User ImageKatapatan:
Kata turned around after a few tunnels in. "You know..."
She turned around. "What you agreed to isn't light. No- The Queen only knows that you are an entertainer. She hasn't been able to look in to your lives for a while as there are a lot of going ons in outer pridal relations. Right now. Everything is very chaotic, and to even have time for private matters has been close to none. Not even her husband has time with her. We have been working on a few things, especially now that missions might be opening up soon its been hectic. Your screwed. Hope the dr understands." As she continued down the tunnels and up out of one, where they could oversee the pride... It was like clockwork, amazing that the Queen could keep this altogether. It took a lot out of a pride leader, and even more out of the right hand. "Im suppose to know everything about everything. I help he distinguish what is important or not. Ami is not important, and thats the only thing me and Emi don't agree on." Looking back at him. "Sorry, I tend to run my mouth, lets hear you. Any questions?" One could see the weight of her stomach starting to show signs of swelling. Time was counting down for her.. She had other things on her mind, which made her almost look like she was constantly on the move in her head. Which, she was.

User ImageDjinni:
Djinni listened in stony silence. What was there to say? He knew he was screwed, he had been since the day he was born. His mother tried her best to keep their heads above the water, but he had chosen poorly, had followed a foolish path and gotten sucked down by the undercurrent he hadn't seen. He was drowning, his air being used up faster and faster as time went on.
And at this point, he wasn't sure if it was because he wasn't strong enough to fight anymore, or if he was just too tired of trying to reach the surface again.

"I know," he whispered, his voice strained. Kill me, let me go so she could grieve and someday find what she needs, what she deserves in someone else... It was a foolish hope. No one could give Lulu the kind of love he had. He had built a lifetime upon her, and she on him. The trust, the memories, those couldn't be replaced.
"There was nothing I could have done. She's a mother scared for her child, just... as mine was. I can't deny that debt." His words remained soft, low and exhausted. He wanted so badly to just run, to take Lulu out into the roguelands and never come back. But he couldn't do that to his mother, and he couldn't do that to Lulu, not if this was her life.

"What can I do? Deny the queen? Tell her I'm sorry, but I can't give her daughter what I no longer possess? I'm sure that would go over well..." He shook his head. "I won't... I can't stop loving her. At this point... I don't know if I care what it takes. My heart is gone and I won't take it back. If I have to face everyone else as the liar she used to accuse me of becoming, so be it."
Djinni didn't have a clue why he was being so honest with the queen's right-hand. It just felt... right. Somehow, her care for Lulu had earned her his trust.

She listened intently, as if the fight had already been won, she shook her head. He was more a coward than his father if he had admitted defeat that easily. Her and ubi had to hide their love from a stalker ex from her past that could have ended in their deaths. That was the price to pay for living in a mafia pride.
"No. If you let her win, that brat- I wouldn't forgive you and dr doesn't deserve that." Dr, referring to lulu. "You don't have to give up lulu, did the queen say that? No. Just do your job, entertain the brat and let her leave content." She turned around and stopped.
"You live in a pride of survival of the fittest. Yet you sit back and watch everything you love get taken away and you do nothing. See- this is why you could never be a fighter. You would fall, surely. You have to 'lie' you have to do what you hate the most sometimes to SURVIVE. You- an entertainer born here was going to get beaten in love from an entertainer born in the roguelands. Why? Because you didn't stand up to what you believe in but he sure did. He sure knew the dr a lot too." Giving him a look to show him that she was right. Of course she was. She KNEW EVERYTHING.

"You lie- you cheat- you steal. You kill- anything to survive and that is what this pride is. Survival. We are only as weak as our weakest link. In our case- the commoners and slaves are that which restrain us- that is why they never leave the pride. They will die here. That is life. We- can leave, we are above them. This pride has opportunity, specially with Lady Emi. With her, you never have to worry about staying an entertainer your whole life, but what she asks of you- you do. That simple. She asks very little for what she gives back." Her tail flicking. "Do I have to tell you everything. But I will say this- you hurt the dr. I will personally have to torture you. Why? Because I am the one who brought her family here. I was the one who made her in to what she is. After all she has been through- I won't let her go through more than she can handle. Less than she deserves. Sometimes- I think entertainers aren't bright at all. Just my opinion but if thats what she is in to- and trust me, many are. I don't blame them." Then she turned around and started walking again.

Djinni stopped and let her rant at him, his eyes narrowed slightly. It was all that showed of the rising heat within him, quickly bringing his blood to a swift, furious boil. Only when she was finished did he let his lip curl slightly, the closest to a snarl he'd ever gotten.
"No matter how much I may act like one, I. Am no. Fool," he hissed. Gone was everything anyone expected of him. Anyone that thought they knew him, they saw him as a smiling, cheerful male, even bumbling at times. He was a good listener, even better at telling jokes or singing stupid little jingles in order to bring a smile to someone else's face. What he presented now... unrecognizable. There was no humor at all, in his eyes, his face, his voice. He was hot and cold all at once, frigid in his tone as a fire raged within.

"The only thing I'm giving up is my pride, I'll be damned if I give up the one thing that matters most to me. But I ask you, does she deserve any of this? To be my-..." No, no, he was not in a place to have anyone belong to him. So he corrected himself on the same breath, "To have me as her dirty little secret? ...No, don't answer that, your answer wouldn't be hers."

Djinni shook his head and let out a low, bitter laugh. "I was damned, from the very beginning. When she is well enough, I will tell her. If she wishes to keep me in private, knowing I have to cater to the princess, fantastic. I will lie, spin the most beautiful tales for the lot of you, but I will never lie, never hide something like this from her. Never before, but especially not now." Not after he'd finally told her he loved her. He would be hers if she wanted him, no matter what it took, but he refused to continue hurting her.

Katapatan and Segurue:
"Then let her suffer." She snapped back. "She can take it, she can take it all. The rough, the worse. Has she ever told you about her mother? She has yet to tell anyone about her. How things escalated. Her sins and what tortures her. She would do anything- ANYTHING to protect the ones she loves, yes- but with you. You don't think she would for not a moment do what she had to- and go through what she had to go through for you. The Boss didn't ask you for something you can't- Im sure you two will find a way til Ami is gone. Me and- we had to go in to hiding, we did everything we had to but what I knew- is I still had a job. She displays what the meaning of this pride is all about. Even if she has to lie to those she loves, to protect them."

Kata was the witness, the ear, the clean up crew, the muscle. That's what a right hand did.
Just like Ami's right hand. Segurue was wondering the halls when Kata nearly bumped in to them. Right in front of the Medical den, not a couple of strides down. What had he been doing there? He wasn't as stupid as they might have thought. If Kata interviewed him, she knew not to underestimate him.

"Hello..." The black and blue cheetah spoke up, instantly tensing up the air between them all. Looking Kata and Djinni over. "I heard the good news, that you will be Ami's --personal-- entertainer. Congraulations." He bowed softly. "Katapatan. You are looking beautifully fierce today."

"Thank you Segurue. I'm sure you are very busy with the princess. I hope our Djinni doesn't add on too much to your babysitting plate."
"Not at all..." Softly nodding once more before passing them. When he left, the air began to sooth.

Then Kata came to Djinni's cheek. "Oh and stay out of his fur. He isn't one to mess with. I interviewed him to be the babysitter and he isn't one to mess with. Be on your guard."

She was right, she knew it, he knew it. It was just difficult, that was all. Djinni had watched his mother bend over backwards at time to protect her mate and kittens, and it hurt to see. He'd grown up wanting to keep burdens off of her, off his sisters, off Lulu. He would much rather shoulder it all for Lulu, no matter if she could hold her own or not. But that wasn't right. He knew he should take her burdens any more than she should take his, but to help one another carry them. He was just... he'd failed her enough that he just wanted to protect her, keep her safe from everything. Including himself.
Djinni sighed, his anger and frustration fizzling out. He needed to be with her, to talk to her about this, to figure out how he would sneak around and make sure that no one saw. He was not clever enough for this.

They stopped when they ran into another cheetah male, one Djinni vaguely recalled. Ah, Ami's bodyguard. When he received Segurue's congratulations, he dipped his head slightly in thanks, not trusting his voice to neutrally accept them.
When the other male was gone, he nodded slightly to Kata's warning, a small smile on his face.
"I wouldn't dream of it. The less trouble I get myself into until Ami leaves, the better," he replied and shook his head slowly. This was all too much, really. How had he gotten himself -and Lulu for that matter- into this?

He started moving again, stepping into the medical dens. If anyone tried to say it was odd that he would go there, he had the perfect excuse to take heat off of his beloved. His paws were still sore after his mad dash not too long ago, and he had every intention of asking for some salve. And he was visiting with a friend, two birds with one paw and all that. Nothing terribly suspicious.

Lúhuì'Huā, Sugiya, and Katapatan:
Lulu was almost packed like a stuffed turkey with herbs on the wounds of her back. The fall was radical enough to have those trying to get in and out of the her space just to see if she survived. Some even spread rumors that she sold her soul to keep herself alive, no one could have survived. Any wild story, because facing that most of the pride feared her- this was just another reason to fear. She can never die. Which, was a lie of course.

"I can't.. I can't."
"We can go, we don't belong here- you don't belong here."
"I'm not leaving."
"Home is in the forest- don't you get that? Don't you remember running free- all the lush greens- everything we said we'd collect and expirement on. You... are just giving up. They took your mother Lu-"
"This is my home." She turned her face away from her best friend. "This is home."
"They brain washed you- this isn't your home. Home is where your mom is- where your dad is."
"They had to leave- "
"They had to- or they were believed to 'have' to leave. This pride is messed up, you want to lay your life on the line for those who would turn tail when your in trouble and in a heartbeat kill you if the oppertunity rose."
"Your still here."
"Because you are." His ears padded down. "I don't want to see you hurt- I found you and Im not leaving without you."

She had a duty, she made a deal and unlike Suiuyga could even understand. They was far more deeper than the rabbit hole could ever comphrend. "Leave..."

Sui moved his paw to hers. But she pulled away.


Kata slowly came in. "You heard the lady." She eyed the entertainer. Which he rose and walked out, and gave Dijinni a deep look of anger, before leaving.

"Kat..." Her voice was weak still, but she smiled. "News of my family?"

"No- not yet.. but I do have a visitor for you.." Stepping aside for Djinni..

Djinni barely even acknowledged the other entertainer's hostile look. For one thing, he wasn't here for a fight, he was here for Lulu. For another, he'd learned long ago that reacting to such looks only led to more conflict. Thanks, Brother.
He smiled when Kata told Lulu she had a visitor and moved out of the way so that they could better see one another. Actually, he looked a little... sheepish. Lulu had been half out-of-it when he'd confessed to her, did she remember what he'd said? To hell with it, he'd say it all again if she wanted him to.

He was across the room as fast as his hurried paws could get him there and he pressed his forehead to hers after only a moment's hesitation.
"I'm sorry I had to leave earlier." His words came out on a bit of a sigh before he drew back to look study her. "You seem... Ah, are you feeling any better?"

User ImageLúhuì'Huā:
It only took a small move to get her to hiss, and that was rubbing his head against hers. It felt good to have, but painful as it made the rest of her move even just slightly. "Its- ok." Sighing. "Seem- Key." Shaking her head made her hiss, then softly she laid her eyes to him. "Im feeling a lot better now, than I had a few moments ago." Drawing her paw softly to Djinni and letting her paws feel for his cheek and skin. "Im just happy you came back." Shaking her head. "Too many eyes now- think Im from the beyond." She chuckled.

His eyes snapped wide when she hissed and he inwardly berated himself for being stupid. She needed rest, idiot! Not poking and prodding no matter how gentle he was.
With an apologetic look, he carefully settled down beside her, taking the weight of his sore paws.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. I'll be more careful," Djinni said and raised a paw to ever so gently touch her cheek. He was happy to be back, too. Being with her was almost as if nothing else existed outside of them, and yet he knew that wasn't true at all.

"Maybe not," he replied, his voice lowering until only her ears could hear his words, "But I'd say you weren't just a normal cheetah, either. So clever, beautiful, and you can put up with me, no, you have to be something magical."
So it was as cheesy as the silly smile he gave her as he said it. Cheesy should have been his middle name.

He needed to tell her, he was wasting time. For all he knew, he didn't have much to give to her. Anyone could interrupt and send him away. It was like a wash of cold water over him, the light feeling in his heart turning to stone.
"Ah... Lulu, I need to..." Damn, just say it. "I had to leave earlier because the queen summoned me. She..."
He sighed as he lost his smile and shook his head. "I've been assigned as personal entertainer to Princess Ami, until she leaves the pridelands. She... fancies me, I think. I can't figure out why, I don't even really know her... This does not, will not change how I feel about you." Djinni paused and ran a frustrated paw through his ruff. "The last thing I want is to have to sneak around to be together, but I'll do it in a heartbeat if you'll let me."

"If you mean by not normal, Magical. Please.. Im not a goddess." She chuckled then held up her breath for a moment. "I make poisons. I make cures. That's it. You all have such imagination for things you don't know. " When he touched her cheek she leaned in to him, nothing more, after a moment she let her eyes lay on him. "You will gain rank with being a personal entertainer, right?" As if this was normal. This was his life, what he chose. "I don't want to distract you from your work. When I get out of here- I have lots to do too. " Nodding. "How long til she leaves?" Kat's ears went down, and she decided at that moment, she should leave. Her missing ubi had nearly tore her apart, stuff so close and intimate made her heart crush. The fact that time was not on their side made Kat almost feel guilty but she couldn't do anything.

She was in his eyes. But his tongue was too tied to say so.
"I couldn't care less about the rank. I really wish it were someone else having to do this," Djinni replied with a slightly frustrated frown.
"And you won't... I would never count you as a distraction. I just... I guess I just don't want you to think I'm doing this because I want to. And I don't want to make things hard for you, well, harder than I've already made them."

He wondered if he would be a distraction for her. No, even before this whole mess they'd had time for one another. They'd both still been learning their trades then, but... Everyone needed a break, or at least time to eat and sleep.
"I'm not sure. I'll try to find the best way to ask, or maybe Kata knows. I'll let you know as soon as I find out. After that, this should all be over." Gods, he hoped so.

"You sound so disappointed..." The concern plain on her voice. "This is good news. Every entertainers dream is to be with a royal right." She moved so she would lay on her side, so she was facing djinni. His very look, his markings, the color was so vibrant to her. She hoped, endlessly that what he had said while she was sick, he meant. Maybe. She wouldn't bring it up.. when she moved it ailed her, and the pain could be seen in her face. But she wanted to be closer. Wanted the touch. Her tail coiled around her body.

"I will be up in the next day or so. The wounds are still fresh. I have to walk the 'nurse' on how to put the leafs on my back. I swear my mentor needs better paws at his side." Looking at him made her feel better. They were closer than Sui could ever get. Just something in his air made her feel safe. Maybe it was the reason he was a entertainer. "Your rank is your rank, I get it... I don't expect you to change for me Djinni. You are still you I remember. You havent changed." Not that she knew. She was her- poisons and cures... and secrets. Terrible ones. "Im sure we can find our own way, Kata has a lot on her plate. I know her more than I cared to know." Closing her eyes and remembering what she did to her mother to drive her more crazy.

Worse. Almost to death.

Then looked at him with soft innocent unfeeling eyes as always. "Can you stay til I sleep? Or do you have to go again?"

Djinni's smile returned, soft and heartfelt.
"Maybe the other entertainers, but all I dream about is you," he whispered in return, not wanting anyone but her to hear. Wall and ears and all that. He scooted closer and settled back down so that his paws were curled, the front pair touching her side, still careful not to hurt her.

"Either way, I'll figure out how much longer until the heirs are sent out into the roguelands. I don't envy them that experience. Even my one mission out was enough for me, I didn't like that being on my own thing. Huh, but they'd have their bodyguards... so it should be better for them." Her question broke his heart. He wanted to say yes, that he could stay, but there was no guarantee. He might be called away again.

"I don't know, but I'll stay as long as I can. Who knows, maybe I'll doze off, too."

"Entertainer you are, sly words still." Looking at him with soft eyes. Then closed them. Hearing the echos from the tunnels now. "The roguelands is wonderful.. It does not change the fact that there are more dangers there then prides. We are lucky to not have our pride out in the open, most do." She slitted her eyes to look at him then close them. "I miss it, ....sometimes." She softly put a paw over his. "Im a dreameater- try not to doze too much." A soft chuckle. "Kidding. Just until I sleep.. then you can leave." It didn't take long for that moment, and she slept with a peace now that he was around. He was the last thing she saw, and thats what she wanted.

"No one goes in her room again. I know she was ok with the other entertainer, but she is under lock down. Only Djinni and I can see her. He has a pass." The fiery cheetah said to the 'nurses'. Which complied as they lowered their bodies. Furious that they hadn't followed her orders last time. Lulu overwritted them. "I don't care what that girl says- she needs rest and I better not hear her making poisons for anyone! Nor cures!" Hissing.. then disappeared.

(WC: 3,969)