Hero Alias: The Lost Ronin

Real Name: Katsumi Koizumi (She goes by Koizumi though, unless she knows you well)

Powers/Abilities: Sword Spirit – Katsumi uses her fighting spirit to draw out the spirit of whatever sword she wields. The effect of the drawing out is dependent on the sword she is using at the time. The more she draws out the sword however, the more of her own spiritual energy it uses. After enough drawings, she will have no energy left with which to fight, or draw out the sword. She can try to force another draw, but she will have a 1/8 chance of breaking the sword when she does so (roll 1d8; 1=break). Katsumi can also sense the “fighting spirit” of those around her – that is, she can tell when someone has powers based on the aura of their spirit. It’s not super accurate, and people who know how to hide their powers can usually distract her. It really doesn’t work well in crowds either with all the conflicting spiritual signatures floating around.

As a Rookie, Katsumi only has enough spiritual energy to draw out a blade four times. She can swap between her blades if she desires, however it takes time to sheathe and draw them. She uses a two handed style and cannot effectively dual wield her blades.
xxxxxKotetsu – A sturdy blade, standard length. When Katsumi invokes its spirit it cuts all her foes within 3 meters (a little more than 9 feet) with a single attack.
xxxxxMurasame – A thin blade, standard length. When Katsumi invokes its spirit it brings forth a healing rain over her and any ally within 3 meters.
xxxxxKyomori – A sturdy blade, about 10 centimeters longer than her other two. When Katsumi invokes its spirit it brings forth a barrier (bubble) protecting her and one other from harm.

As a Sidekick, Katsumi has enough spiritual energy to draw out a blade eight times. She still must swap blades, in order to use them and she cannot dual wield. She also gains two new blades in which she can draw out.
New Swords:
xxxxxOsafune – A sturdy, short blade. When Katsumi invokes its spirit it drains her opponents’ energy, trying to weaken them as long as they remain within 3 meters of her. (Poison)
xxxxxMuramasa – A thin, long blade. When Katsumi invokes its spirit it seeks to confuse and confound her enemies, making foe appear as friend and friend appear as foe as long as they remain within 3 meters of her.

As a Hero, Katsumi has enough spiritual energy to draw out a blade twelve times. She still must swap blades, in order to use them as she cannot dual wield. She gains two new blades in which she can draw out.
New swords:
xxxxxMasamune – A thin, very long blade. When Katsumi invokes its spirit it grants her regeneration, healing her wounds over time.
xxxxxChirijiraden – A sturdy blade, standard length. When Katsumi invokes it spirit it cuts all her foes within 3 meters with three attacks.

Which Area Is The Character Based/From: Tasea
Age Upon Entering Academy: 15

How Did Your Character Get Their Powers: This ability has been passed down through the generations of her family. She is however, the first girl to have enough spiritual power to actually learn the techniques. Much to the chagrin of her male relatives.

Motivation For Entering Academy: She has nowhere else to go. More accurately, she was packed off to Sidekick Academy because she showed promise in the techniques, but her family could not violate the years of tradition and train her beyond what she knows now. She possessed a desire to learn, and SA was the only place which there was any hope of her gaining the knowledge she needed.


Code of Honor
– Following the Way of the Warrior, Katsumi will always fight fair. She will accept duels and fight her opponents one-on-one if that is their desire. She has a strict code of ethics she follows and it must be upheld at all times.

Fighting Spirit – Katsumi will not back down from a fight. She is no coward, even if her foe is stronger than her. She will fight until she can’t fight anymore, then get up and keep on fighting until she can’t stand. This warrior’s spirit drives her in everything, not just combat – making her a formidable competitor.

Warrior’s Compassion – Katsumi will not kill an opponent. She feels that it is better that they live on and atone for their sins through service to their communities for the rest of their lives. Will she maim an opponent so they can never fight again? Maybe, but she won’t outright kill them unless she has no other alternative.


Code of Honor – Katsumi will stand by any decision made by a duel or fair fight. If she loses, then she lost – and that’s the end of it. She will abide by the promise she made at the beginning of the fight. If that means the villain escapes with the money or hostages die, then that was the result of her failure to be stronger than her foe. She will not prevent any harm that comes from her losing, because she gave her word.

Boy Complex – Katsumi cannot stand men with overly inflated egos as to their self-worth. It’s actually safe to stay she can’t stand boys in general. It takes a lot for a male to earn her respect – usually through force of arms or proving that he has the mettle to back up his bragging. She finds it easier to get along with guys who are modest or mousy though – especially if they are girlish to begin with. But will she start a fight with a guy because he’s being a jerk? Oh you bet.

No Surrender, No Retreat – Katsumi will fight until she can’t fight anymore – or dies. She will not back down until she is defeated. It doesn’t matter what she is doing. She will not give ground unless it’s completely soaked in her blood and the blood of her foes. She will continue to get up and fight, even after she should have given up. She will even fight allies who try to pull her out of a situation – because her code of honor demands that she fight to the bitter end.


[+] Compassionate – Katsumi cares about the wellbeing of others, and will go out of her way to make sure that her friends are taken care of and all their needs are met. She will even go as far as to cook her close friends lunch to ensure they are getting enough to eat – even if they are eating at the cafeteria. She cares deeply about her friends, and isn’t afraid to put their needs over her own.

[-] Overzealous – Katsumi will push herself too far in all things, it doesn’t matter what it is, she has to be sure she succeeds and is the best at what she does. She will push herself to the point of exhaustion and beyond, overworking if that’s what it takes to ensure success in any of her endeavors. It takes a lot to get her to slow down and relax, but it can be done.

[+/-] Protective – Friends are sacred things to Katsumi, and she will do everything she can to protect them. Sometimes she goes a bit too far and can be a bit on the smothering side. But she will stand up for her friends no matter what the situation. She’s not afraid to get her hands dirty and fight for her friends if that is what the case may be.

[-] Cold – Katsumi can be someone distant to those she hasn’t befriended. Preferring to keep herself distant from others until they have proven themselves. This is especially true of males. She gets along much better with girls, not seeing them as rivals to her success as much as partners on it. She will open up to other girls much more easily than guys – but enough chipping at the ice will eventually show a much softer and warmer side to Katsumi.

[+] Brave – Katsumi isn’t afraid to try new things, or stand up for what she believes in. Even if she’s facing odds that aren’t in her favor, she’ll stick her neck out because it’s the right thing to do. It’s not that she’s not afraid – it’s just that she swallows her fear and fights past it, driving herself forward because she knows it’s important. She’s not one to back down – even if she’s scared out of her wits.

Meditation – Katsumi likes to spend some time each evening to clear her mind and focus her thoughts. She usually choses to meditate outside if she can – but will do so inside if the weather doesn’t permit. This helps her focus on the tasks ahead – like homework. Or other trials that might be up and coming. It also helps her sort out her thoughts and emotions of the day.
Sparring – Katsumi loves to spend time training and honing her fighting skills. She will take all comers – and welcomes any new kind of fighting style she’s never seen before. She wants to improve her skills as a warrior so she loves to spar with anyone and everyone she can get her hands on. Armed, unarmed – it doesn’t matter, as long as it works up a good sweat.
Cooking – Katsumi loves to cook. She likes to wake up early and make lunch for herself. It’s something she can do well and she enjoys spending time in the kitchen. It was some of the best time she spent in her youth, helping her mother out when it came to taking care of the house.
Birthday: July 13th
Zodiac: Cancer
Favorite Food: Fried Noodles – they were her mother’s specialty and she’s pretty darn good at making them too.

General Backstory:
Katsumi was born to a clan of master Tasean sword smiths and swordsmen. However unlike her many sisters and female cousins, Katsumi did not take a liking to the more feminine parts of her family’s heritage. Instead she was a rough and tumble girl – playing with the boys in their rough and tumble games. Swinging sticks and peeking into the forges of their father’s as they worked. Instead of keeping her hair down to allow it to flow like the rivers near their home, she kept it bound up and out of the way – so that she could see. As she grew, so too did her fighting spirit – until one day she joined the boys in the dojo of their fathers.

Of course, they asked her to leave. No girl would be allowed to learn the Way of the Warrior. In anger, Katsumi picked up one of the practice swords and came at one of her uncles. He deftly blocked her attack and disarmed her – but the damage had been done. They sensed her strong fighting spirit.

The masters of the Dojo, the elders of the Koizumi clan, convened to decide what should be done. After hours of deliberation it was decided.
Katsumi could train in the Way of the Warrior – but only if she kept her identity a secret from those outside of the clan. Rival swords clans were never to know that Katsumi was a girl. It would bring great dishonor upon their clan if it were discovered. She would of course, still have to tend to all the duties of a daughter of the Koizumi house. Katsumi agreed and so her training began in earnest.

Unfortunately as with all secrets – they’re eventually found out.

Katsumi was training with a visiting boy from a rival clan. He grabbed her yukata with his hand and tugged a might too hard, tearing the fabric and revealing her bindings. So discovered, the Koizumi clan was cast into shame, and Katsumi was barred from touching a blade again.
Her mother and father – lower ranking members of the clan, begged with the elders to let Katsumi continue her training, but were refused.

Katsumi’s father heard the rumors of the school in the center of the world where Katsumi might be able to finish her training and become something great. He wished only the best for his daughter, so in the cover of darkness, he stole into the storerooms of the Koizumi Dojo and stole seven of the blades he had forged in the hopes that Katsumi would one day wield them. Then, with what little goods they had to their name, they chartered a boat and sailed north towards Crantel. In the hopes they could learn more there, and maybe make new lives for themselves.

Arriving in Crantel, Katsumi’s parents quickly set up a smithy shop at the edge of town, selling all sorts of metal goods – while waiting to hear word of Katsumi’s acceptance into Sidekick Academy.

Looks Department:
Eyes: A smoky dark amber. Small and thin, usually very serious.
Hair: Long (unbound it reaches her ankles) black hair done up in a very tight ponytail which ends at her shoulders.
Face: Round with a smaller chin. Lips are usually pursed in a serious expression.
Height: 157.3 cm (5’159/64”) tall
Weight: 50kg (110lbs.) But I wouldn’t ask that question if you value your life.
Measurements: Bust: 88cm (34.5 in) - Waist: 58 cm (22.8 in) - Hips: 90 cm (35.4 in)
Outfit: She tends to favor her sparring uniform most of the time. The jacket is white and the pants are blue. She also wears Geta style sandals.
She can also be seen wearing a traditional yukata when she’s not training. With these she wears zori style sandals.