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Shade was spread thin across this stretch of the savannah, wherever the light touched, none seemed to wander. Most of it appeared to be occupied by the hot and the desperate; all willing to fight for their keep, one could only assume. In the tightest gathering of foliage found, jackal pups and their cautious mother huddled against the stump of a fallen tree. And directly across from them, a large, bi-colored lion lounged beneath the spotty coverage of Baobob leaves. Both parties knew of the other’s presence, but neither seemed to have the strength to act upon it.

Ladislav in particular. He had already begun to find the thought of hunting exhausting, let alone the act of guarding territorial lines. The thick-maned lion had nearly overexerted himself in the marking process long before taking rest, claiming this portion of the savannah, for as long as he intended to lie within it, as his; and that had been enough to keep the jackals from budging. It had also done wonders with keeping the flow of rogues traveling in and out of the area from straying in too close, not that he would have done much in the way of fussing if they had. While the male enjoyed company and conversation, and had for quite some time sought after it in many forms and ventures – there were times and places for such things.

After a long while of rest the length of Ladislav’s frame stretched out across the dusty ground, while an irritable groan rattled at the back of his throat. He would soon roll to his elbows, sweeping that hooded, emerald gaze upon the open plain. The lion had about as much interest in abandoning his spot beneath the tree as the jackals had of sharing in it, and yet he was growing restless. Perhaps it was hunger. Perhaps loneliness. Or perhaps it was just boredom.

Likely, all three.

Another grunt escaped him with force as Ladislav took to swatting at tiny dust cyclones and flies that happened by.

Took me long enough /sob