Segurue was announced to me Princess Ami's guard since she was a cub. He was young, but not so much. He was already in his mid adolescence when he came to the pride and raised in ranks by his valor and excellent perception skilled that were tested by the current right hand Katapatan. A right hand, was destined to stay with each, the king and separate one would be assigned to the Queen. A right hand was to take care of every nitch in the whims of their master and hail to every part of them. They were looked to as honest and behind the scenes shadows, and Katapatan saw this in Segurue. His perception, his attention to detail and the works. He, was assigned to Ami. The princess had a twin that she would often play with. They were close, and things happened to be easy going. Of course, like everyone in the royal family- their sometimes rank would get stuck up their nose and would test others. Ami- wasn't one of those.

She was playful, yet quiet. She'd be mischievious but she learned very quickly that her studies was whats important. An elder, and councilmen was in charge of teaching the heirs to the thrones. Watching, and learning. Segurue was there to watch and make sure nothing happened to her. Every move she made.. He was watching. Then she started to iscolate herself. She wanted to practice more on her studies. While her other siblings were lax and simple like their mother and father, Ami was more like her grandmother, calculating. The over bearingness of her studies swallowed her... and she became distant. Hardly ever dining with her family. The Queen asked, "Segurue.. what is wrong with my child. She hasn't come out to play anymore. We hardly see her face. What is she up to." More importantly, the right hand assigned was dedicated to their master only. Not even the queen. "I will see my Queen."

When he came in, she was now youthful in her adolsence. Slowly he came in to her room, "Princess.."

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!" She screamed.. All her studies were consuming her.

"The Queen asks for your current condition."
"I am trying to study."
Slowly he came to Ami's side and sat. Looking over to see what she had done. It was pieces of every rank. From jewelry to potions to furs from fighters.

"Im weak still- fight me!" She turned around swiftly only to be stopped by Segurue's forepaw. He lifted his head up to look deep in to her eyes. His dedication was endless. "Princess... I think you need to ly down."

"My mother didn't hire you to tell me what to do!" As she tried to attack him. "She gave you to me so you can do whatever I wanted! Now fight me!" She tried attacking again but he was much to quick for her.

"Why won't you listen to me!" She screamed, then finally gave up after failing so many times. "Because your requests are irrational." His face was unmoving. She looked at him, pathetically then slowly sunk in front of him. Then tears started swelling in her eyes. She was a strong young female. Ready to take on the world if she could. She was the oldest... of all her siblings. She was next in line. It was her JOB to take over, and although everyone was deemed an heir, a crown heir was the one that her mother would pick when they came of age. As tradition set by her mother, when they hit adolescence. they were to be kicked out in the world. Alone.

That age was slowly creeping at her heels and she was desperate.
"Maybe it is due to see a showing of the entertainers. The big entertainer event is tonight..." He proposed, she used to love dancing as a cub. Her playfulness was just that, but her mother and father said studies would do her well, get a good head on her shoulders. So the dancing stopped. The playfullness. Stopped.

Ami looked at him, her hair stuff in what looked like a braid as she looked on to him... She remembered how she loved to dance, loved to play. She sighed.... that was so long ago. "Maybe next time." Her heart was closing up, and as her right hand, he shook his head and softly rubbed his snout under her paw. Lifting it softly. "MY Queen..." He spoke sincerely, yet with a dash of cold touch. "I can not let you stay in this room. Per orders, keeping yourself here will only make you suffer and I will not continue to let that happen. You are the princess and another one of your studies should be knowing your people." Then out of no where, he rushed in to her chest and ducked as he pulled her up on his back in the most awkward of ways.

"Hey! Put me down!"

As he went through the tunnels from her chambers, it took her scrambling for a few minutes and yards before he put her down. "Your lucky I was dressed already. Or I would have told you to take me back immediately. Pfft. I really need to get a new right hand." She grumbled, but Segurue only looked behind him with a smug look.

When the show was about to start, her eyes widened... And she was blown away by the presentation right off the bat. How decorative, how many flowers and shinnies adorned the caves. Fireflies were captured and hung. Music made by dances of trinkets given. It was as if it were a celebration, and everyone was having fun. It had went on for hours, and she tried to relax- she saw some of her other siblings there. Performance after performance.. There was food, there....was him...

It was uncommon for a male to be an entertainer. That was for sure. But he.... he was beautiful...

A male... blue in color, her eyes began to sparkle. "It's him!" She said excitedly to Segurue. "It's him!" His ears swiveled. "Who? She sighed happily. "Dijinni...." Her eyes went soft and dreamy. "When I was younger... I remember watching him practice and dance.. he sang so beautifully..." Today was exactly one of those days and the performance, like any other.. would mark in her heart that maybe... Segurue was right. She would come see Dijinni's every performance there after. The way he danced, made her feel. She wanted to be as happy and free like him..

Her ears went back and when the performance was done, she outstretched her paw to greet him, but her mother went in the way and bowed softly. The Queen... "You all did an excellent job, I hope to see your next performance out do this one, it will be hard, you all did magnificent." She looked down to her children and husband. Nodding. "We all enjoyed it."