaced with metal, hot enough to cauterize the flesh and blood vessels, binding to the tissue.

The female she worked on had likely never known the amount of pain one could live through, never dreamed of the horror that she was now enduring. The scent of her own cooking flesh as she tried to will herself away from it, flee from the pain, from the fear. Sweet Pea paused in her work, and glanced up at the subject, "Now, now. If you run away from it, it will only get worse." Words her Sire had spoken to her many a time when she'd wanted to run from what he'd done to her. Though she only knew that this female would be her subject and they'd drink from her, the little female had to understand, it would all end. Endure the pain for the sweet release. Sweet Pea looked into the tear stained face of this innocent and smiled, "Scream, it does help." And she moved on to the next binding of metal. Ebony in color, shackles of the young one's start.

It seemed as though hours upon hours had passed, and not once had Sweet Pea let the female lose consciousness. She'd taken her time, worked through the tolerance of the subject, tormented, tortured, and turned this living female into a work of her art. Bone spires arched from the collar of the female, elegant, deadly, a beautiful, mixture of what the innocent once was, and the monster she had become. Bands of metal encased where once there was bruised flesh, and her chest no longer covered by pale fur, but her own flesh, re-purposed as reddened leather for an awe inspiring and permanent corset, two of her ribs from either side pulled and reshaped to form on the outside of the corset and give it a very pleasing, yet horrifying look.

The female could not move, her voice hoarse from the cries of pain she'd suffered through, a body no longer resembling of the one she'd been born with her pale eyes no longer matched, one being blacked out to give her face more uniqueness. He legs no longer her own, the bones elongated, her feet angled and bone spikes in the same ebony as around her neck formed permanent heels. A small whimper escaped her as Sweet Pea put the finishing touches on the hair. The cute pigtails gone, an up-sweap of curls, tendrilled around the Fae's marked face, elegant thin ebony bone spirals, pierced the female's skull, a small click as they were set properly in place.

Sweet Pea stepped back from the table and looked over her work. The female would not live much more than scant twenty or so minutes more, she sighed in happiness at her finished work. It was her own elegance and it was a perfect application of the utility that one could get from the materials she'd used. Turning to Desidario, she bowed, "I have finished. She is still breathing, but...it is scant moments before she will perish." She was good, and even if she hadn't killed the female while doing her work, the child would not survive, besides, dead blood had a terrible after taste, and if she was to drink she would rather have it just before, or just a few moments after their life had left them.

She awaited his judgement of her work, she'd taken all his teachings, and turned them to her own. Improved what she felt she could and diligently practiced what she couldn't. Now it was all in front of him. Her nerves almost jumped to her throat, but she fought it down, she would not quiver and hide, and if he was unsatisfied, she would deal with it head on.

Pandie Andie

Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

23,100 Points
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  • Demonic Associate 100
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