User ImageLúhuì'Huā:
They couldn't break her... But she had never had the pride turn on her. Never had gotten beaten, Lady Emi made sure she was protected but from the corruption of the guards- she was not safe. Especially under the nose of the Boss Lady. But it had been the time where the Lady had to make a treaty visit- they would ever get away with this. For now, Katapatan had been gone for several days- Kata would seek justice, for now. Lulu was left in a state that would be better left to vacation to heal. They wouldn't let her and the main guard asked for pounds of poison and pounds of other things for a job. Lulu's master was stuck healing the weak and thus it was up to Lulu with no rest and pretty much concealed in her den. Her busy body was being exposed for the past few days, the fumes could be smelt lingering. Exposure to this, was almost the same exact poison exposed to her mother. What had made her mother 'mad'- was a certain flower. The poisons she was asked to do were specific in this flower... Had she known this information, maybe she would have made a different poison but no. The properties needed to be exact- who would know this info- who would have known about her family and specific plant matter to the same or more knowledge then them!?

"Is this how to do it-" A soft voice.
"Why yes- yes it is!" The voice scratchy and sounded slightly off.
"Oh and this- just a little~" The soft voice returned.
"Why yes deary!~ Oh and a little of this- a little of that. And we got ourselves a poison eh!" A laughed echoed- it was... sounded almost happy in the darkest of ways.
"This would surely kill them nice and slowly~"

Whereas, before. Lulu didn't speak- merely put a face mask on and did her work. But after being so shaken up she forgot- and for the past few days exposed herself and it was already taking its tole on her mind and body.

"It's time to pour it up..." Putting it in to a clay bottles that everyone would bring when found. Or she would clean the ones she had and re-used artifacts from the past now used for her potions. Carefully pouring it in.. Focused.. Too focused. Her fur was out of place, and her once long bangs were now puffy and messy. Her eyes drooped and had darkened. Eyes- dilated. When she heard a sound she quickly snapped her neck to the source. "Hello- Hello- Is anybody there.. " The voice mocked- and drew right back to the potion pouring, which it slipped and got some on her paw. With the attention looking else where- she licked her paw unconsciously, licking away the poison... "Hello- Im here- there- everywhere.. here..." Mumbling and muttering.

User ImageDjinni:
The sounds from within...
Djinni's heart stopped as he hurried into the den. A wall of pungent scent met him and his gaze quickly found Lulu. Gods, what had they done to her? What had he done? He would give anything to rewrite time, that this never happened to her. All because of his stupid, stubborn pride, his weak, aching, little heart.
"Lulu..." His voice cracked as he repeated her name, closing the distance between them in quick strides. He sat so that he could press his paws to her cheeks, holding her face steady.

"I'm sorry, I'm so damned sorry," Djinni choked out, one paw moving to smooth the ruff out of her eyes. He would fix this. If it took everything he had, if it took his life to do so, he would fix this for her. Only and forever her.

Having blankly erased her curiosity to know who came in, she was just about to go back to pouring til the quick footsteps came and a set of paws grasped her cheeks. There was a certain blankness to her eyes, and the feeling of absence but she was merely teetering on the borderlines of insanity and normality. She was looking through him for a moment, until her eyes filled half way with emotion and she smiled in response. "Hi, I hope your well- did you want a poison too?" She asked- ever so innocently, with a smile across her face that seemed plastered and awkwardly fake. Even creepy. "It's time to bottle up-!" As she moved away from his paws, showing that she didn't recognize him.

Djinni watched his world crumble as she moved away from him, returning to her work. This wasn't his Lulu, so quiet and shy and achingly beautiful. This was... She was broken. He doubted she had slept, had she even eaten? The amount of bottles around, or lack thereof for that matter, told him all he needed to know. Someone, no doubt those spiteful sons of bitches guards, had taken out their frustrations on her by overworking her. She shouldn't have been working, she should have been resting!

"I..." What could he say? She wouldn't even hear him, not really. She didn't even know him in this light. Damn him! He should have come to her that very first day, right after he left Ami. He should have come to see her and never left her side. Where was that friend of hers? At least he had stayed away from Lulu for fear of hurting her more, what excuse did Suki have for letting her fall into this state? A frustrated growl formed in the back of his throat, but he quickly stamped it down.

"No poisons, I need to talk to you, please. Just... It's stuffy in here, I think I'm having trouble breathing. Is there somewhere else we can talk?" If she didn't recognize him, best bet was to just play the patient for the moment.

She merely smiled absently and went right back to working. Humming a soft and haunting tune til she spoke again. Her ears swerved as she rose her head gently. He growled- and she smiled still. Looking exhaustively tired but still falsely cheerful. "Well... no poisons... then what are you here for.. " She slowly got up, and one could see how her eating habits were. One step looked weaker than the next, how she walked was lower, as though she were in fear of getting beaten- giving a safe distance between her and Dijinni. Slowly she made her way to the entrance of the den. The breeze out was nice, but one could feel the weight of the fumes leaving. But she didn't leave her den- no- she cowarded where the shade ended and stayed there and made her way so her back was against the walls, she coiled up around a rock and looked up to him. "Yes- is this better..." Her voice dropped with no emotion what so ever- putting her chin on the rock and looked up at the blur of a image she could see from him.

Djinni followed her and sat out of view of the entrance. It was better, but no where near enough. He wanted to get her out of here, to take her away, out of these caves and into the sunlight, the fresh air. Having gone out with her before, his own travels outside of the pride... He was growing to hate these caves.
"Lulu, please stop this. Take some time, you've done too much, you need to rest. This isn't you," he said after a moment, not sure if it was the best thing to say, the best way to phrase it, but he didn't know how else.

"You... you don't even remember who I am, do you?" T think that he had lost her completely, that she didn't even know him anymore... Maybe it was for the best. He only seemed to bring her pain and grief, after all. But no, this wasn't fair, to either of them. If he left, it would only be because she asked him to, only because she didn't want to see him ever again. Not because someone else forbid them, not because her damnable potions had stripped her of his memory.

Lúhuì'Huā and Sugiya:
'Please stop this' She tilted her head, she was far gone enough to not know what she was doing wrong for him to say this. "I'm doing my job...Please I'll behave.." Even the slightest tone had spooked her and lowered her body to the ground now. When she looked up at his eyes finally... an exhausted smile crossed her maw. Lifting her body- still semi lowered as she quickly came up to his face.. Put her paws on either side of his cheeks. "Dijinni? Is.. is that.. " Softly rubbing her face against his cheek. "Its you.. you came back.. "

Suki had come up inside the cave at that point, quickly came to her side and pulled her by the scruff and yanked her off of Dijinni. This 'customer' of hers whom seemed to be the reason she ailed so much. Pulling her back and behind him. "What are you doing here!? Haven't you caused her enough pain!" His shoulders lifted and a growl settled deeply into his throat as he stood between Dijinni and his so called 'HIS' Lulu. "Get out." Suki's eyes met and stricken with anger...

Djinni's teeth grit when she looked so submissive. He never wanted her like that, not for anything or anyone, especially not him. But then Lulu rose and pressed her paws to his cheeks, his heart stopped beating and his breath froze in his lungs.
His name, she said his name and pressed close and everything fit back into place again. His held breath left him in a ragged gasp and he curled around her, breathing in a scent that even when tinged with her potions and poisons was all hers.

"I'm so sorry, please forgive-" Suddenly Lulu was yanked away from him and terror filled him. Not again, he wouldn't let those bastards take her away from him again.
Only it wasn't the guards that had pushed her back, away from him. It was her friend, Suki. And he looked furious. Djinni's lip curled at the accusation, and a hateful rebuttal formed in his mind. Where had Suki been while Lulu was spiraling into this state? If he was such a friend, what had he done to protect her? His mouth opened and...
And his gaze fell on Lulu and it was all gone, all the anger and frustration, leaving only guilt and pain behind. His ears fell back and his features softened for a moment before turning cold, distant.

"I came to apologize, not that it is any concern of yours." As broken and tired as he felt, Djinni couldn't keep the growl out of his tone when he addressed the other entertainer. The softness returned when he moved his focus to Lulu, only for her.
"I'm sorry. I never meant for any of that to happen." The last thing he wanted was to cause her pain. And no matter what it took, he would make sure it never happened again. He reached back and dug into a small bag that had been slung around his shoulders, producing a crystal from their secret place.
"I brought this for you, with my apology." He made it sound as if he'd gotten it for her in order to entreat her forgiveness. But he hadn't, it was his own. He wasn't sure he could go back there, after all that had happened. The last thing he wanted was someone following him. He wouldn't have it to help him feel better anymore, but that was okay. Knowing she did... that would have to be enough.

Lúhuì'Huā and Sugiya:
When he tightened his grasp on her- she did too. Something in her just yearned to hold Djinni so badly. But that was all gone once again, the absence of his warm was gone and she was pulled behind Suki. She lifted her head.. "Suki please." Her voice was minimal- but she quickly retorted when Suki snapped at her. "Don't you see what he's done to you! He's the reason why you were punished! The reason why they made you do all this work!" He yelled at her- furious. "He hurt you Lulu- Don't you even see that! He doesnt even deserve to touch you." Shooting a look at Djinni, a wicked look. "Shuu.. lulu.." As he turned and pulled Lulu in to an embrace. She submitted to him almost immediately but couldn't help but keep her eyes on the one cheetah she ever loved. Will ever love. Til she saw the crystal. "Dijinni!" She struggled against Suki trying to grasp for the crystal as soon as she saw it. She knew what it was. Suki grabbed her shoulders and shook her. "NO. We don't want anything from him- he will only cause us trouble!" He growled.

"Please Suki- " Looking up at him with huge soft eyes of despair and what was broken. But her friend didn't fall for it. Instead- as soon as Dijinni had it in his paw to hand it over- Suki smacked it with his tail out of the cave like a baseball. Watching the crystal fly and twirl- Lulu had slipped away from the grasp and threw herself. But she was not stationed on the ground level. No- her cave was located five tiers up. With each passing moment, It happened all so quickly... Suki went for her and only got to the tier below before his whole body froze. She had taken the crystal- pulled it inside her. Watching her fall and bash down each tier. Terror hit him- shock. Anything- and his feet finally tried to run but it was no use. He just couldn't move!

Some citizens had been walking passed - some stopped, some flooded the ground below them. Tons of faces crowded her.. as she laid there. "LULUUUUU!!!!" Her friend- had yelled.. And finally started running towards her.

It all happened so quickly, Djinni couldn't stop her. Suki had knocked his paw and Lulu had lunged for the crystal, toppling over the edge and down into deeper levels.
He hadn't been able to stop her, but he sure as hell was able to follow.
Season of training in delicate arts had been coupled with his own past-times. His dancing preferences had always leaned towards almost acrobatic feats and in an instant he was following, sliding and jumping down the tiers where anyone with half a brain would have balked and gone the safer route.

Paws cut on the jagged rocks and ankles aching from when he'd lost his footing more than once, Djinni roughly shoved his way through the crowd to her side, cradling her head with his paw.
"Lulu? Please look at me... Please," he begged, something he had never done. He didn't care that there were others, that they would question the entertainer using such a familiar nickname. He didn't even notice them there anymore. His world was completely focused on the female lying there, hurt once again because he had done something stupid.
His foolish, beloved Lulu, she should have just let the damn thing go. Let the crystal shatter on the rocks. At least it would have been the gift and not his heart and soul. He was a curse upon her and she forever accepting his tainted gifts. He should just let her go.
"Show me you're okay." Or, gods, let me die with her...

Lúhuì'Huā and Sugiya:
'Is that the doctor?' 'What happened?!' 'Did you see her fly!?' 'The gods!?' 'There are no gods!' 'Hush- is she awake-'
It had happened in front of everyone in plain day. Fighters, entertainers, merchants- some crowded while others looked on from a distance. Some didn't even care, this pride was units within a unit, whoever wasn't apart of that unit- just rarely cared. It didn't matter any more or less. When the crowd started inching closer, they had backed when Dijinni came in, holding her. It would be a mess of things that's for sure. Suki had ran after- but wasn't as familiar as Dijinni in the pride. Trying to catch ledges, tripping- and falling some of the way and skidding the other half til he was there- and rushed in.. When the crowd finally let him, he just gazed upon her body. Who was the one to fix the doctor..? Then he saw Dijinni touch her and lost it. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" He screamed and rushed over to Dijinni and full blown threw himself at him. Unlike the others- he wasn't born in to the pride. He was like Lulu- not from this place of greed.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Suki's claws met with the entertainer's face and the quarrel began...
The crystal had been stabbed in to her stomach, blood started to accumulate around her.

"Guards!" Someone called out and from the crowd came an unexpected guest.. The Queen, whom slowly dipped herself under Lulu and pulled her up. Everyone backed off, Emi hadn't paid attention to the fighting- just Lulu. Quickly Kata slipped in and pulled Lulu's body away and held it for herself. "Get her to the doctor- immediately." She turned to the boys. "HEY!" Her voice radiated so powerfully.. Her stance, everything about the queen, was just powerful and the crowd backed off- yet still looked on. if they weren't going to stop - she'd jump in.

She didn't answer him, didn't move, his chest tightened so fiercely he could barely breathe. There was blood on his paws, her blood. He couldn't lose her!
Djinni barely heard the roar of the other entertainer, only had a second to steel himself before the blow struck him, sending him tumbling away from Lulu. Damn Suki and his stupidity! Djinni snarled as the younger cheetah's claws came at his face, felt the burning graze before he had a chance to dodge back.

"Now is not the time!" he growled back, dodging out of the way and simply shoving Suki back rather than all-out retaliating. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the queen and what must be a guard moving Lulu away. He wanted, needed to be with her, but when he tried, he had to dodge out of the way of another blow.
This was all his fault, hmm? Like hell it was. Blame himself all he wanted, deep down Djinni knew better. None of this was his or Lulu's fault. She'd been beaten because the princess didn't think things through, been mistreated by the guards out of cruel pleasure, had hurled herself after the stupid crystal because Suki had thrown it. Things could have been fine if none of that had happened. All he wanted in this world was to curl up with Lulu and never leave. Was that so much to ask for?

When the queen called to them, Djinni glanced her way, acknowledging that he heard her, but that whether he stopped or not all depended on his opponent.

User ImageKatapatan:
Katapatan growled at the boys, and looked to Emi before bowing and leaving with Lulu. Blood found its trail.
The queen looked to either of them, A new face- Suki. She hadn't known, and the face of a child born from the cheetah whom caused the last war. 'What happened' surely was the easier route. "She will be at the medical den. Visiting is one at a time. If you want to fight- take it to the arena but you will not do so in my courtyard." The words were direct and heavy. Then she turned away.

First thing that Suki did was shove Dijinni and hiss. "You have no business near her." Then pushed on to trot behind several phases behind the queen. Looking back at him with a sickening stare.

Lulu had been quickly treated and with all kinds of medicines. Laid out and bandaged up. Her legs seemed fragile and one seemed completely wrapped and for a cheetah to loose a leg movement, they might as well not exist, if not only to be in a pride for the rest of their lives and hope they will never get kicked out. With her arm in a brace and several moments later.. She was allowed visitors. Katapatan was told to specifically stand beside her during any interaction. That was the right hand's job. To be whatever the Queen wanted.

At the door- Suki was shunned away, Katapatan had strictly left only entry to Dijinni, why might you ask..
Well Katapatan was the right hand for a good reason. She knew what others failed to see. In the shadows was where she laid in wait.
She stood on the opposite side furthest from the cave entrance. Looking down at Lulu and hating herself for having been most of the cause of her and her family's pain. Of course, Lulu never looked at her like that, for Lulu- Kata was a friend. A 'guardian angel'. Some guardian angel ..huh.

Djinni slowly wandered in, looking a mess. He had waited for her to be taken care of, until she was ready to be seen, and yet hadn't been able to do more than fret. The bottoms of his feet were scraped and raw in places from his headlong run, worsened by pacing. The cuts that Suki had slashed into his face and a few other places had since stopped bleeding. He'd made a half attempt to clean the blood - both his and Lulu's - from his fur, but dried flakes still matted his fur in several places, including his left cheek. His ruff was wild from running his paws through it and his eyes held equal parts fear, guilt, and anguish.

Ears back in supplication, something he hadn't done since he was a cub, Djinni glanced at the queen's right hand before moving over and lying down next to Lulu, careful of her injuries.
"I'm sorry. All I do is cause you pain..." He didn't even care at this point that he wasn't alone with her. Surely everyone in the pride by now had heard of the famed entertainer leaping down after the doctor, how he held her close and fought off another male.
His eyes closed, squeezed shut in his own pain as he gently, carefully pressed his temple to her fur.
"But I can't let you go, why can't I let you go? Please be alright, Lulu, please. I can't-" Djinni's voice cracked and he lapsed into silence.

Rightfully, Katapatan was the sharpened tool of her pride. Bending in the wishes of Janja'Nyoka then cleaned and ready for Emi's use. Suki and Dijinni both loved this girl, how lucky was she. Ubi was Kata's fancy and she remembered having played quite a few hearts and ignored not all of them because of her work. This triangle she had seen too many times and Lulu was at the short end now. He spoke so kindly to her, yet genuine. The other was over the top, protective and an idiot. Their personalities didn't mesh and everything about the couple in front of her was something to marvel. "Is it caused because of just you, don't be so cocky entertainer." Kata cocked her head and smiled. "My doctor is rarely but an idiot. If she chose to get that crystal, she was going to whether you were there or not, as I am GUESSING that was what she was after. I doubt any of you had the balls to push her down." Kata only spoke when she could make a point, point was definitely achieved.

"You.. don't realize do you.."

Djinni shook his head at the female's words.
"If I had left her alone long, long ago..." She would have been different. He had done so much to bring her out, be her friend. She wouldn't be the same. But at least she wouldn't be hurt...
He smiled against Lulu's fur. Kata was right, he would be hard pressed to keep Lulu from doing something she wanted to do. But the least he would have hoped for was she would let him do the dangerous things...

Finally he glanced up, sad eyes glancing over to the right hand.
"What... don't I realize?"

"She wouldn't have friends. Lulu was particular. Hard to understand for others her age." Kata replied. Shaking her head.
Lulu laid there captivated in sleep. The doctor wasn't exactly sue id she'd wake but they would hope for the best. The fiery cheetah that had been the guardian for them all. Now that was expired, she hadn't done her job properly and now Lulu was in pain. Alone. No family. Kata watched as the male snugged Lulu and a smile softened her face, which didn't happen often, especially if Ubi wasn't around. Getting up slowly and making her way out of the medical den, sighing, "If she was willing to throw herself out from a ledge, at her caliber of thinking- do you not think that you mean more to her than just a friend that can so easily disappear? You must be a lot dumber than you look then. Consider this time a gift and don't mess it up."

Of course to come was not particularly ideal. Once Kata left, the remaining cheetah that had been asleep wasn't yet responding. She seemed.. Peaceful if anything.

Ami and Katapatan:
Not too long after, the princess found out. Her guard was right next to her like glue. Having tried to carry her there but with no luck since the princess left so quickly after. "Dijinnnniiiiiii!!!!" She screamed from within the main hall of the medical den. But Kata was the one standing in front and wouldn't let her pass. "You will leave Dijinni to rest. Today is not the day to be spoiled, and upon your mothers orders no one is to get inside without her permission." Of course it was baloni, but whatever Kata said- Emi would trust fully. She WAS Emi's right hand after all. The princess was in tears, this was how much she had put in for Dijinni. Her feelings for him, what others would say you just met him, no- she had since she was little invested and crushed on him for so long that now that he could pay attention to her- and be noticed- everyone got in the way.

It angered her. "Let me goooo!" Kata looked down at her as she held the arms of the princess that thrashed around throwing a fit. "He's fine. Now go back to your studies!" The right hand raised her voice and immediately the other guards put in to motion to escort the princess out. "You'll pay for this! You're not my mother!" She raised her head as she watched the guards pull her away and her own personal guard that she had selected for her, went under her and lifted the princess and left. Kata's ears went back. "Who would have thought Emi's children would be this way. The Old queen- I could see but Emi? They really need to learn their history." Her words were boarderline showing tiresome and irritation. Looking to everyone in the bay, "No one is to go in here without my permission. Even the Queen."

Djinni listened, forever knowing when it was best to talk and when to listen. And now was not the time to interrupt.
Did everyone really think him so dense? He really was smarter than everyone seemed to think he was, he just made stupid decisions, especially when it came to Lulu. He knew what she meant to him, and now he did understand that he probably meant more to her than he had been worried over. But what did that change? He was still an entertainer, bound by his position to forever be available. He thought that he would have liked this, to make others happy. But he wasn't happy anymore. All he felt now was pain and emptiness, regret that he couldn't keep her safe.

He watched Kata leave out of the corner of his eye. With a heavy sigh, he curled closer to Lulu, wishing he could take it all away from her, or at least share the burden of her pain.
Shouts came from the entrance of the dens, but he ignored them. They didn't matter, he didn't care.
"Please be okay. I can't... You're my heart, Lulu, I need you. Please don't leave me..." He knew it was selfish, but he just couldn't do it. He just couldn't let her go.