The only thing he regretted was not keeping her in her proper place as royal. Now she was fend in the roguelands and treated almost less than a commoner. There had to be a pride where they could once again restore her status and let her not be pinned by those of filth. She seemed to take her situation better than Abasi did though. Everything he was, was to protect her, out in the roguelands, he couldnt imagen what his daughter went through when she left the kingdom. She hadn't returned... maybe these lands had swallowed her whole. But these thoughts, hed never share with his wife. Today, was a better hunting day than most. He managed upon a gazelle, colt. Youthful, it would be nice and tender for his mate, he thought as he started back towards the makeshift den.

Looking around, he stopped almost a few strides away. Sniffing the air, it was... different. Maybe another in the area and he quickly lowered his body and went in to the den. It was deep enough to not see fully inside when standing outside of it. Covered in bushes. "Undine. .." But a whisper before pushing the gazelle further in. His ears flickered. Hoping he could maybe hear where this newcomer was. "I'll be back..."

He hadnt physically saw her before already moving away and circling the area they called temporarily home. "Who goes there." Finally puffing out his chest and standing tall. Ears back with a face of pure ready to fight energy flowing in it. The bushes moved... but no one answered...

You can put someone or i can put someone, or if you want someone who needs rps~let me know.

Reminder Quote ;] Wondering if you wanted to continue or not smile