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The perpetual fog that covered the pride lands of the Tierra de la Muerta was something that Suciedad was still getting used to. Placing his paws in front of each other every day was a struggle, since his base instincts wanted him to sleep until the fog had passed. Unfortunately, that wasn’t a viable thought in these lands and he knew more than anyone else the pull of a good days work. While he prowled the border with his guards, the Captain kept the area where the mists seemed to disperse, showing only pieces of his body off to the outside world at a time.

And when he saw a figure approaching he made his way back into the mists, a deep growl slipping through until he recognized the figure. “Cuero’crudo! What brought you so far out today?” It wasn’t a question so much as a statement; he’d had her hide if it wasn’t a good enough reason.

Cuero’crudo felt her little ears flicker back against her skull as a little half-laugh escaped. “Forgive me, Captain, I was pulled out for…reasons.” Reasons he wouldn’t believe even if she told it to him a thousand times! The doe eyed lioness approached him, holding more than a few bones with the straps across her back. “I’m sorry, I’ll take whatever punishment comes my way.”

Though, what a punishment it would be for! She’d seen one…a true child of Mkodi, making his way to the lands and looking over her shoulder, she half-expected him to show up at any time. The way she kept looking back was almost giddy.

“What has she seen now? Another piece of rotten meat, no doubt.” Viento stated bluntly, turning a sarcastic eye to the pair. Were it not for the history she held with Suciedad she would never had spoken so openly around him, and even now she could still see the little tick in his eye. Still, when she turned to Cuero, Viento was all apprehension. As far as she knew, the Bone Collectors were always a little off, but this one was just a little too bouncy for her paws. “You’re doing nothing more than spreading death all across the rogue lands, Cuero, or do you even care?”

Suciedad took a deep breath, and exhaled on a huffed sigh. He was tempted to turn his paws away from the group, once he’d hustled them back inside, of course, but something about Cuero’s gaze held him. The young lioness was almost obsessively looking behind her, waiting for something that was nowhere near coming. “Viento, hold your tongue.” He admonished the petite huntress, snapping down at her even as she stood up to growl at him. This female would be the death of him. “Cuero’crudo, what did you see? Should you evade my question your punishment will be severe. This is a matter of safety, and should not be ignored.

It was disheartening how quickly she snapped his paws together and looked up at the Captain, her eyes dancing to the petite lioness at his side. "I've known you since you were alive, Myrsky'tuuli, or have you forgotten that?" Why was it that the older lioness was treating her as if she were mentally insane, when she was just...just different? Shaking her head, she looked back over her shoulder one last time before looking at Suciedad. "I saw...Well, you won't believe it, but I saw a child of Mkodi!" She couldn't help but to smile brighter when Viento gasped, and Sucided took a sharp inhale. "It's true! And he's on his way here, right now."

"A God? You saw a God?! Which one was it?" Depending on her response, the meeting with this God could go a variety of ways. Should it be a God who currently favored the pride they may be blessed, but should this God be upset...Viento turned her gaze to Suciedad. "The King and Queen have to be told." She meant to meet this God herself to judge his character, but she knew it wasn't her place. The ones who should be here to greet him were currently nestled in the safety of home, where they should be.

"Cuero, which God was it?"

Stepping closer to the impressionable girl, Suciedad stood tall. His eyes were like hard chips of amber carved from the bones of the God of Hate himself, and the bones that he wore to scare of intruders did a good enough job of scaring his own people as well. He looked between the Bone Collector and the Huntress, formulating a plot in his head.

"Viento will go to alert the remaining Guard in the area of the situation, and Cuero, you will tell the what you're going to tell us. Understood?"

Taking a deep breath, he watched the flat plains for signs of an intruder, and occasionally turned his gaze to the sky as well.

Her legs were shaking beneath her, even as she shook her head. This was a big deal, a lot bigger than she had thought, apparently! She knew that the children of Mkodi were to be respected, but she hadn't ever really thought of all the details that went into that. "I don't know which he was, only that he was a God. Large, black body with spots, and a mane like blue fire." He'd been the single most terrifyingly amazing thing she'd ever seen. "Tail thick, and stocky like a log with no tip, and wings without feathers."

Oh, if she ever got to see him again, she'd probably faint! He was just