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Reply [IC] Rogue Lands [IC]
Well you see...(Shari, Amani, Vienna)

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Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:13 pm
It had been a couple of days since Shari had wandered into Vienna, yet the leopon found herself constantly mulling over her friend she had made. The chances of seeing her again despite the reassurances of the lioness were slim and the idea had made her sigh constantly while walking with Amani. Eventually the leopard had stopped and just looked back to his half-sister, “Are you that bothered by it?”

Blinking Shari looked over at him and felt her face flush, “Not really! I shouldn’t be at least…meeting others and leaving them is how life is now right?” She looked away from him to hide her embarrassment. She couldn’t help it that she had never met someone like that before…someone who she could relate to so whole heartedly and who just seemed so alone in the world too. Maybe it was just because she could relate to those feelings that she felt such a tie to the other female? Shari smiled at the irony of being so sentimental when for years she had made fun of others for having such weird thoughts and feelings.

“Uh-huh.” Amani stopped before nudging Shari towards the left, “Catching up with the rest of the family can wait. If mother worries about us she can just track us down. So we’re going back in that direction now-“

“Wait what?”

“You heard me. I’m tired of the sighing, you need to go there at least once more and get your closure.” He laughed softly, “Plus it’s a good way of finally seeing some life out of you. You’ve been obsessing over me so much that seeing you worry about another makes me happy.”

Closure, really? She bit back her retort towards Amani before realizing that maybe he was right. She just need to see Vienna once more, to see if she really was alright before being able to head on her own way again. And now here they were back in the dustier part of the rogue lands. Shari kept her gaze open but in her heart she doubted the chance of seeing Vienna out here again. She had been from a pride and the leopon had no idea about where such a place would be. Not even Amani had heard of a colony where hybrids were the masters. Sighing once more she glanced over her shoulder and just sat down to wait on Amani who was getting his fill of water from the tiny stream that ran down the cracked rocks.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:24 pm
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With her time in the rogue lands coming to a close, Vienna set about work cleaning out the temporary den she had been using while her Mistress carried on the 'hunt'. No doubt they would return with more slaves, in some way or another, as was Cari's reputation. She was relentless, but in a way it gave Vienna comfort, knowing that she had at least not been brought into the fold so violently.

With a large piece of dried grass in her mouth, she brushed out strands of grass she had used as bedding into the open air and cleared the den of the debri it had picked up. Pieces of mane fur, both from herself and from the friends she had made, as well as bits of bone from Cari's kills and general dirt. If she cleaned it out now she was sure that the next resident would see it as a little blessing, and that brought a little smile to her face.

It had been a few days since she had last seen her sister Shari, and far longer still since she had spoken with Mezlijin. For their sakes she hoped that both hybrids were hope same with their families, and away from this desolate place. Mezlijin had been so kind, so sweet, and Shari such a pillar of internal strength. They would do well, she knew it, and the less she had to watch of their growth while she wilted the better.

Pausing, Vienna frowned. That wasn't right. She should be happy for them, blessed even, but was she? Wasn't she just envious, jealous of their apparent freedom?

Giving into a deep sigh, she sat her makeshift cleaner off to the side in the brush pile and shook her head. No sense worrying about things she couldn't change, not when there was so much work still to be done! Still, she couldn't help pausing, turning her ears to the sound of voices. Could Cari be back from the hunt so soon?

Leaving her den for the moment, she padded down toward the sound, calling out tentatively, "Mistress? Is that you?" She could not yet make out the figures, but one was light enough that it could be here, if she squinted and looked through the brush.

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:10 pm
His ears tilted back as he lapped up some water slowly the petite leopard happened to glance up when Shari suddenly rose to her paws. Quickly jerking his maw from the refreshing drink Amani moved to follow the leopon who had moved without warning. Had he heard something then? For a bit the voice had been faint and the sound of the water had blurred it. But from his sister’s reaction it appeared that it was someone important to her. Were they really that lucky? His mouth twitching upwards into a grin Amani watched as Shari bounded up over several rocks and approach a rather pretty lioness. Suddenly he was really glad that he had pushed his sister to come back out this way. Quickly Amani shook his head to shove the thought away. There was going to be none of that.

“Vienna?” Shari’s gaze danced with amazement, “It’s me Shari…not your mistress, sorry.” Her tail flicked nervously behind her as she smiled lightly at the lioness, “I didn’t think you would be out here still…I mean Amani made us turn around…but I thought you would be gone already.” Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. What was she even doing coming back to check on some lioness she had just met once? That led to the question of what she should even do next…now that she saw the lioness was okay was that it?

Laughing at the obvious confusion on Shari’s face Amani quietly walked up next to her “So is this her then?”

Shari narrowed her gaze at Amani before finally nodding slowly. Any smart remark she had for his obvious question was muted before she looked back towards Vienna, “I um…I don’t know what to do or say honestly. But this is my brother, Amani, he – he wanted to come back through this way for some reason.”

“Are you alright? How have you been?” Amani mused quietly before smiling and giving his sister a nudge, “As it is., I felt bad that Shari ran off from you just because of me. If you two wanted more time to actually say goodbye I figured I would give it to you. We had nothing better to do since I feel no rush to hurry back home.” Calmly the leopard turned away and jumping a few feet away curled around and settled on a rather large, yet flat rock. His gaze flickered about lazily, but Shari recognized the protective gaze of a brother guarding his sister. He was close enough to listen in and to be called to while still giving her some space to get ahold of herself.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:24 pm
Whatever reservations she held about meeting her mistress or some other stranger went out with the wind. Vienna's face visibly lit up, a smile as large as the sun replacing her stoic look and she rushed to meet Shari. She couldn't move her paws fast enough! "Shari! I didn't think I would get to see you again, or so soon." She laughed, her ears perked and excited. "Dear, don't apologize to me! Not when I'm so happy to have this gift from the Gods placed before me." Today was supposed to have been such a dreary, average day, but it was proving to be anything, but.

"Amani? Your brother, Amani?" It was then that she noticed the handsome leopard accompanying her. She didn't know what she'd expected him to look like, but a hybrid was a start. To see that he was of pure blood like her, though not like her, at the same time, was somewhat of a pleasant surprise in itself. Vienna kept her paws together, and offered him a little bow, "Greetings, Amani. Thank you for reuniting Shari with me. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness."

She couldn't stop smiling anymore than she could stop the thumping of her heart inside of her chest. To be this blessed must truly mean that a God had been watching over her, and yet, hadn't she thought it a curse to have to meet up with a friend again, knowing she would only have to go back? Vienna shook off the worries, placing them on a shelf for the time being, and quickly chuckled at hearing the little teasing comments from Amani to his sister. She watched him turn away from them to lounge, and once again she bowed her head, spouting out a thank you in the same foreign language she'd used to inscribe the protective rune the last time she'd met with Shari.

As she lifted her head, a sadder tint colored her features, even as she desperately sought to hide it. "Luck was on your side today, my friend. When my mistress returns from her hunt we shall be leaving to return home."

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:43 pm
Shari’s nervousness was replaced by relief as the lioness showed the same excitement about seeing her again. Such a relief. Smiling while being a bit flustered at actually being called a gift the leopon nodded, “I’m glad then that this meeting was allowed to happen.” Her green gaze gleamed with quiet happiness as she looked over Vienna. She did seem to be doing well then. That was a relief.

A low purr of amusement escaped Amani at the acknowledgement given to him. Then it vanished quickly at her bow. It reminded him too much of their home and the leopard frowned before pushing the thoughts aside. She was just being polite. From the way she spoke to Shari it seemed that this was just how she was, “It’s not my kindness that did it.” He commented wryly, “You should reserve thanking everything since the gods were already given thanks for this reuniting. I don’t want them to be jealous of the fact that I just decided to turn around. My sister is free to do as she pleases after all. I am no one's master.” Despite his attempt to lightly tease his words were firm and there was the tight feeling that still clutched at his chest at the phantoms of their old pride in the way that she had greeted him. His bi-colored gaze did soften a bit though and his tone warmed a bit from the ice that had crept in, “Still you’re welcome. I’m glad that my sister made a kind friend out here.” Leaving them be he curled up on the rock and just stared across the horizon quietly.

Watching her brother Shari’s expression flickered with sadness. She had been hoping he wouldn’t slip, but there he went, “He’s like that sometimes. You’ll have to forgive him…his life has been really interesting.” She closed her eyes before giving Vienna a small hopeful smile, “Truly then?” But it faded as the last words left Vienna’s maw, “You really are leaving then?” His ears went down and she had to suppress the sigh that tried to leave her throat, “I suppose then we should make the best of today then?” Peering up she gave a tiny nod.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:55 pm
Vienna shook her head, and gave a little softer smile to Amani. "I will not argue the point, but in my heart I will believe otherwise." She couldn't outright say he was wrong, since he wasn't entirely, but to her it was just insane not to thank someone, even a mortal, for their kindness. "The Gods are merciful, Amani, and would wish to share their goodwill to others." Though, at the mention of a master, she instantly closed up. The firmness in his words, however light he tried to make them appear, caused her chest to clench. What was she becoming, that just the word frightened her so?

"I...I took no offense, and you should not have to apologize for him. There is no shame in speaking your mind." Though, in some cases, a firm paw would stifle such open speeches. "I am sorry, Shari, but yes, I'll be leaving soon. I can't say when, it could be as soon as a few moments from now or it could be tomorrow morning. One can never tell with the Mistress." As sad as she was to be leaving her dear friend, there was a bit of a tease in it. Cari may have been responsible for her situation, but she didn't hold her to it. To her, Cari was just misguided family.

"Have you both ate? Can I find something for you? Please, Shari, sit down, your paws must be tired if you've walked all the way back here."

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:38 pm
“Hmm.” Amani was still mulling over Vienna’s reply. She really was a religious sort then wasn’t she? The thought made him laugh quietly. With the paths his life had taken the leopard wasn’t for certain what to belief in anymore. Still a bit of guilt haunted him from the way she had seemingly shut down at the word master. Then he had not meant to use it to attack her, but rather to reinforce his refusal to control another. His gaze closed and the leopard sighed quietly. He was talented at making friends that was for certain.

Shari smiled softly, “If you say so. He does tend to speak his mind.” Peeking back towards Amani she chuckled softly, “He can come off prickly sometimes, but in reality it’s just because he has such a warm heart. His sharp words cover his frustrations against the situations of others.” Trying her best to hide her disappointment Shari nodded, “I understand. Such things can’t be controlled. At least we can see each other off properly this time when it does happen then.”

At the question of food she tilted her head in surprise, “Well…not really, but you shouldn’t have to worry yourself over us.” She looked around the area, “What could you find here as it is? Hunting would take too long…and I see nothing else nearby.” Shari would feel guilty from taking from the lioness though her thoughts did go to Amani who she realized had missed his own meals in taking her back here to see Vienna.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:37 pm
Though he didn't seem as happy now that things had been aired out, the damage had been done. The word itself wasn't something pleasant for the group, and Vienna wished a violent end to it, or at least a small, non-physical end. Why should such a thing touch so many lives?

"If you think so highly of him, it must be so." Vienna nodded, her smile still present, if not dampened by the earlier bit of conversation. She didn't know much about the leopard herself, but if the leopon thought as much of him as to spend her time around him then she was sure he was a kinder soul than what he let on.

"Oh, but I should! You came looking for me, so offering you a meal is the least I can do. My den is just a little bit back, and if you'll follow me there you may have the rest of my breakfast. It's still fresh, and was rather large, so there's plenty left."

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:47 pm
Shari smiled thankfully at Vienna. If the lioness wasn’t going to leave them so quickly then she would make certain to prove her brother’s kindness to her. The thought made her sigh quietly under her breath before blinking, “If you insist then I suppose it shouldn’t hurt to eat some.” Her tail flicked behind her in appreciation. She knew her brother and how he would refuse to ask for any help in anything, but the way Vienna worded this worked out fine.

“Amani!” Calling out to him she waved at the leopard, “Come with us and have some breakfast! Vienna has extra that will be wasted. So it’s only right that we help her.” She frowned as he waved a paw at them. He wanted them to go on ahead without him? She paused uncertain before shaking her head at him, surely he would change his mind!

“Oh well. He’ll eventually join us.” She rolled her eyes at Amani’s actions before nodding towards Vienna, “Really though thank you for this. A meal sounds delightful.”
PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:41 pm
Vienna's heart lifted at the knowledge. She wouldn't be alone in her final hours of freedom, which was a huge boon! Oh, Gods be praised! "Oh, I do. You would be doing me a huge favor by taking it off my hands, and I could repay your continued kindness in turn." It worked out well, she thought, and left her with a freer spirit.

Frowning a bit, Vienna stepped up a little closer to Amani, measuring her paw stride with his sisters. She bowed her head a bit before looking back up. "I'll save a portion for you, should you choose to come join us, which I hope that you will." Smiling at him, she turned back to his sister, and led the way back to her den. "No, no, thank you. Your visit only deserves the kindness of a good meal, and a calm rest."

Pausing for a bit as she walked, Vienna started back up in an almost ashamed way, "Would you...mind telling me of what else lies out...there? I'm sorry if I ask too much, but I am...curious."

Sabra Knight

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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