Lúhuì'Huā, Sugiya and Guards: = Word Count: 1,355
While they were led to the Princess, the flip side had been more darker...

Two leopards had come in..and beaten her. With only a few small grunts here and there, she made no other noises of pain. Instead. They gave her the 'new' slave treatment. This- was not orders by the Princess. No. But with specific rules and orders came extra orders that were naturally kicked in after broken. The weight of a Princess's words.. The princess knew nothing of. Ami had yet to study the secrets and underground orders carried out by guards that had aggression and protective issues. Emi was always cautious, Ami- hadn't learned to be. All she knew is, whatever she said- It would be done. With only 10 minutes of beatings- she was left alone. Going to the furthest part of the cave. She hadn't known this area of the pride. She never imagened she would be tied up like her mother. Feeling the rope tighten against her throat every time she tried to get away.. Now she knew what her mother felt like. She couldn't get away from the beatings that thankfully her mother never went through. The beatings didn't break her. But the memories of her mother being tied up- in a dark room such as this.. Now she understood it and she cried.... For the first time.. Coiling up in a ball where she could stand without the rope tightening as her chin slowly rubbed against the floor.

Hours it felt like eternity that went by. They told her it wasn't the end- she would be working the tunnels soon enough, but they didn't break her. What they did didn't but the memories shook her quite a bit. As soon as she was thought to have been alone. Foot steps came- but she didn't move. Til they got close, she remained completely still as if dead- her breath shallow enough not to let her chest rise.

"....Doctor Lúhuì'Huā?" A slight familiar of a voice rang out from the opposite side of the enclosed space. Lulu didn't respond and out of the shadows came a face that she hadn't seen in a very long time.

The pull of being a doctor was when you were gone- others noticed. And quickly. Poisons were made and cures were done in by the head Doctor but there were not many in the field except for Lulu and her master. Katapatan was informed but she was too late. Suki had been the contact to Kata- as well as some other guards. Kata explained and assured that Lulu would never have to go through this, but she did and Kata couldn't stop it. Not by the alternative orders that guards stood by. Once you got in to the guards clutches, there was no telling what COULD happen. Instead, it was a harsh reality that they faced when a friend was on the other side. "I will speak to Lady Emi, you will be free-d rest assured." The pain she saw in Lulu- a child she had brought in to the pride herself. Quickly she clawed and pried her way through the rooted, bamboo enclosure. Lifting her head and placed it upon Lulu's neck. Coiling around her, and softly petting her head. "My little poisons expert.. Please forgive me..." Suki popped his head in. "Kata- did you fin- LULU!" Quickly he ran up to the cage but was stopped by Kata's head raising and a hissing. "Shuuuhshh.. They will hear us." From the other side of the cage, he saw the love of his life, beaten. Bruises, dark spots and patches of her fur missing. The anger.. they venom went through him. It was all because of THAT client of hers.... Dijinni. Whom he would make sure to make his life a living hell.. But Kata shook her head when he nodded if he could enter. No one else could, and behind him a guard came in. "Right Hand. Should we move her to the slave tunneling." Kata's eyes rose as she growled. "She is ordered to stay here til further notice. No one- I mean no one will take her away unless it is with me, Understand."

The Guard left, and Kata softly petted Lulu- hoping and wanting to save her but she could do nothing. Her heart ached a little- as she looked to Suki and asked. "What happened..." Suki trotted up to Kata and lowered his body to tell the tale. "The Princess took an interest in Dijinni, one of Lulu's ....'customers'- and she tried to help him take a break- and said that he can't see anyone. Then Lulu came through, was caught in his courtiers and I think he ordered her away." Suki's words hadn't sunk in. But yet she thought- maybe Dijinni didn't want to see her anymore. Maybe he did this on his own. No- it was the princess. But why would the princess do something like this.. Her mind went in to sleep as she passed out. The exhaustion was incredible. "She's asleep..." Kata announced after a while. "I have to speak with Lady Emi. In the meantime you may keep her company.." But Suki had no reason to stay. He needed to make something happen and while he watched over Lulu and had Kata pass him. Something in him clicked. 'Get close to the Princess.' Was his only other solution.

When the guard headed down there- he was encountered with the pathetic look of Lulu coiled in a ball. By this time, Suki and Kata had left her to seek reinforcements but they were late and the one to let her out was the guard whom made the order to bind her to slavery. With one swipe cutting down the vined lock. "You know.... He is the Princess's now." Smirking down at her, Lulu wasn't beaten in to submission yet- she still had will. They hadn't broke her but the mental damage had started. Boss Lady Emi would take her out of her- she continued to tell herself. "I don't know if you know this.. But you are blind- you may be good about healing and poisoning but you don't know a lick about what is around you. So to make clear- If you are ..............'friends' with Dijinni.. It is best to-" Then out of a resting position- Lulu had reacted so smoothly and so quickly- throwing herself on the guard and smashing him against a rock. "Dare not speak his name!!!! You'll filth him.." As if he were a prize to be won- as if the Princess had made him than anyone else. Then she got quiet- and was pushed down and her body went limp as he smashed her in to submission til she was barely moving. The memories of her mother had flooded in the time she was away. Nightmare after nightmare of her screams in the darkness. It only took one night- for her to crack.. As soon as he was done with her.

Towered over her- he smiled. It only took one night...? Well isn't that something, he grinned. Then went under her and brought her back to the surface. She was conscious- but not. Her eyes wide open but unresponsive. She probably now had broken ribs- and bruises all over but she didn't even whimper in pain. Others looked at them as they got to the surface, staring them down until she was at her den again- he slowly walked in to it and Suki ran up. "Guard!" The guard smiled. "I'm guessing this one- goes here." Dropping her without even a hesitation or worry that it might hurt her. A hiss came from Suki as he ran to her side and softly petted her. "She has the day off. Make sure she is making poisons by the morning of tomorrow." Then he left..

"Lulu- " Softly petting her long mane out of her face- she was gone for the moment til her eyes reacted to Suki. Blinking and realizing where she was but she didn't move much even after, just closed her eyes and cried.