Jua Bwana squinted in the bright midday sun from his perch just on the outskirts of the pride. His tail twitched back and forth as he scanned the horizon for anything of interest. Unfortunately for the leopard, there wasn't much to see. A herd of zebra off in the distance, some vultures overhead, perhaps a tree or two here and there. For the quick-minded male, this was torture. He needed something to occupy himself, something that wasn't his young children who were off on their own, probably getting bullied, just like dad.

He snorted quietly, claws digging into the rock. Right...see if he got bullied anymore. Now that he was older he used his brains as well as his brawn to make the others in the pride back off. He was a son of Thona, but no one seemed to remember that because of his size. He had been the smallest in his litter, but by his count certainly the brightest.

A mind like his was easy to waste out here, though. He needed...a project. Something to keep him on his toes, keep his mind sharp. He had no idea what he might find in the barren wasteland of the rouge lands, but he was sure it would come to him sooner or later. Getting off his rock, Bwana stretched before setting off to roam the lands outside his father's pride.

A sigh escaped her as she continued on her trek. She was sleepy, not hungry, but definitely sleepy. Luljeta could use a nap. That's basically what she was doing right now, looking for a place, nice and safe, that would be absolutely perfect for her to just flop down and sleep. Her eyes hurt, her head was starting to hurt and walking was becoming very difficult. The gray female with the pale eyes hadn't slept in a few days.

First she'd been chased by a pack of hyenas that chased her off from her food. Then she decided to go up against, what she thought, was a baby leopard. come to find out the mama was close behind and she was attacked and chased off. On her back she sported claw marks that weren't deep or life threatening, but definitely there. Swallowing a little, the lioness just yawned widely and walked.

Where she was, close to a pack or a pride, she had no idea. "So sleepy," she murmured softly, almost whining in her throat.

Bwana smelled the stranger before he saw her. There was a hint of blood in the scent as well, but not enough to alarm him. Bloody lions were generally not something he wanted to hang around. Thanking his coloration, he blended fairly well into the sun-baked ground and, since he was upwind of the female, he doubted she'd spot him before he had time to figure out what to do.

She looked harmless, he thought to himself as he observed the slow walking patterns. He could see a few scratches on her back - that must have been the blood he caught in the air - and he wondered if they were deeper than they looked. She certainly seemed exhausted. Narrowing his eyes, he slunk forward, keeping silent behind the larger feline.

"You're far from home," he murmured as he came within earshot. At least, he assumed she was. She looked horrible - tired, worn out, even a bit skinny - and no one that far from their home pride ever looked this bad. "A bit dangerous to be all alone out here."

Blood was the least of her worries right now. The wounds weren't serious, and they were at that awkward angle she couldn't really do much about them. So, the pale lioness was just trying her hardest to get as comfortable as she could. Her ears flicked this way and that and she almost, almost drifted off before she heard a voice.

She snapped awake again and blinked quickly before she focused on Bwana, her brows knitting as she eyed him carefully. "...Everywhere out her is home," she mumured quietly. "I just.. had a bad bout of luck is all, I'll be fine." Her voice was cautious and she sat up on her paws and rear end, eyeing him carefully, starting to put her guard up again. "Where did you come from? I didn't.. hear you."

Bwana held his ground, bright blue eyes staring at the female unblinking as she got her wits about her. She was a bit groggy as she spoke, which made the leopard twitch his tail in amusement.

"Of course you didn't. I didn't wish for you to hear me," he said quietly, shifting to move just a bit closer. "Everywhere is home? A rouge, then. No one to help you, what a sad sight indeed." He licked his lips and held his ground, now just a short distance from the injured lioness.

"I come from a pride not far from here," he said, keeping his voice even and calm, icy eyes settling on the female's face. "Not the most comfortable of living areas, but it's better than being in this wasteland alone. Now my dear, would you give me your name? I like to know who I'm speaking with."

She pushed herself backwards, taking a couple steps away from him so she could get comfortable, even as he spoke. Her ears flattened slightly again and her own pale icy eyes stared out at his own. Her tail flicked this way and taht before she put her paws down firmly in the dead grass.

"...I'm a rogue, and I think I'm doing just finefor it. I'm alive, aren't I?" She was etting a little defensive because she thought she was doing just fine! Then he comes along and says that and it made her want to whine.

Then he said he came from a pride and her interest was perked immediately. Prides were good. They kept you safe and happy and content. But... "...Luljeta... I'm Luljeta. But why do you mention your pride?"

"Luljeta," Bwana echoed softly, as if tasted the name. He seemed satisfied and after a moment gave a little snort. "You asked where I came from. I answered you. You're nearly on the border, and I was coming out here for a walk," he said with a roll of his shoulders. "Then I noticed you, smelled blood, and decided to investigate."

As she said, she wasn't as hurt as he had originally thought, but he could still use that to his advantage. It looked like she hadn't licked herself, and he doubted she could reach. If he wanted his sprouting plan to work, he'd probably have to butter her up a bit.

Putting on a less aggressive expression, his brows relaxed and he allowed himself to blink. "Those must sting, even if they're not horrible. Would you like me to take care of them?"

She hadn't actually thought he'd tell her that there was a pride near buy. Luljeta's eyes widened a little and she cleared her throat, embarrassed she'd been caught forgetting.

Then he brought up the blood and her tail flicked a little more and her shoulders shrugged a little as if to answer his question. "...They're not bad.. I mean, I've had worse. They're more like cub scratches than anything." They stung, but more than anything they were really itchy. "Take care of them? What... Do you mean? I mean, really. There's.. not much to do to them." The thought of someone grooming her was a little unsettling and yet that's what she wanted when she wandered into her first pride, someone to take care of her.

Bwana gave a quiet chuckle, sitting back on his haunches. Luljeta seemed a bit skittish, which was fine with him. He didn't need some strong-minded female in his life. He needed someone he could dominate despite his smaller size, and one who was unsure would be a perfect target.

"They can still get infected," he pointed out. "Do you not trust me? Ah...perhaps you're a bit concerned. I'm still a nameless leopard to you, aren't I? I am Jua Bwana, and my father is the leader of the pride I'm speaking of. I promise you I speak nothing but the truth." Just not all of it. "We welcome all into our pride, and while we didn't have it as easy as some other prides, we certainly are a tough group and survive."

He tilted his head, putting a tiny smile on his lips. "I don't want to give you any fancy thoughts about me, though. I am technically a prince but there are many, many brothers before me that are closer to being king. Don't consider me anything out of the ordinary."

Oh so he was the leader's son. That meant he could be trusted, right? Pride leaders were well liked and raised their sons, groomed them to take over, so Bwana was going to be taking over, which meant... "Oh, well.. Ah.. It's good to meet you, Jua Bwana..." Hs murmured, offering a little smile and then nodded. Well, that cleared that up, but even if they weren't going to take over, they still had an image to uphold!

The world was a bright place, wasn't it? At least to this lioness. "But... as for...them getting infected, I wouldn't mind.. a little grooming for them. I mean, they have been itching since I got them, honestly."

Bwana could see she was warming up to him, and he patted himself on the back in his head. Good...having a female at his side would certainly give him more respect in the pride, as many thought he'd never find a female that would have him. It was very simple, really, since he didn't need to find a female that would have him. Just a female that he could control.

"Is that so?" he asked, standing up as he spoke. "Well, I could certainly help you. If you'd lay down I might be able to reach a bit easier."

Luljeta watched him for a fraction longer before she nodded and shifted a little and laid down on her stomach for him. "Just.. Be careful, because.. They might start stinging again and I really don't like.. much pain," she whispered softly. Some rogue she was.

Bwana did his best not to chuckle, but a smirk crossed his maw as he approached her. "Oh, I'll be very careful," he said quietly, leaning down to start grooming her. He made sure to clean each of the scratches in turn, a purr low in his throat. It didn't take long to carefully clean the lioness up, and in that time Bwana took in small details about her, how she flinched if he pressed just a bit too hard. Ooh, she would be fun to break. But first, he had to gain her trust, get her to believe she was nothing without him. That may take some time.

"There," he purred, nuzzlign his nose against her shoulder to let her know he was finished. "Does that feel any better?"

She did flinch and let out a little noise when he pressed to hard. For the most part, however, Luljeta purred and let Bwana do what needed to be done and then sighed once he finished. It felt a lot better now. Her tail flicked this way and that and she smiled up at him rather fondly.

"Thank you," came her soft whipser, looking a little shy up at him. Licking her lips a little, she shifted to sit up again and sighed. "So your.. pride? What's it like?"

"You are quite welcome," Bwana said with a pleased smirk on his lips. He sat back and licked his paws to clean up his face, happy to have helped and won a bit of her confidence at the same time.

"Oh, my pride...it's rough, as I said, with the weather and the landscape, but it's like...a large family." A large dysfunctional family, sure, but a family all the same, where the strong picked on the weak. "But a lovely lady like yourself won't have any trouble fitting right in, especially with someone who knows his way around."

"You think?" Her pale blue eyes blinked a little owlishly as she listened and then nodded to herself. Maybe.. She missed having others around, having someone take care of her, or at least, someone to take care of? Cubs were always in her future, she knew that much. Every now and then, as she slept, she saw herself with some cubs. What they looked like, she could never remember when she woke up, but they were definitely her cubs.

"...Do you think I could... see it?

"I know," Bwana said with a firm nod. The question that followed made him smirk, tail twitching again in delight. Ha...this was turning out to be easier than he expected.

"With a guide you may," he said, stretching just a bit. "And I will be happy to guide you...if you promise me you'll consider staying," he murmured. "You can certainly have your fill looknig around first, before you give me an answer."

Well what did she honestly have to lose? He seemed like a good leopard, a good guide. He helpd her after all. "I'll... consider it, but I won't say yes or no right now. I'd need a couple of days to figure it out. See if I really like it.."She let herself giggle and then nodded, biting down on her cheek out of nervousness. "..Can I nap here first? I'm.. rather tired, still. I was chased by hyenas and a leopard mom.. And just.."

Her chest puffed out and she sighed hard before yawning. "..I'm just very tired.."

The request would have made Bwana roll his eyes under normal circumstances, but he was here to win the trust and devotion of this lioness. He couldn't show his true colors just yet.

"Of course. We're not far from my home but the sun is quite hot...we can rest until it begins to set," he offered, tail curling around his legs as he settled down as well. "I'll be sure nothing else will chase you while I'm here."

"Thank you, Bwana," Luljeta murmured, smiling a little more. With this leopard here she should rest easy. That would mean she could honestly nap for the first time in a long, long time. She sighed slowly and laid her head on her paws as she got comfortable. With that, her eyes drifted shut and she slowly let herself slip into the obliviousness of sleep.