Hi, there! My name is Morgan, and I'm seventeen. I love to learn new languages. I'm looking for Skype pals to talk with and gain instruction from.

This is the extent of my language study:

French - Five years of classroom instruction, four weeks of immersion in France
Spanish - Two years of classroom instruction, two weeks of immersion in Costa Rica
Italian - One year of classroom instruction
Latin - Occasional studying
German - None (starting a German class in 2014)

I'm trying to learn all of these languages fluently within the next... fifteen to twenty years? Anyhow, I'd love to have Skype pals that can instruct me. For French, I need more of a speaking buddy more than a teacher (I do occasionally need help with fine points of grammar, so the the more familiar you are with the rules of the language, the better). I am looking to gain oral proficiency as well as written proficiency.

My Skype name is chibrinski. Just let me know who you are and what language you speak when you add me.

If you don't have a Skype, you can email me at chibrinski@gmail.com.

Thank you!