This is the section to file a complaint about the guild as a whole. You may file the complaint here, but heed the instructions, or the complaint will be deleted.


1.) Give the name of the person whom you want to respond to the complaint. It can be written to one of the vice-captains, or myself (this is important, if you do not give us a name, then anybody can respond to it, and possibly cause more problems. We do not want this to happen.)

2.) State the problem as clearly as possible (do not leave any information out).

3.) Provide a solution that you think can help solve the current issue (you are the one filing the complaint, give us your opinions on how we should fix it; don't always assume we have the answers).

4.) This is more of a warning than an instruction: Do NOT file a complaint about another member in this post! We have another post set up specifically for that purpose. If you are caught complaining about a member in this post, you will be recieving a message from me.

Here is an example of how we want the complaint to be filed:

To: Enter name here

It has come to my attention that (state problem as clearly as possible). My suggestion for fixing this issue is (state solution as clearly as possible.)

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Enter Your Name Here