Bangua found himself agreeing to see the King only two days after arriving in the Tokakinji lands. Cheneta assured him that it would be fun and totally not stressful, but as the duo walked by the third guard they had passed on the mountain path, he was getting a little nervous. They all looked so tough and serious, ready to throw down their lives if they had to in order to protect those that lived in this majestic, large mountain. The King and Queen not least of all in that. In fact, Bangua had a feeling that if he even lifted one paw out of line, he would have five or six of these strong looking soldiers on him in a heartbeat.

And he doubted that was a fight he could win. It was just best to be keep himself on his good behavior. He looked at her again for reassurance and Cheneta smiled at him, but it looked like she was getting nervous, as well.

The duo climbed up the mountain leisurely, looking around and enjoying themselves as they padded along. It was like a mini adventure even inside the pride, and it reminded Cheneta just why she had stayed inside the pride lands for so long. They were safe, but they were still interesting and, to her, fun. He was sharing in that now, looking surprised and a little overwhelmed as they worked their way higher and higher. She bounced ahead of him for a moment, once they reached a curve in the path away from the lower dens. He saw a large cave mouth looming ahead of him, guarded by four lions that looked even stronger and angrier than the ones lower down. This had to be where the King and his family lived.

"Those are the knights. All the lions you saw standing on guard are Knights. They protect everyone, and serve the King. They're the most loyal and some of the strongest members of the pride, but they're not as mean as they look. There are many very kind and friendly Knights in the pride, and they all just really care about their home. About all of us." She smiled and walked closer, the Knights nodded at her as she approached. They recognized her from the market, as it was their job to, though they eyed Bangua suspiciously. As long as he did nothing to make them even more suspicious, or give them reason to question or stop him, he had every right to go into the castle mountain and speak with the King.

Which was just what they did.

Bangua was stunned as he found himself standing in a large open area, with tunnels like hallways reaching out in different directions. There was a pile of beautiful pelts atop a rock formation where the King was laying down, though he sat up proudly as the two entered the hall. The Queen was sitting beside him, leaning against him affectionately until the duo got close, and she pulled away so he could be all official and Kingly. She was his only soft spot, and she knew it, but she wouldn't make him suffer for it. He could be grumpy, sometimes.

"Welcome to the Tokakinji, stranger," he said, looking at Bangua, and then he looked at Cheneta. "You I have met before. One of the merchants, I believe?"

"Yes! I went out into the rogue lands to look for new things, and brought back a lot of rocks and bones and interesting plants I've never seen around here. They should make some new and interesting things for the pride! This is Bangua. He helped me find them and... and he walked me home." She looked sheepish and glanced down at the floor. King Uther watched her, then looked at Bangua in an effort to size him up, while Queen Ygraine smiled at her bashful behavior and knew what the two were really there together for. She loved seeing young relationships, and hoped the best for them.

"I hope you'll be happy here," she said to Bangua politely, as Uther nodded his agreement.

"If you mean the pride no harm, you are welcome to stay here. You may take some time, decide what service you may best provide the pride, and return to me if you wish to take up a duty. You are a Toka, and I trust you will remember that. Your blood should run proudly, and you are welcome to be a true member of this pride. I trust you to follow our laws, and support your... friend."

Cheneta blushed, looking from the King to the Queen and back, seeing the same understanding look in both of their eyes, though the King was cold and distant, while the Queen was much more open. She let out an eep of embarrassment, but Bangua stepped forward and bowed his head.

"I will do my best to prove I belong here. And I will make sure Cheneta is taken care of, and happy." He looked back at her, offering her a smile. "If she'll let me."

"Perhaps I will be seeing you two again, then," Uther mused, thinking of the two pledging themselves to one another. He could not help but smirk a bit, as Ygraine leaned into him affectionately and nuzzled his mane. Even the King had a soft spot for romance, and he nodded his head in approval at Bangua. It was also a dismissive gesture, and Bangua and Cheneta bowed their way out of the hall, then scurried out of the castle. Cheneta was laughing when she got out, excited and more than happy, looking at him with bright, wide eyes.

"So now you live here, if you want to! You don't have to stay, you can always tell the King you're leaving, but now they think we're... oh! Bangua, what you said was so sweet..." She looked at him and he nodded his head.

"I meant it, too. I'm staying here to be near you. With you. I want you to be happy, with me."

She felt tears stinging her eyes and she moved to him, nuzzling him affectionately, not holding back this time.

"I am happy. I'm so glad you're here with me."

Word Count in Word: 1,041